Chapter 14

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[Charles' POV]

"Your scan shows that..." The doctor said. Please say i'm cancer free, please say i'm cancer free. I thought to myself. It seemed like he would never finish that sentance, that we were frozen in time, but finally he said, "There is no evidence of cancer in your brain, body, anywhere. You are offically cancer free, Mr. Trippy, congratulations." For a moment I sat there blank. Did he really say what I just thought he said? I slowly reached my arm down and pinched my thigh. "OW!" I yelled, laughing. We all began laughing. "No, Charles it's real. It's really actually seriously in all seriousness really actually real!" Alli exclaimed, jumping out of her chair. I stood up from my bed. "It was worth it. It was seriously so fucking worth it. The surgeries, the seizures, the doctors and ER visits, the oral chemo, the needle chemo, the pain, the nausea, the everything. It is worth it." I stated. "Hell yeah its worth it!" Alli yelled. We began dancing. Well, as well as a pregnant girl and a drugged up boy could dance, which was pretty terribly. Alli did this weird step forward with one foot step back with other foot, repeat while waving hands in air and laughing like idiot dance that looked pretty hilarious. I did a two-step that had absolutely no beat to it whatsoever. I attempted to clap my hands with my cast on but all it did was make a little click noise. We laughed and stopped dancing. I picked up the camera. "INTERNET HIGH FIVE FOR CANCER FREE CHARLES!" I said happily. I smacked the camera lens. "Yeah!" Alli laughed. "High five for you!" I said, high fiving Alli, "And high five for you!" I smiled, touching the camera to Alli's bump. She laughed. I laughed. We all laughed. The doctor came in to take us to ring the cancer free bell. I walked down that hallway like I was Neil Armstrong, taking the first steps onto the surface of the moon. I walked with a newfound confidence and joy, a spring in my step and camera in my hand. When we finally reached the bell, I handed the camera to Alli. I walked up to the bell. I wrapped my hands around the bell, as well as I could with my cast, and pulled. The bell rang long and hard. It rang, delivering the sound of freedom, happiness, and joy to everyone's ear. It rang, and it showed the whole wide world that me, Charles Paul Trippy The Third, had beaten grade three oligodendroglioma. I was now a cancer free man, I walked cancer free steps, I said cancer free words, I smiled a cancer free smile. I lived, ate and breathed cancer free-ness. I kicked cancers ass. I beat its butt. I killed it and now it would never bother me ever again. We, the CTFxC, sent the brain slug on a one way trip into deep space. Goodbye, Cancer. The CTFxC, Alli and I will enjoy life a hell of a lot better without you. Good riddance!

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