Chapter 23

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October 24, 2014, 5:20 PM

[Alli's POV]

"Push?" I screamed. "Yes Alli, it's time to push." Dr. Megan calmly told me. "It feels like there's a bowling ball sitting on my pelvis." I explained. "Then push, honey." Charles said gently. The pain got worse. I grabbed Charles' hand and squeezed it so tightly it might have left a permanent indentation. "Come on honey you can do it!" Charles yelled, vlogging with his other hand that was it being vigorously squeezed by yours truly. "Ok Alli...1...2...3...PUSH!" Dr. Megan screamed. I pushed hard. "AHHH!" I screamed, beginning to cry. "Again. 1...2...3...PUSH!" Dr. Megan instructed. I pushed harder. "One more time!" She yelled. "I love you honey. Come on." Charles said to me. I pushed again as hard as I could and I heard it. A baby crying. Our baby crying. "There's the girl!" Dr. Megan announced. "Angela Quinn Trippy. Born October 24, 2014, 5:34 PM." Charles stated. "She's 2 and a half pounds and 15 inches long." Dr. Megan announced. She was taken to the NICU, because she was so premature. "Next one!" Dr. Megan yelled. Without her even counting, I pushed as long as I could and as hard as I could. I heard a cry. "Quentin Kyle Trippy. Born October 24, 2014, 5:35 PM." Charles stated. He was taken to the NICU too. I focused on my breathing as the pain subsided. The doctors left. "You did it." Charles smiled. I did it. I had Angela and Quentin. We vlogged and tweeted until a doctor came in to prep me for the c-section. He handed me a packet of information. I took it and began to read. The words "low chance of survival" "unlikely to live" "not supposed to have survived" and "don't expect a live baby" floated off the page. I began to cry. "Charles...what if they don't survive?" I asked, sobbing. "Shh, honey, it's okay." Charles said. The paper had made it clear that it would take a miracle for our baby to see this world, to meet their parents and siblings, to live. "We need a miracle, Charles." I said, putting down the papers, stained by my tears. Charles opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Dr. Megan coming back in. "Are you ready for your spinal block, Alli?" She asked.

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