Chapter 18

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August 26th, 2014, 12:30 PM

[Charles' POV]

We pressed the refresh button one last time and the number of subscribers the CTFxC channel had became...

2,000,000! "Two fucking goddamn million fucking people!" I screamed, picking up the camera again. "WATCH YOUR FUCKING GODDAMN LANGUAGE OR THE BABIES WILL COME OUT OF MY WOMB SWEARING!" Alli screamed back. We began laughing hysterically. "I love you Alli." I said, kissing her. "I love you too Charles." She replied.

6:30 PM

We were out to dinner with Travis, Jenny, Danny and Lindsay. "You know what's funny?" Travis asked. "That we used to be stupid kids, but now you guys are engaged," he said, gesturing to Danny and Lindsey, "We are getting married in a month," he said, giving Jenny a hug, "and you guys have twins on the way." He finished. "What's funny about that?" I asked, my Charles brain perplexed. "The fact that we used to be stupid kids that don't know what the fuck they're going to do that weekend, much less for the rest of their lives, and now we're, like, adults!" He laughed. "Wow." Alli said, spacing out. "Yeah, wow!" Danny agreed. "Now, wow this!" She smiled, putting her hands to her stomach. "They're kicking!" She exclaimed. They took turns feeling them kick. "What should we name them?"

I asked. "I don't know, why don't we ask the internet!" Lindsay suggested. "Good idea." I agreed. I proceeded to put on twitter, Instagram, Facebook and the vlog, "Hey guys! Alli and I are having a hard time deciding the names of Baby girl Trippy and Baby boy Trippy. Leave suggestions for us!" After dinner, Alli and I went back home to see a flood of suggestions. It would be so hard to just pick two!


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