Chapter Eighteen

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Izuku's POV

I didn't know what day it was. I couldn't tell how much longer till I would visit Eri. I had no idea how many times I visited Eri. I wonder if Eri knew. I wonder how long Eri has been here. I didn't want to know the answer to that though.

I took up my time with making rainbow loom bracelets, sleeping, and thinking about my boyfriends. I couldn't even decide if that was what they were anymore. I had started to hope that they just forgot about me and moved on. It would be better for them if they did. But I knew that that was not likely.

The door opens and I sit up. Shinsou is standing in the doorway. I stand up and slowly walk over to him.

When we turn a corner I see someone on the other side of the hallway. I gasp as I stare at the person standing before me in the hallway. Uraraka.

I hadn't considered that she could have gone and joined this gang. But now that I thought of it, it makes a lot of sense. Uraraka didn't want to be Infected. Being Infected was her hell and this gang pretty much promised her a way out. Even if that way out was me. Was that price really that bad? My life gets taken to save so many others. I could stop so many people from dying.

"Shinsou," she glares at him. I look over at Shinsou who staring glaring back at Uraraka. He didn't seem scared of her at all. I think I was scared of her. "I swear to god if you did this on purpose I will kill you," she hisses the threat bitterly.

"So I may have guessed that you would be tested on again today and decided to get Izuku ten minutes early," Shinsou said with a little shrug.

"Why would you do that?" Uraraka and I ask at the same time. It reminded me of how it used to be. When we were friends and things were halfway normal.

"I was tired of having to lead Izuku around and have to make sure he didn't run into you," Shinsou explains.

"Ura... why would you do this?" I ask her. "Do you know what you did to Toga? What you did to me."

Uraraka didn't respond. Her face was expressionless. She turned around and started to walk down a different hall without a second thought.

"Thank you... for telling me or more so showing me," I said looking over at Shinsou.

He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Like I said I was tired of having to make sure that you two didn't run into each other."

"Of course," I say rolling my eyes. I was planning on staying silent for the rest of the walk but one of the things Shinsou said kept on replaying in my head. "Why is she being tested on?" I ask praying for a response.

"Someone has to find out if your cure works. Everyone here has to play a part and that is hers," Shinsou explains without even glancing at me.

We stop in front of Eri's room and I decide to not ask for more information. I didn't need to know any more than I already did.

The door opens and Eri runs to us right away. She jumps up into Shinsou's arms causing him to laugh.

"Shin, can you stay with us today?" She asks himself sweetly.

"Of course Eri," Shinsou responds.

Shinsou walks into the room with me. He puts down Eri and sits on the ground.

"Izuku you should draw Shinsou," Eri suggests. She walks over to me with a piece of paper and only a purple crayon. I laugh a little and grab the rest of the crayons.

As I colored I realized something. This whole thing seemed fake. This whole place and this whole... everything. Like a puzzle that almost got destroyed because of a missing piece. Like I was that piece that needed to be altered so everything else would work.

I could make everything better. Eri was no longer getting tortured, Uraraka was going to be cured, Shinsou didn't have to worry about Eri anymore. And Todoroki and Bakugou could go and be happy without me dragging them down.


Todoroki's POV

"So we all agree that this is the plan?" Dabi asks for final clarification.

"Yeah, it is the best plan we have," I answer looking over at Katsuki. He looked upset but not the same type of upset he usually looks. I don't want to show I am panicking. I reached my hand out to him and he took it.

"Toga will be leaving soon. Mic do you have everything set up?" Mic nods to Azaiwa.

"I still don't like this plan," Katsuki grumbles.

"It's the best plan we have," I whisper to him trying to keep him relatively calm.

"I know."

Toga stands up and walks out the door without saying another word to anyone. She had been doing that a lot lately. I would have been more worried about her bit all of my energy was going towards Izuku.


I had never seen the edge of the city. Well, I suppose this wasn't the real edge of the city. There was a huge trail of underground rooms and hallways that were right in front of us we just couldn't see it.

Toga was currently mapping out as much of the bunker that she could. She was able to gain their trust surprisingly fast. Someone had been following her but once she was certain that no one would see she got rid of them.

The whole league was hiding behind a building just waiting. I don't think the whole league had ever gone on a mission together. I knew they hadn't since I had joined. Then I remembered that there was one time I knew of when the whole league went on a mission together. When they saved me. They only all went when they thought someone could die. At least that meant they thought he was alive.

Any minute now she was going to open the hatch to the bunker and we would infiltrate.

From what Toga was able to tell us, through whatever Mic made, this was more of a lab and holding bunker than the one they stayed at. So from the sounds of it, we wouldn't have to fight many people. That wasn't the problem, the problem was who we would be fighting.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Katsuki. "Do you really think this is going to work?" He asks me.

"We have to believe it will," I tell him.

There isn't time for more conversation as a door opens up on the ground a ways away from us.

It was time.


Hello, lovelies. (By the way, I never asked. Are y'all okay with me calling you that?)
I hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry that it was short. Please vote and comment.

Have a great day/night/3am

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