Chapter Fourteen

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Izuku's POV


It is was the day after the party. I had spent all morning hanging out with Todoroki and Kacchan. The only reason I was in the kitchen right now was to get snacks.

As I walk out of the kitchen with my arm full of snacks I see Toga.

"Hey, Toga," I call out stopping her.

"Oh, hello Midoriya," she says quickly.

"Where are you going?" I ask looking towards where Toga was going. It was the latter that lead outside.

"Oh just going to scavenging. For clothes and food and other things I guess," she answers with a shrug.

"You are feeling better?" I ask. Her makeup was done again and so was her hair. She seems fine which was strange because of how torn up she was yesterday.

"What do you mean?" She asks. "Oh, you mean about Uraraka. Yeah, I mean she left because she wanted to. And now I will continue to help my family." I tight smile made its way to her face. 

"Oh okay well I am going to go back to Todoroki's room," I tell her walking away.

I found it a bit strange but Toga was right. I guess I was kinda doing the same thing. But Toga and I knew two different Uraraka's so how could we be dealing with this in the same way?


"Hey, Shigaraki I was just wondering how did you find this bunker?" I ask.

Shigaraki scratched at his neck before responded, "Luck, and connections to other Infecteds."

"Other Infecteds? Why are they not a part of the league," I couldn't figure out why I was suspicious of Shigaraki but something seemed off.

"Do you know survivors that are not in UA? Like Shindo from that other gang. The same thing applies," Shigaraki replies irritably.


"What is wrong Izuku?" Todoroki asks me.

I look up from my book and tilt my head a bit. "What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Yeah what are you talking about?" Kacchan asks sitting up.

"I mean that you haven't turned the page for five minutes and from what I can tell you aren't even reading. What are you thinking about?" He asks me.

"Nothing that important. It is just that everyone seems on edge. Like they are afraid to even be here," I explain hoping that Todoroki might be able to explain.

He didn't.


"Monoma, can you please calm down," I hear Kendo say.

Momo had gotten injured this morning. I was just on my way to see how she was doing.

"No, I will not calm down. This is their fault. I am certain that one of them did it. No one in the league has ever gotten hurt like this before we let them in," I hear him yell.

"And how are you so certain?"

"Do you not remember what happened to Tetustetus? He died so we can live and now you want to throw that away because why. Because your girlfriend used to be one of them. Good, you make me sick. They tried to kill us before, they will again!"

"Monama do not do anything you would regret," Kendo says cautiously.

"Believe me Kendo if I do anything I won't regret it," Monama said ending the convention.

I hightailed it out of there before I got caught.


"Why is the door to the upstairs closed?" I ask Todoroki while staring up the stairs.

"There is a meeting going on," he says simply.

"I thought those only happened when Ibara has news," I look back at him.

"Well, Ibara is no longer our spy since most of UA saw her help us during the break-in," Todoroki says not giving me much information.

"So you guys no longer have information about UA?" I ask surprised that the league just give up their spy that easily.

"We aren't fools we still have a spy we just have other ways of communicating with them."

"Really who is it?" Kacchan asks walking up to us.

"Her name is Mei Hatsume," Todoroki says making me laugh. "What is funny Izuku?"

"Well I know Mei and she is dating my friend Iida. And Iida is a... well he thinks that survivors should be the only people alive," I say hesitantly. I was ashamed to say that he was my friend.

"Oh wow. That is the bastard she has been using for information," Todoroki says with a small laugh.

"Well I don't know why we are standing out here if the upstairs is closed," Kacchan says.

I walk back with Todoroki and Kacchan to Todoroki's room.

Kacchan and I both had rooms but Todoroki was the only one with a more costumed room. Also, he had a gaming console.

"Why aren't you at the meeting?" Kacchan asks while walking into the room.

"It is a more closed-off meeting. Only Mic, Shigaraki, Toga, Monoma, and Kendo," Todoroki explains, "I am still relatively new to the league."

I pause for a second. Was that why all of them were on edge? And what were they meeting about? Why was it only the older members? And why wasn't Dabi there?

"Hey guys, I will be right back I need to go ask Dabi something," I explain and walk back out the door.

I walk to the second floor and to the door with the Do Not Enter sign. I knock on the door and wait. The door opens quickly.

"What do you want kid?" He asks me crossing his arms.

"There is a meeting going on right now. Why aren't you there?" I ask bluntly.

"I wasn't invited."

"Why?" I ask knowing that if I was going to get the information it was from him.

Dabi looks down the hallway then opens his door more. I walk in and he closes the door behind me. Dabi's room was nice...okay it was actually really cool. He had led lights, a beanbag chair, and posters. I guess it was because he had been a part of the league for so long.

"It isn't just any meeting. They are meeting with others. I have been known to not agree with these people so I wasn't allowed to go," Dabi says.

"Who are they?"  I question.

"A different gang. I don't know much about it kid. Shigaraki doesn't talk to me about these things anymore. So is this interrogation done?" Dabi asks annoyed.

I roll my eyes and nod my head "yeah whatever. Thank you for your help," I say and walk out of the room.

I walk back to Todoroki's room and sigh. Dabi really hadn't been much help. Then again maybe I was just pulling at straws. Trying to prove that my friends, people I looked up to were right. Though I didn't want Infecteds to be evil but something did seem wrong. 

"What are you worrying about Deku?" Kacchan asks.

"Oh nothing," I say not wanting them to be annoyed with something that most likely was nothing.

Todoroki pulls me down onto the bed and into a hug. "We aren't stupid Izuku, but if you don't want to talk about it that is fine," he assures me.

"Okay, I promise I will tell you if it really is something."


Hey guys gals and non-binary pals. How are y'all today? Did anyone see the new sander sides?

Well, I hoped y'all liked this chapter. Please comment and vote 💕

Have a wonderful day/night/evening/3 am

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