Chapter Sixteen

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Katsuki's POV
-Before Izuku was kidnapped-

I woke up when the door to the bedroom slammed shut. I would have guessed it was just Shoto but he never wanted to wake up Deku so he was really quiet in the morning.

When I looked up at who entered the room I realized it wasn't one person but three. They were all taller than me and looked furious.

"Step aside. We only want the little one," The shortest one said.

"Like hell, I am letting you take him," I say standing up.

The tallest one charged at me before I could react. I fall backward and almost hit my head on the dresser. I quickly get back on my feet and throw a punch. Then I get knocked out.

--- present-day ---
Izuku's POV

Shinsou led me through the hallways. The walk felt a lot longer than it probably was.

"So how close were you and Todoroki?" I ask trying to distract myself from my most likely death.

"Pretty close I guess. Though I never considered him family. I always found the whole thing with the league's family system weird. Like Toga sees almost everyone there as a family. Even though her brother Shigaraki is crushing on her brother Dabi. And none of them are related," Shinsou mini rants.

"I don't think it's that weird. She just wants a family as most people do," I explain. I could tell that Shinsou didn't like talking about Todoroki. He also would barely look at me. I look away from Shinsou and something colorful catches my eye.

He had a rainbow loom bracelet on his wrist. It reminded me of the one that Todoroki had. In fact, it was the exact same.

"Where did you get that bracelet?" I question.

Shinsou looks down at his wrist. A few emotions cross his face but I wasn't able to identify any of them.

"I made it," he answers.

"That seems a little out of character for you," I comment.

"Well, you are wrong. I found a rainbow loom one day and I have been making bracelets ever since," he says then stops in front of a door.

"We are here. Have fun," he opens the door and I am left face to face with Overhaul.

He was scary but in the is this even a human way and not in the I call Kacchan, Bakugou kind of way. He was tall as Shigaraki. He wore this semi-formal suit with a weird green jacket with purple fur.

The weirdest part of his outfit was the clean white gloves and plague doctor mask. I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of the apocalypse. When the apocalypse first started people tried to fight it off with stuff like that. It didn't work.

"Hello Midoriya, as you may know, I am Overhaul," the man says.

I look away from him. Instead of responding I survey the room. It was gray and there were two couches in between Overhaul and me.

"If you two sit down I could explain why you are here," he says while sitting down on the couch closer to him.

Shinsou practically dragged me over to the couch. He was definitely more eager to know why I was here than me.

"So tell us why," Shinsou says leaning forward. He rests his arms on his knees.

"I wanted him to meet Eri," Overhaul said with a smirk.

I heard Shinsou cuss under his breath. I didn't know who Eri was but Shinsou was definitely pissed that I was meeting her.

"Why?" He asks Overhaul.

"Because they have a lot in common," Overhaul says standing up. "We should go, I told her she was getting a guest."

Shinsou takes my arm and pulls me up. "Be nice," He says to me, quiet enough that Overhaul couldn't hear.

We walk into the hallways again but this time the walk was short. No tricks just two turns than a door.

Overhaul opens the door and we walk into a room that looked like it was from a horror movie.

There was a pink chair in the middle of the room. All around were wires, and other things that made it look like a room out of a psycho doctor's office.

Overhaul walks over another door to on the left wall of the room. Inside that room was a room that looked like mine.

There were unopened toys on the ground. Two bedside tables, one had a mushroom lamp on it, next to a queen-sized bed. In the middle of the queen-sized bed, there was a little girl. I assume she is Eri.

The girl looks up and quickly hides under the covers. Shinsou steps into the room and clears his throat. Eri peaks out from under the covers and jumps out of the bed. She runs over to Shinsou, who quickly picks her up and hugs her.

"Hey Eri," Shinsou says in the happiest voice I had heard from him.

"Hi Shin," Eri says happily. She glances over at me then whispers to Shinsou.

"That is Izuku Midoriya. He is nice you can say hi," Shinsou says giving me a warning look like I am going to bully the girl.

"Hello," she says timidly.

"Hello. It is nice to meet you Eri," I smile and she shyly smiles back.

Overhaul leaves the room without saying anything. Eri slowly lets go of Shinsou and walks over to me.

"Are you like me?" She asks me while watching the door.

I look to Shinsou hoping that he could explain.

"Eri do you want to tell him or should I?" Shinsou asks her while leaning against the wall.

"You explain it better," Eri says sitting on her bed.

"Eri has a special mutation. It is like the mutation that causes Infecteds. She is not able to get infected. So she can not become a Rotter or an Infected. Overhaul seems to believe that you possess the same mutation," Shinsou explains.

"So you are telling me that I can't become an Infected?" I ask not believing him at all. Eri at this point had stopped paying attention.

"How does one become infected?" Shinsou asks me.

The lesson all kids had drilled into their heads comes to my mind. The altered DNA from the originals can be spread. If any amount of their DNA gets into your system you are done for. The altered DNA attacks your cells almost instantaneously. Your cells will change into Rotters. Or if you are lucky an Infected.

"If any of their DNA gets into your body," I say, something in the back of my head trying to tell me where this conversation was going.

"I assume you have kissed Todoroki, or Bakugou," Shinsou says.

"Yeah-" I stop and realize exactly what Shinsou was saying.

I should have already been infected. Multiple times.


Hello lovelies

Sorry this chapter took so long

Oh right and Finn happy belated birthday

Well hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night/3am

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