Chapter Eight

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Izuku's POV

"Well, kid you are stronger than you look. I'm guessing you want to fight because if we really were trying to hurt you you would have fought back," Dabi says as he gets up.

"That and Todoroki would kill you if I was the only one that came out of here hurt," I explain.

"I doubt that but hey he has never had a boyfriend before."

We both get into fighting stances. "We aren't dating," I clarify.

Dabi rolls his eyes and takes out two knives, "Knifes to bare hands?"

"Well I don't want you to be at too much of a disadvantage," I say with a giggle.

"Whatever kid," Dabi charges at me.

I sidestep and elbow Dabi between the shoulder blades. He whips around, almost making it seem like he wasn't in pain. One of the blades skims my arm.

"Don't underestimate me," He says with a cocky smile.

"I could say the same to you." This time I charge but Dabi dodges. "You do hang out with Todoroki so I expected you to be good."

"Well we are brothers," He says casually.

"What?" I ask alarmed.

"Oh I'm sorry did he not tell you, whoops," Dabi attacks again this time getting a sizable cut on my arm. "Oh come on it is no fun if you don't fight back. How about this if you win against me I will answer your questions. I know you have them."

That caught my attention. I did have a lot of questions and at this point, I doubted that Todoroki would tell me anything.

I nod my head and get ready. My training kicks in and I start to zone out. I watch as my body moves by itself. Dabi and me both getting good hits in. Mine marks less because I was using my hands.

The battle couldn't have lasted any longer than 15 minutes before Dabi and I were both on the ground. Neither of us had won.

"I only have one question, why is Present Mic unable to talk?" I look over at him with a pitiful expression hoping that he will answer my question.

"Seriously, that is what you want to know?" Dabi asks shocked.

"I understand why Todoroki didn't tell me about you and him. He doesn't like to think about... Well, you know. But I really want to know what happened to Mic and I feel like he isn't going to tell me."

"You sure you want to know, it could change your opinion on some of your heroes."

"Why does everyone think that I mindlessly love and agree with my heroes? Just tell me."

"When Uncle Mic turned into an Infected his team didn't notice, he didn't either. So he went back into the base the worst place he could have possibly gone. He was quickly found out and sentenced to death."

"Sentenced to death? I thought that they only did that once with Todoroki."

"Nope and stop talking. The executioner thought it would be fun to break Mic first. Take away the thing he was most proud of. His voice so they cut off his tongue. Lucky he was able to escape after that. I don't know how he did though."

"That is terrible," I whisper it being the only thing that comes to mind.

"Yeah, it is," Dabi stands up and pulls me up after.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asks me confused.

"How you guys are treated." The conversation didn't continue after that. Neither of us knew what to say but I felt like we agreed.

Dabi and I walk out of the training room. We both looked like shit. I look down at myself and notice that Dabi had completely avoided my outfit. I suppose Toga would have killed him if he hadn't.

Dabi was fun to fight. I felt that we were equal and it would interesting if we got to fight without weapons.

We walk back into the bar and everyone gasps. I think they were expecting Dabi to be less beat up.

Todoroki rushes to me while Shigaraki rushes to Dabi. Todoroki put his arm over my shoulder.

"You two are idiots," Momo comments from her place next to Kendo.

I note that Kendo had her head on Momo's shoulder and Momo was blushing. Clueless idiots. Though I guess most people in the league are kinda clueless.

I liked Todoroki for all of his time during first year and he didn't notice. Toga most definitely liked Uraraka and I don't think that she has admitted that to herself yet. Mina was currently staring at Ibara like they were a goddess, which could be true by the way Ibara dresses. Shigaraki seemed to have a thing for Dabi but that wasn't going anywhere.

God, I love this place.

Toga skips over to me with a smile that no longer sets me on edge. She looked down at my wrists and shook her head.

"We would have disarmed you," She tells me and quickly grabs my wrists.

She takes the bracelets from me and puts them on her wrists. "I will keep these safe. And as for my clothes, I see that they are still in prime condition next time I see you they should still be like that."

"I understand Toga," I say with a smile.

"And since we are friends now you can call me Himiko."

"Wait for a second how come none of us get to call you that," Dabi exclaims, "I have known you almost your whole life."

"Yeah but I like Izuku more," She says with a sweet smile.

"Okay we are only prolonging the inevitable," I speak up.

"Yeah I know, you should probably leave now it is almost dark so if anyone sees you they won't notice how nice your clothes look," Kendo says sitting up.

"I understand, Toga tell Ura I say goodbye," Toga nods and hugs me goodbye. "Todoroki I trust that you are walking me out?"

Todoroki nods and takes my hand. I wave goodbye to everyone with the other hand.

We exit the building and I look around. I look around and don't recognize anything.

"UA is over that way," Todoroki points North. "Try to stay going North as much as you can."

"Got it," I smile at Todoroki "by the way you should check out our brother's ribs I think I kicked them a little too hard," I smile more at Todoroki's bewildered expression.

"Goodbye Sho," I kiss him on the cheek and leave him standing there in shock.

I sigh once I am far enough away that I am sure I can't be seen. I am pretty sure I am crying too. I hadn't even been there for a week and I already felt like I had lost part of my family.

I decided to run because that always helped clear my head. I take off in a full-on spirit hoping that I don't get lost. I keep on running my injuries burn and the tears never stop falling from my eyes.

That was until I ran straight into someone.


I look down at who I had bulldozed into and freeze. Kacchan. I change my expression quickly. Looking pissed at him was not the way to go.

I drop to the ground in front of him. Making the tears in my eyes multiply as he looks at me.

"Deku?" He asks confused.

I lung forward and hug Kacchan. Surprisingly he hugged me back. If I was being honest the majority of the tears were real.

"I am so sorry Kacchan. I... I-I."

Kacchan stands up while still hugging me. I look up at Kacchan as he holds me.

"It is okay Izuku," He whispers. "You're safe."

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