Chapter Three

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Izuku's POV

"She isn't one of you she will never be one of you!" I scream lunging at the crazy girl.

"Careful if you hurt our dear Toga we will have no choice but to hurt your precious Ochako," Purple scars taunts me. "Could you please hold him back?" He asks Kacchan. I almost laugh at the idea of Kacchan taking orders from an Infected.

But I feel my arm being pulled back and turn my head as a small, "why?" escapes my lips.

The League looks at each other as if they were having a conversation. From what I could tell Toga wasn't happy with the outcome. "We are under strict order to not hurt either of you. Though I would really like to see you all bloody again Izu," Toga says.

"From who," I ask but the League starts to walk away.

They all walk in different directions, I guess it was so we wouldn't be able to follow. I struggle against Kacchan trying to run after them. If I could just keep up they would eventually have to go to their base. He held me tightly not letting up. Even with all my training, he was still stronger.

"Didn't you hear what they said? If you hurt Toga and I assume anyone else they will hurt Uraraka," He says his voice was strained and his eyes showed defeat. I knew that he felt guilty for this because I did too.

I rip my arm out from his grasp. "I know that but that doesn't mean," I hesitate. I didn't know what I was going to do. I was powerless in this situation. "I'm leaving. I will be back before the end of the patrol. Say whatever you want to Azaiwa just don't follow me," I keep my face blank. All my self-control was going into not breaking down or doing something reckless. But I guess leaving right after an attack is kinda reckless.


"If you follow me I won't hesitate to shoot you Bakugou."

I walk away guessing he will take my threat seriously. I turn down the ally that no one in the league walked down.

I wanted to follow them but the chances were way too risky and I didn't have a plan. I just needed to away from Bakugou and everything else. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if this apocalypse never happened. I wouldn't know over half of my friends but the other half wouldn't be dead. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to the guy that started it. He is the only one that deserves to die.

I look around to see where I was but I didn't recognize anything. I had somehow walked into a building. I guess it's some kind of storage facility based on how it was laid out. I turn around to leave but the door shuts which blocks off the only light source. I look down at my hands which I can barely see.

I turn around trying to remind myself which way I came. With the door shut everything looked the same. I rest my hand on the knife triggers of my bracelet. Another invention that I had Mei to thank for. If I put my thumb on the sensor on my left wrist, razor-sharp blades will shoot out of my skeleton bracelet.

I whip around again when I hear the echo of footsteps. My eyes burned while trying to adjust.

"Where are you? Who are you?" I ask my voice waivers despite me trying not to.

"Aw don't remember me. I'm hurt, really," A voice says, I vaguely recognize the voice but not enough to know who it was. Whoever it was they weren't upset.

I put my back to a wall and clutched my knives. I take a deep breath and think.

"Okay, I don't know the way out and can't find it thanks to the fog. I can't see this person so I can't fight them. I also don't know how strong or smart they are. No one is coming to save me because of what I said. There is only one so chances are it is an Infected"

I hear another chuckle and realize that I had been thinking out loud. "Wow, this is great for me. You have no backup and can't escape. And here I was thinking this might be hard," The voice says from my right.

I lung to my right attacking with my left knife. I slash my arm through the air but it gets stopped. The hand that grabbed my wrist was cold, really cold. I quickly try to pull it back but the icy hand holds tight.

Like two puzzle pieces coming together I suddenly realize who I am fighting. Panic shoots through my body as I jump up and kick the person in the stomach.

I don't know for certain, I tell myself. They are dead. They have been dead for years.

I hear a hiss of pain as I land on the ground. I correct my stance ready for a head-on fight but nothing happens. The room becomes quiet making the uneasiness in my stomach more intense.

I gasped as my wrists are once again grabbed. The person harshly pulled my wrists behind my back. I try to flick my wrist hoping to cut them but fail. Some hard collides with my head. The world starts to fade to black.

The last thing I hear, barely louder than a whisper is "I'm sorry."


The room I wake up in was dark but not as dark as the room I was knocked out in. There were lights but they were red like emergency power lights. No one was in the room but it was a bedroom. I try to move but my wrists and ankles were chained. I fight against the restraints but stop when I hear footsteps and voices.

"No Psycho I am not going to let you go into my room and stare at him," The faint voice says from behind the door.

"Aw, why not meany. He is just so gorgeous and bloody. I wouldn't do anything, you can watch me," A whiny voice replays.

"The answer is no. Now go away," With that the conversion ends.

The second whiney person stomps away and the door opens. I adjust my head so I can see the person. Tears rush to my eyes when I see them but I force them back.

"You know there is a lot of things I could say about these restraints Todoroki."

Sorry that this took so long I have been cosplaying a lot more and I had writers' block.

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