Letter #60

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Dear Swift,

I've sent you more than fifty letters already but I still haven't heard from you. I don't know if you ever received them but I don't care. I will keep on writing letters until you get fed up and decided to answer me.

Your mom is still not opening the door for me and she stopped talking to my mom as well.

I've tried calling your phone but it never rang. I sent you emails but they were returned to me and I looked for you online but I never found you.

My heart is in so much pain. I missed you. Like crazy. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I am barely functioning. I couldn't get the thought of you out of my head. I kept on thinking if you are okay. Last time I saw you were in a pretty bad shape and I regret leaving that day. I shoud've just endured stinking and I shouldn't have left, maybe you are still with me.

Please Swift, just tell me that you are okay. And I will be okay. I'll accept it if you hate me and have nothing to do with me. I just need to know that you are okay. Please. Please. Just one text. That's all I need. I love you.



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