Chapter 20: Night Changes

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We're only getting older baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy?
Just how fast the night changes

Weekend has come around quick. It felt like I just closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them five school days had passed.

Today is the sixth day of Harry and I being officially together. And today is the day he promised that he will take me out on a date. And I am so freaking excited about it. Like I didn't even sleep well last night, thinking how the date will turn out. I have only been in one date my entire life and that was with Niall, which turned out not really a date cause we didn't talk so much but he did sing a song for me in front of a huge crowd. I wonder what Harry and I will talk about. Will there be an awkward silence between us like what happened with Niall and I? I hope not. Cause even though Harry and I are together, shared a bed a together once and kissed each other like a lot but we're still trying to get to know each other which is the main request of my mom. Get to know him well.

Speaking of my mom, I think she is starting to give her trust to Harry. It helps that almost every night due to the absence of Anne Harry stay over at our house for dinner and gets home when its bed time. Although she still doesn't let us stay in my room to study or to talk, I think my mom cares for Harry too. I also know that she can see how happy I am when I am with Harry.

I glanced on the digital clock lying on my nightstand its 7:00 in the morning. Harry is for sure still sleeping, we were talking on the phone until 2am and he isn't a morning person so there is no way that he'll be up at this hour. I reached from my phone from the headboard of my bed.

I typed in a quick message to him.

[Good morning! 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️ -Tay]

Then I hit send.

Harry will definitely reply when he wakes up so I got off my bed and walked to see Olivia still sleeping peacefully on her bed. Olivia is also getting fond of Harry that she stays awake until I am done talking to Harry on the phone. And she tends to get Harry's not being a morning person characteristic.

Not trying to disturb my lovely cat, I tiptoed to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washes my face. My mind went to the event for tonight. I can't wait for my first ever date with Harry Styles.

"Stop thinking about it too much!" I scold myself in the mirror.

Looking at myself now, I knew I am getting different. My usually pale skin seemed to glow. My cheeks are a little red every now and then even if I didn't even put any color on them. And my lips became pinkish too, maybe due to the constant kissing here and there. The thought of Harry and I kissing makes my cheeks flush even more. He wasn't really shy. He kissed me every time he gets the chance regardless of the place except if my mom us around but other than that he just kissed everywhere; in class, in the cafeteria, in the locker area, in his car, in my car, in the parking lot and even in front of his friends which only makes the cheeries to hate me even more. But I don't care about them, I actually don't care about the world, I am happy. Harry makes me happy. And that's what matters.

The day passed without me even noticing it. With just the constant texting with Harry as he couldn't get out cause he had to clean his room and their house. His mom is coming home tomorrow and he needs to make sure that everything is in its right place. I guess he maybe tough looking at school but he still afraid to be scolded by his mom. I also passed my time playing with Olivia who I've missed big time. I was just a little preoccupied lately. My mom also asked me to help her in the supermarket to do grocery.

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