Chapter 55: Adore You

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I'd walk through fire for you

Just let me adore you

Like it's the only thing I'll ever do

Like it's the only thing I'll ever do

I had to fly to New York and stay there for a week to sort my work and living situation there. Blake was a little emotional while packing my things, but she was genuinely happy that I finally found the love and peace that she said I deserved. 

Jake on the other hand was sad cause he was losing his ace employee but he respected my decision. 

I have no concrete plan yet on what I will do in Wake Forest, of course, I was only joking when I told Harry he should just take care of me and live like a princess. Not that he can but I can never settle in doing nothing. As much as I like playing house with him, I should find something to do. 

While I was in New York, I thought about taking some classes so I can teach, my dream from way back. Little did I know, my desire to be a teacher never really left me, I just buried it in the deepest of my heart. 

I am on my way home, this time for good. Being apart from Harry for a week made me miss him so much. He wanted to go with me to New York but he has so many meetings at the dealership. His business is really going so well and I couldn't be more happier with everything that's happening. Its like everything is finally going into its rightful place. 

The flight was smooth, I even got to nap from the one-hour and half travel to Charlotte. I landed safely, Harry offered to pick me up but last minute he had to attend another meeting so I had to take a cab going home. The house is dark when I arrived around eight in the evening. I decided to get a late afternoon drive so I can spend sometime with Blake. Though we promised to visit each other, we both know we can't see each other as often as we used to. 

Harry's car is not yet there too, maybe his meeting went long or maybe he had to take care of other things too. I don't have a new message as well so I think he is busy at the dealership. Without any thoughts, I fished my keys in my hand bag and opened the door. 

The moment I turned the lights on my eyes widened as I saw Harry sitting on the couch wearing a black coat over his button down shirt with a couple of buttons undone, showing off his bird tattoos and a black pants. His hair is brush up and he looks so dashing. I like that he didn't wear a tie cause he looks a formal yet ragged. The house is decorated with a modern-day Cinderella theme. There was even ballad song playing in the background. I feel like I've this scene and been in the exact same place before, but I couldn't figure where and when. 

I watched picked up the bouquet of beautiful flowers from the couch and he walked towards me. 

"For you my queen," he smiled at me as he handed me the flowers. "If Andrea is here, she would've taken a photo of us."

Then it hits me, the moment he mentioned my mom, I remembered where and when did I see this type of setting. 

"This is exactly the same as our senior prom," I told him with so much confusion on my face. 

He recreated our senior prom, the night when I found out about the bet. The night I got into the accident, and the night I last saw him in high school. I don't know why he is doing this but I feel okay. When my mom passed away and when I finally reconciled with Harry I decided to forgive everything that happened in the past. I chose to free myself from the burden of having so much bitterness in my heart. And that's the only way I can move forward with my life with Harry in it. 

He took the flowers from my hands and put it on the table beside the front door. 

"I didn't do this to relieve the past or to hurt you," he says as he wrapped his arms around me. "I wanted to show how the night should've ended seven years ago." he tells me sweetly. 

Resting my head on his chest as I let him sway me slowly as we danced along the soft 90's song that I don't know the title.

"I told you I applied to New York and that I want to be closer to you," he continued to talk. "All night we could've been in each other's arms and before I take you home, I was going to ask you something very important." he said and then let go of me. 

I was still silent and continue to just watch him. He then pulled something from the inside pocket of his coat. When he took out a small black velvet box my heart started beating so fast. My hands automatically went to my mouth when he knelt on the floor and opened the box revealing a shiny sparkling diamond ring. 

"Seven years ago, I was going to give you a promise ring, a promise of forever." he says and his eyes started to tear up. "But shit happened and I lost you but for the love God, and Andrea," he chuckled. "They brought us back together, and I don't want to take anymore chances. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you," I knew what he will ask me but I stayed silent as I let my tears fall from my eyes. To be honest, I want to hear him say it. I want him to ask me. 

"Taylor Alison Swift, will you marry me? Will you marry all of me? Including the bullshit part of me?" he asked. 

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I answered in hoarse voice. 

Harry put the ring on my finger, it fits me perfectly. He then stood up and kissed my lips and pulled me in a tight embrace. 

At that moment, I was sobbing, I never thought that we will ever be here. That I will get to experience this with the only man that I have loved in my life. I may have done something great in my past life to be able to get a second chance like this. A second chance to be happy. A second chance to love and to be loved. 



Thank you for everyone who waited for me. 

I can't believe that we are almost done. One or two more chapter and we will be saying goodbye to Harry and Taylor. 

Honestly, I never thought I will ever be able to retrieve my account. I already gave up on this story but I guess this Haylor fan fiction is destined to have an ending. 

Thank you again. I love you all.


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