Chapter 33: From the Dining Table

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We haven't spoke since you went away
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won't you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way!

Harry's POV

Driving passed Swift's house I glanced on it wishing and hoping that I will be able to see her beautiful face again. Never have I imagined that I will cross paths with her again. When I got the property offered to me to put my own car dealership in town, the thought of seeing Taylor Swift again never cross my mind.

Yesterday was the happiest day in my life. For the past seven years, I have been miserable and already gave up the thought of seeing her again. But I did anyway, and I told myself that there might be a reason why we cross paths again. And I promised myself that I will not blow away my one and only chance of having her in my life again. I'll do everything to make her love me again the way that she did before.

Taking all the courage inside of me, I kissed her which is what I've been wanting to do ever since I saw her. At first, the fear of getting rejected, pushed away and getting my face slapped somehow scared me a but when she kissed me back the 1% chance I was holding onto went up a little.

She didn't respond to me though when I had asked her to give me a second chance but I was completely okay with it. We only saw each other for two days and she is living in New York so I don't really expect her to jump into a relationship with me. Given that we have a lot of things that needs to be discussed. She may have pretend that she doesn't remember everything that happened in high school but I know that it did hurt her which is the main reason why I hated myself for years. Because I hurt the only person that made me a better person. The only person who helped me realized my dreams and the only girl who made me head over heels in love with her.

The next day, I woke up with a smile on my face which happens very rare. For years all I ever did was punish myself from what happened in high school.

I can still remember the night of the accident, the night when Kendall Jenner told her about the bet. The night where my whole life started crashing on me. The night that started the darkest days of my life. The night where I lost the love of my life.

Honestly, I never regret being involved in that damn bet. It was the reason why I got close with Swift. The only thing I regret was not being able to tell her myself about it. Maybe, none of this will happen. Maybe, by this time I am still with her, loving her with all my heart and planning my future with her. Not like this that I am starting to bring her back to my life.

When I transferred to Wake Forest, Zayn, Louis and the rest of the members of their group including the cheerleaders were talking on how they hated her. Mainly because she is a nerd and yet she isn't afraid of them. She never tried to make them like her and followed what they wanted. At first it didn't really interest me. All I care about was go to school so my mom will not nag me, drive my car around and mingle around some hot girls. Then came Kendall, she was easy and she thought I was into her, which I admit I was at first. I knew that I can bed her without me even lifting a finger. She thought I was crazy about her that she dared me to make a girl they hate fall in love with me and crush her heart through the process. My prize is to get her in Kendall's pants. I didn't really like the idea but I was too bored that I agreed with it. 

When Swift was pointed out to me, I realized she was the girl who gave me a ride at the convenient store the night before. Her personality as a little fierce for my taste so I thought the idea is not so bad at all. And she isn't bad looking either. 

Things changed on the very first time she tutored me. I found so many great things about her and I was drawn instantly but I was too stubborn to admit it even to myself. I told myself that I was only doing it for the bet. And I was embarrassed for the people I hang it to know that I was the first one to give up and I went on with the game. 

My feelings for her were confirmed when Niall Horan; the good looking Irish lad came into the picture singing a fucking  love song for her at a club.  I knew to myself that I had to do something about it. And from that moment I was able to admit to myself that I want to be out of the game. I don't care about other things. I don't care if the jocks will not talk to me anymore cause all I care about at that time was her. 

The next day I told Zayn and Louis, I was out of the game. That what I feel for Swift is the real thing and I do not want to deceive her anymore. Zayn and Louis were cool with it, even Kendall was cool with it. So I thought everything was good until the night of the Prom. It was also later when Swift was in coma at the hospital that I found out that Kendall and her group where threatening my girlfriend with so many things. I was so angry at Kendall but I was even more angry at myself for being too comfortable and relaxed that I didn't even see it coming. I knew when Kendall told me she was okay with it too, I should've known that it wasn't sincere.

On the day that she vanished from the hospital, I thought I was going crazy. I blamed myself for agreeing of going home to take a proper shower that day. If I only stayed, she will never be gone and we will never be apart. Cause even I know that she was very angry at me I was willing to work my ass off just to earn her forgiveness and for her to trust me again. I knew she will. 

I looked for her everywhere, even if it felt that the world is blaming me for what happened to her, especially her mom. She stopped talking to me and she never opened the front door for me. I remember staying at their front door for hours just begging her to talk to me or to at least tell me where my Swift is. All means of communication where taken away and it seemed like I was back to the old days where letters are the only way of communication. I knew it was my fault, I was a jerk and an arsehole and I deserve everything I was getting from what I did. 

Begging was an understatement. I stalked her mother to wherever she goes just so she would tell me where she went. Damn! I even drove to New Jersey where I knew his father lives but I never found her. The only time I stopped when my mother literally knelt in front of me and cried her eyes out begging me to stop looking for her and let go. I was resistant at first but seeing my mum heartbroken about it, I decided that it maybe it's time for me to stop. Maybe, I should just surrender it to the God's above. 

Withdrawing my application at NYU, I went to Massachusetts for college. Still not being able to let her go. I wrote for her everyday for a year. And when I didn't get a single letter back, I quit college and just went back to London. Until this day I had no fucking idea if she read. 

It took me a while before I was able to finally get my life back together. I went back to school, when I finished my degree. I traveled around Europe trying to find the missing piece in my heart but all along I knew what it was. So just a couple of months ago, I packed my things, booked a flight to the US trying to find that missing piece back.


So I'm back!!!

This is a little embarrassing, but I would like to take this chance to thank everyone who waited for this. I knew it me so long to update. 

Truth to be told, when Harry dated Camille and Taylor is madly in love with Joe. I lost all my Haylor inspiration at the same time that I was going through some tough time in real life. But a message from someone from here made me realized some things. So yeah! I am finally back and hopefully I can still write after this. 

Thank you so much guys!!!

I love you all!!

Also, I never thought that this story will be number 3 at Haylor!!

It was all because of you. 


-X ♥♥♥

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