Chapter 39: Fireproof

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Cause nobody know you, baby, the way I do
And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do
It's been so long, it's been so long
Maybe, you are fireproof

I woke up the next day with an empty space beside me. Looking around the room, Harry is nowhere to be found. I feel rested and energized, wiping my eyes, I reached for my iPhone that was on the nightstand. It's ten in the morning. Gosh! Did I sleep that long? Immediately, I got up, walked towards where my luggage is, took some clean clothes and went straight to the bathroom.

As I was drying my hair with the hair dryer, I heard the door opened. Turning off the hair dryer, I walked out of the small bathroom to check if it was Harry. Indeed, it was him. Wearing a pair of denim jeans and white shirt. The usual Harry Styles get up.

"I went out to get some brunch," he says.

I noticed the Starbucks paper bag he was holding and two cups of coffee. Giving him a slight nod, I walked back to the bathroom and continue to dry my hair then I felt two strong hands wrapped around my waist from behind and slight kiss on my hair.

"God! I love you so much," he whispered.

His presence sent shiver down my spine, I don't know how long can I resist him. I have been giving him cold shoulder since yesterday and I hate to admit it but I am liking him around me. It's just a game Taylor! I kept on telling myself.

Taking a deep sighed, I turned around to face him. His right hand immediately went up to my nape while the other was on the small of my back, pullig me closer to him.

Our eyes locked and I was the first one to look down. I can never win this staring contest with him.

"I need to finish drying my hair," I shrugged my shoulders.

He held my chin and forced me to meet his gaze, his green eyes are full of feelings. "Are we okay?"

I turned my back on him, maybe he has been noticing the cold shoulder I was giving him since yesterday. And it's true, I don't exactly know how to pull off this damn game! My intention of going home to Wake Forest is to spend time with my mother, which I seldom did because ever since I saw Harry he was always following me around, telling me how much he misses me and how much he loves me. Then suddenly I came up with his game of getting revenge.

Giving him cold treatment will not make him fall in love with me even more, thus it might annoy him and just leave, which will defeat the purpose of the game.

Taking a deep breath, I put the hair dryer down and turned around to face him.

Biting my lip, I put my arms on his neck. "I'm sorry for being distant," I tell him. "I just didn't know how to make this work, this is all new to me, having you around is all new to me, besides, it has been, what? Six years?"

I sounded quite seductive which I don't know why I did. Was I seducing him? Maybe.

He puts his hands on the small of my back, pulling me closer to him. Our faces are not merely an inch away. Well, I guess it worked out.

"I know this, us, is new." He says, "But I am glad we are here, and I'd take anything you can give me, a lot had happened for the past seven years," he chuckled when he emphasized how long it has been. "You maybe figuring things out, including your feelings but I am willing to wait to matter how long it takes, just don't take this chance back."

His words left me speechless and making my knees wobbly. Seven years has passed but he still know how to sweet talk me. He's even better I must say.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I cupped his face and gently put my lips on his. This is my last resort, I didn't know how to answer him. He was sincere and I didn't want to keep on hearing his heartfelt words on me. I close to just ending this game and just start over again with him for real. My heart is screaming to just be with him but my mind firmly telling me not to.

Harry immediately responded to the kiss, he pulled my even closer to him. He was kissing me gently, he held onto me in such a way like he was holding on to his dear life. And I can't take it, he can't be like that, he will ruin the game, so I reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He was looking at me with a suprise look on his face and I can't stand it to I started kissing his neck, sucking it a little. Then I moved to his bare and running my fingers through the butterfly tattoo on his torso. I can hear his heavy breathing. I smiled in victory, it's working.

He pulled me back up to face him, his lips on my lips again. This time his kiss is harder, then he carried me and placed me on the countertop and settled himself in between my legs, not breaking the kiss. He then puts his hands inside my shirt snaking them on my back. The familiar ache in between my legs is present again. So you're using your body now? For this damn game? My subconscious glared at me and I ignored her.

Inspite the bitter taste on my mouth at the thoughts of using my body to make Harry fall in love with me even more I just raised my arms up so he could take mu shirt off.

Closing my eyes in shame, is it bad to want to get even? I asked myself. Is it too much that I want to protect myself? After everything I went through? Is it bad to want this? Getting where I am today is not easy. Having my heart broken did not only put up those hard walls but it made me scared to trust someone again. I may look strong and brave on the outside but I am like a scared little girl on the inside. Gosh! I can't even be intimate with Jake, aside from going out with him for dinner and drinks for the past couple of years. We never even shared a simple kiss cause I flinch everytime he tried to kiss me. Harry was the only person I slept with. Then and now. So yeah, it might sound evil or vile or wrong or immoral but I just want to take back what was taken from me.

After sharing another heated moment and a breakfast, Harry and I decided to hit the road, we still need to drive for another four hours or so before we can finally reach Manhattan.

"Ready?" Harry asked after awhile.

I am sitting on the passenger seat, all buckled up. Our bags are all set on the compartment. We also have two large bottles of water to keep us hydrated.

"Yes." I nodded. "If ever you get tired, I can drive." I tell him.

He gave me a mischievous smile. "I got it, you got me energized earlier babe,"

Shaking my head, I smiled at him.

What will happen in Manhattan is still vague to me. I don't know what he meant for staying for a couple of days either. Even on how I will go along with this game or how to even end it is something I have no idea about. And I really hope I get all the answers before we reach the city, if not I guess I'll cross the bridge when I get there.

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