Chapter 3: Style

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You got that long hair, slick back white T-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt

I walked to class the next day with a major headache. All night, I couldn't stop thinking about Olivia. Was she alright? What food did they give her? Did she sleep? Was she looking for me? Did she miss me like I missed her? I've had so many thoughts about her in my mind. But I kept telling myself that she is with Dr. Matthews and he studied how to well take care of animals like my Olivia.

Though I lack sleep I still manage to get to class thirty minutes early. I feel bad cause I wasn't able to finish my essay. I'll just try to work on it on my lunch break so I could pass it to my Literature teacher this afternoon. It's not as if she was asking for it today.

Actually, she gave me a week to polish everything but I like it when I get to finish my tasks days before my deadline.

Our Math teacher, Mr. Scott is not there yet so I took my notebook from my backpack and reviewed my Math homework to make sure I have all the computations correctly formulated.

I was interrupted by the group of guys who walks into our class, shouting and passing the ball to each other. Of course, the 'annoying jocks' as I call them are here.

They are all from the varsity team and they think they are all better than everyone. They hang out only with their co-varsity players and the cheerleaders who think they are too cool to hang out with someone like me. I know what you might be thinking, and yes even Wake Forest High School has bullies.

My eyes widened when I glanced at the curly-haired guy who forced me to give him a ride last night walking just right behind Zayn, the leader of the jocks and captain of the varsity team.

I didn't know he goes here? How did he get in when the semester already started a month ago?
"Drooling over the new guy nerd?" I felt someone slightly pull my hair from behind.

When I looked it up it was Kendall, the head of the cheerleading squad. I told you, cheerleaders hate me.
Kendall is beautiful, with her smoking brown eyes and perfect pout not to mention her supermodel figure but her looks are the total opposite of her character. She is a bitch. She loves to make fun of other people and guess who she hangs out with? Yeah, you are all right. She only hangs out with her squad and the jocks. Anyways, they all deserve each other with their F rating.

I decided not to respond to Kendall and just focus on reviewing my homework. Then I felt someone occupying the seat beside me which is odd because people don't like sitting beside me since they all think I am a nerd who never gave them the answer to one single quiz. I never bothered checking who it was.

"Hey," then I heard the familiar British accent from my left.

I looked up and saw Harry Styles leaning in my direction. I gave him a slight shrugged and focused my eyes on my notebook again.

"By the way, Swift Thanks for giving me a ride last night," he said. "You are awesome,"

He already thank me last night so I am not sure why is he thanking me again and why does he call me by my surname? If he is hanging out with the jocks, it means that he can only hang out with their female counterpart who are the cheerleaders, so why is he still talking to me, let alone sitting beside me. He was right he does live at Thompson Mill Road and he's my next-door neighbor to be exact.

"Don't mind it," I replied bluntly and turned my attention back to my book.

"What are you doing?" He asked again.

What is he doing? Didn't the jock brief him or anything?
"Reviewing," I answered.

He was about to respond when Mr. Scott walks into the class which I thank him for and started the discussion right away.

The day just went smoothly but the thought of Olivia never slipped my mind. I was able to polish my essay on my lunch break just like I planned and submitted it to my teacher. As usual, she loved it and told me that she will work on having it published in the issue of the local newspaper on Monday. I was excited about it, not just because I am gonna be published but also because it will be an additional credit for me that I can pass to NYU for my early acceptance this coming fall. I can't wait to move to New York and start fresh.

I excused myself from the tutoring center since I couldn't wait any longer to check on Olivia. I am so excited to bring her home but I feel nervous too that there might be something wrong with her.

My car was parked at the school lot and hurriedly walked to it. Just before I reached my Prius, Harry who I saw sitting on the bench under the tree near the lot with his 'friends' walked over to me.

"Hey," he called out.

He was wearing the same white V-neck shirt he wore earlier in class, paired with black jeans that are a little tight. His tattoos are very visible on his shirt and I also noticed the bird tattoo he has on his collarbone. I still wondered how he got accepted to this school given that semester already started and he is covered with tattoos.

"Going home?" he asked when I didn't respond to him.

I shook my head and started looking for my car keys inside my bag.

"Are you still mad at me about last night?" He asks again, cocking his brow.

"No," I replied.

He nodded. "Then why aren't you talking to me?"

I almost laugh. So he thought I was mad at him? This guy is funny.

"What do you call, what we're doing now?" I was being sarcastic.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, someone is being grumpy today," he snorted.

"I am not being grumpy," I retort. It's the truth. I am just not used to other people talking to me like what he's doing.

"Then why do you barely speak with me?" He asks, was that confusion on his face?

When I found my key, I pressed the button to unlock my car. I put my backpack in the back seat and leaned on the door.

"Honestly? Haven't you noticed that people don't usually talk to me especially the jocks and the cheerleaders?" I said to him with the tone of a matter of fact. "So, pardon me if I am not used to this talking thing."

He laughed which irritates me. So I just got inside my car and made sure to immediately lock the doors this time.

Then he started knocking on my window. What's with him and window knocking?

I rolled the window down and looked at him. He bent down so we were face to face. It was a little uncomfortable having him so close to me that I felt his minty breath.

"Well, I think it is insane how they are here but I hang out with them cause I think they are cool but that doesn't mean I should do what they do." He said. "So give me a ride?"

I was kinda touched by what he said. Is he different from the guys? Well, he is British for that matter and his arm is covered with tattoos but do I believe he is any different? But who am I to complain right? He is being nice and the least I can do is to be nice too.

"I am not going home yet, I need to drop by at my Vet to pick up my cat," I told him.

"Awesome, show me around then. I don't want to go home either, my mom will just nag me to unpack and clean my room." He said and I laughed.

He is different. I gave him a slight nod and unlock the door of the passenger seat. He happily walked to the other side and as he was getting inside the car I started the engine. As I was doing my U-Turn going to the exit I saw the cheerleaders led by Kendall shooting daggers in my direction. This is going to be fun. I thought to myself before driving away.

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