Chapter 2: All too well

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I know it's long gone
The magic's not here no more
And I might be okay
But I am not fine at all

October 12, 2010

My cat Olivia was making an unusual sound while sitting on my bed right beside me. I wondered what is wrong with her as she was just sick last week. Last night was the most peaceful sleep she had ever since she got better from having cat flu. I ran my fingers through her fur.

"What's wrong dear?" I asked sweetly.

I hate seeing her weak. I've had Olivia since I was in freshman year, she was just a month old when my Dad brought her home to me as my 15th birthday present. My books were all scattered on my bed and floor as I am working on improving my essay piece that will be published in the local newspaper of Wake Forest. My teacher just advised me last week that the essay piece I did was about the homeless man that I frequently see sitting under the bridge on my way to school. I reached for Olivia and carried her in my arms as I made my way downstairs.

My mother is in the kitchen making dinner. She just got home earlier from her work as an Accountant at the Mayor's Office. Mom and Dad divorced when I was eight. My father moved to New Jersey where he met Claire and married her two years later.

Our family is a bit strange, given that my Mom is single, although I am very much aware that she is flirting with the head of Sheriff's Office Tom and my Dad is happily married for eight years but still doesn't have a child of their own. My parents are not the best of friends but at the very least they are civil. I used to spend my summer with my Dad in Jersey and my Mom was completely fine with it. To be honest, their relationship now is much bearable compared to when they were still together. The memories of them screaming at each other while I hide in my closet is still fresh in my mind.

"Hey sweetie, how's your essay going?" she asks as she chops some vegetables.

I walked to her still holding Olivia in my arms.

"It's still being edited, I might add some details to it that I just thought of now," I said caressing my hands into Olivia's white fur. "Mom, I think something's wrong with Olivia again," I told her sadly.

She cocked her brow as she went to the sink and washes her hands.

"Do you think she's ill again?" she asked me back.

I nodded. "She appears weak and she's making this weird sound," I elaborate.

"Call, Dr. Matthews, and check if you could make an appointment today,"

I checked my wristwatch to check on the time, it's already 7:30 in the evening.

"Do you think Dr. Matthews is still at his clinic?" I asked.

"Well, I think so, call them quick, we don't want Olivia feeling sick for the entire night. For sure, you won't be able to focus on your schoolwork." She said and I laughed slightly.

Mom knows me well. I ran walked to the living room where the telephone is located. I dialed Dr. Matthews's clinic number and someone answered on the third ring.

"Dr. Matthews Clinic, good evening, this is Ashley's speaking," said the receptionist.

Olivia jumped off of my grip going to the couch and settled herself on the pillow.

"Um, hey Ashley, This is Taylor," I introduced myself. I am a bit conscious of talking to the receptionist since she is a Wake Forest High School Alumni and a former cheerleader. I was just a freshman when she graduated but I have this weird history that cheerleaders never liked me. In fact, they hated me. "I was wondering if I could make an appointment with Dr. Matthews today, Olivia is still kind of not feeling well," I explained, I heard some boring snort from the other line.

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