62 - Tessa

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Archie is soundly snoring next to me, facing away from me, but I can feel his hand on mine, his little finger hooked around mine, not wanting to lose me in my sleep.

This isn't the first time I've been lying awake, both in the last week or the last month. I've probably only slept three or four hours a night for the last few weeks, and I spent the other half of the night worrying about everything to do with Archie leaving... which is in five days.

But today, instead of lying here worrying further, I decide to do something. Because this time, it wasn't just Archie that was bothering me. It was Matt and Chloe too. 

Very slowly I unhook my finger from Archie's and slide out of bed, trying not to jostle it and wake him up.

Once I'm safely out, I change into my running leggings and shirt, along with a jumper - seeing as it's three in the morning - and quietly open my wardrobe to find my trainers. I'm working today, all day, and it takes a few hours to walk down to the tennis club from here, so maybe I could take Bruce for a long walk, to help clear my head. I'm blessed with the fact Bruce is allowed on the court with me, because he's very well-behaved, and the children absolutely love him, so if he has to stay the whole day, I'm sure he'd be fine. And if Archie does see my message, I'm sure he'd be able to come and pick him up if I ask.

Turning back, I leave a note on the pillow next to him, telling him where I'm going, I open the door and tiptoe down the stairs.

In the kitchen, Bruce is fast asleep and doesn't wake at the sound of my footsteps - seemingly not the best guard dog ever - but once I have my shoes on and have found his lead and harness, I gently stroke him behind his ears as I wave a treat in front of his nose.

His eyes open quickly and he moves forward to gobble up the treat, giving me a big lick on my face as he realises who it is.

"Hey boy," I whisper, scratching his chin. "You want to go for a walk?"

He doesn't bark but he does jump out of his basket and heads to the door, excited at the sound of the 'w' word, not needing to be asked twice. The time was no bother for him. I giggle as I attach his harness; he's whining quietly, almost pressing himself against the door, wanting to get out and start his walk.

"Hold still, I don't want to get your skin!" I whisper to him and he stops jumping as much, allowing me to clip in the buckle and hook on his lead.

Finally we're ready, but I hear a noise at the top of the stairs, followed by a pair of footsteps. I freeze and stay quiet, hoping it's just Dad coming down for his nightly glass of water.

But when whoever it is moves into view, I see it's Matt. And when Bruce gives a yelp, telling me to open the door, he turns and see us.


I laugh quietly.

"Hey. You caught me!" I whisper, raising my hands.

"What you doing up? You do realise it's like three in the morning right?"

I drop Bruce's lead and he sits on the doormat, awaiting his walk patiently. He really is the best dog ever.

"I do know that. I'm just tired of looking up at my ceiling whenever I can't sleep..." I roll my eyes. "Figured I'd have a change of ceiling." I point up.

He looks up to where I'm pointing, taking me literally. "What?" He doesn't get it... but I appreciate it is early and he doesn't realise I meant I was going outside.

I shake my head and shrug. "Never mind. How come you're up?"

He sighs. "I had a lot on my mind... after today."

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