39 - Tessa

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AS DAD HAD GONE out some time in between Archie arriving and leaving, I now had to sit up and wait for him to get back.

Matt had gone upstairs ages ago, but I couldn't sleep a wink until I'd told Dad what was going on.

I should have told him when Archie first did. I can't believe it's taken me so long to say anything, and now, I swear, if something happens to Archie because I hadn't said anything, I will never forgive myself. I can't lose him. Not now, not ever. But to lose him because of my own silence... well that's unforgivable. I would rather Archie hate me for the rest of eternity than lose him, and I'd rather him hate me than living on this earth without him.

I'd remembered the weeks just after our mock exams in January of 5th Form, and I remember that was the first day he'd ever taken off school since I'd known him.

On the weekend he'd been fine, and we were supposed to be going to a party with him on Saturday, celebrating their cup match victory. But he never showed. Then on Monday he wasn't at school. He was off all week, and then wasn't in until Thursday of the next week. I should have known then.

When he got back he was acting strange, and when he had finally told us what had happened later that weekend, he'd said he'd been mugged. The bruising on his face was explained by that maybe, but it didn't explain why he wouldn't let anyone else near him, other than us three. For months he wouldn't let anyone touch him or sit anywhere near him, not even Dee.

But as soon as I knew it wasn't him being mugged, it changed everything. It made so much more sense. The reason he was flinching away from people was because he'd been so badly hurt. The reason he hadn't let anyone else in was because he couldn't trust anyone else.

But I needed to tell someone. And I knew that Dad was the right person to tell.

Archie would definitely hate me for it, but I didn't care. This wasn't just about telling Dad for his information. It was because Archie's physical safety now hung in the balance, and Millie's, even Wendy's. And I was no longer going to stand by and watch as Archie and his family suffer under Richard's tyrannical and violent behaviour. I couldn't and I wouldn't. And if he never wants to speak to me again, then I was okay with that.

I had no idea if Richard had ever hit Millie or Wendy, but I knew he'd hit Archie. And Archie had more than enough marks on him to go to the police with. He has nine scars on his back, all from a belt, and his body was covered in scars and bruises. And although I hated the fact I'd be exposing him, meaning he was safe meant more to me than anything.


WHEN DAD FINALLY GOT home about an hour later, just past midnight, he is surprised I'm still up.

"Hey Sweetie," he shuts the door quietly and turns on the light in the hall. "You're up late. Can't sleep?"

I stand up from the sofa and walk over to him.

"Dad, I need to talk to you." I get straight to the point.

He furrows his brow and looks me in the eye.

"It's about Archie." I cross my arms across myself as I feel the lump in my throat about to burst. "It's important, Dad, please."

He nods. "We'll go in my study." He takes off his coat and walks into his study, shutting the door behind him.

"What is it Tessa?" He asks.

I take a deep breath and mutter an apology to Archie under my breath.

"It's Archie, Dad. He's in trouble."

"Trouble?" He sounds concerned, just like I knew he would be. "What do you mean?"

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