43 - Tessa

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MY FIRST THOUGHT WHEN I wake up is Archie.

I'd barely slept a wink, worrying about him, worrying about what he'd make of me telling Dad. He was going to hate me, I knew that much, and I can't even blame him. I knew how he felt about telling anyone. I know it took a lot for him to tell me, and now I'd gone and and betrayed that one promise I'd made to him. Even if it was for the right reasons... I'd still gone back on my word and betrayed him.

When I sit up in bed, I had a bad feeling. My stomach felt uneasy, and I was scared.

Since Archie had told me, it was usually normal for me to worry about him, because I always did, but this feeling was different. A lot different, and not in a good way. I couldn't stop shuddering, like I had a chill or something, and the hairs on the back of my neck were starting to raise, as if I could sense something.

When I get downstairs, after changing into my running gear to run over to Archie's, Dad immediately knows something's wrong too.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, his face full of concern as he drops the paper on the table and puts his cup down.

I give him a small smile, which I know he doesn't believe. "I think so."

I take a seat next to him at the table, and he continues to stare at me as I take my phone out to message Archie back. He'd sent such a beautiful message yesterday, and I didn't know how to respond. But I'd know if he responded now, it meant he was okay.

I hoped.

Archie I had a lovely day yesterday, even if we didn't do the main bit, and you left early. The otters cancelled practically everything out 🦦☺️🤪

And Arch, you can always talk to me, you know that. And remember what I said. You and Millie can come and stay whenever you want. Even if we're not together (IF not WHEN okay, I love you, please know that 😘😘) I couldn't bear the thought of you being harmed because you felt like you couldn't come to me

I love you, and I'll come over later 😉 xxxxxx

I leave the part out about me telling Dad, thinking that would sound better coming from me in person rather than reading it over a message. When I see a 'read' come up on my message, my heart lifts, but when it remains unanswered for nearly an hour, I start to fear the worst.

I'm just getting up from the table to start making my way over to Archie's when the house phones rings.

The house phone never rings, but the sound of it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end again.

"Hello?" Dad answers.

He looks at Matt and me blankly before he puts the phone down after a minute. "It sounded like a butt dial... someone running."

I'm about to answer, but my phone starts buzzing in my hand. Finally a response from Archie. But when I open the message, he hasn't answered anything I've said, and his message doesn't make much sense.

"Dad, can you try Millie's mobile?"

He nods, and Matt gets up from the table to stand behind me, reading Archie's message over my shoulder.

Hey, Millie is coming over soon. You were right Tess. I need to speak to someone. Can you keep Millie at yours.. and can you and Andrew come over?

My whole body goes rigid and cold at the words. I'm right? Right about what? Oh God, I hoped I wasn't right about his dad.

Archie, what's happened? I've seen a missed call from Millie,  but now it's just going to voicemail.

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