27 - Archie

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I'VE BEEN LOOKING AT my phone for the last half an hour, wondering what time Tessa will be finished.

My hands are shaking so much I can't do anything, so currently I was sat clock-watching as Matt and Millie sit obliviously opposite me, not even noticing me looking up at the kitchen clock every two minutes, or at my phone every five seconds.

I was worried.

On the phone earlier, Tessa had said she'd seen Dee in the common room, so that meant hockey practice would obviously involve her as well, and I was really worried for her. I had no idea what Dee would do, and I didn't know how Tessa would react either if she did do something.

If she corners Tessa, I don't know what I'd do. Dee was my responsibility, and it was me she needed to speak to, not Tessa. I expect she would say something... but I had no idea what... or if Tessa would keep her cool.

After ten minutes, I manage to pull my eyes away from the clock when Millie kicks me under the table. My feet must have been tapping, which annoys her, so I put my head down and did some reading for PE, trying not to think of Tessa every third word.

When I look up again it's just after six-thirty, which means practice should have finished. Something's happened, I know it, and my stomach drops like a stone.

I grab my phone from the table and get up, sitting on the sofa across the room as I dial Tessa's number and wait impatiently for it to stop ringing and for her to answer.

When I get her voicemail, I sigh, and I'm hoping it's just because they ran over.

I watch the minutes on the clock on the mantelpiece tick another five minutes before calling again, not wanting to seem too desperate but my thumb hovers over the call button the whole time.

Millie comes to join me after another minute, after I get her voicemail again.

"You miss her, huh?" She smiles, jogging me in the side with her elbow.

"I do. But I'm worried more than anything else. She's not picking up."

"They probably just ran over?" She suggests. "It'll be fine."

I shrug noncommittally in agreement but she's not convincing me. I glance at the clock and its now nearly quarter to. Even Coach doesn't run that late.

I think she must tell I'm not going to be much fun until I know, because she sighs and jogs me lightly with her elbow.

"Shall we go anyway? Then if we're early, we can just wait," she suggests.

I smile in answer and she give me one back before standing.

"Matt!" She calls, loudly enough to make me jump slightly with her proximity to my ear.

"What?" He calls back.

"We're heading out to get Tessa," she walks into the kitchen.

I can't really hear what Matt says because they've quietened down, but I walk and stand patiently at the door, putting my shoes on. A moment later she joins me, wrapped in Matt's massive Brighton hoodie he'd just been wearing.

"Matt's going to stay and get dinner on soon. Andy will be back shortly."

I nod as I hold her arm while she's puts on her shoes. She's actually put a pair of Tessa's on, but I don't tell her, although I think she knows. The girls are the same size, and Tessa wouldn't mind anyway.

"Come on," I gesture her out the door to my car. "See you soon, Matt," I yell. I don't wait for a response.


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