11 - Tessa

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Within two minutes of Dee leaving, another set of headlights come round the corner and I recognise our car. I can't see Archie in the front seat either, so I'm thankful he's listened to me.

Giving Dad a peck on the cheek as I get in, he sets straight off back home after I've shoved my bags through into the back. Buckling up, I look at the clock and sigh when I see it's nearly seven and I still have tons of homework to do, most of which is due for tomorrow.

"How was practice?" He asks once we're on the main road.

I smile, "Really good actually. Coach made me captain for next game!" I exclaim, my face almost splitting in two.

"That's incredible Tessa! Well done," he grins. "Those extra practices with Cammie paid off then," he nudges me in the ribs. "When's the match?"

"Tomorrow at six," I smile. "Chigwell."

He nods, "Well, we'll all be there. Wouldn't miss it for anything."

One of the many things I love about our family is that we are all there for each other when it came to matches.

Matt and Archie play football for school, and then Matt plays for Essex, so every Saturday come rain, shine or other, Dad and I come out to support him all day. Then Thursday nights in winter and on summer weekends, Dad and Matt would come out to support me playing hockey and tennis.

I think in our whole school career of playing sports, Dad had only missed two of my matches. One when he was absolutely dying of flu - he'd even called in sick at work and he never does that - and the other when he and Mum were in court going over something in their divorce.

We've always been sporty. Well, Matt has, and then I caught the bug later when Dad dragged me along to one of his tennis lessons. He always came to our games, but I used to think it was embarrassing. He would shout out cheers and follow me up and down the pitch sidelines to encourage and cheer me on. I used to argue with him all the way home when my teammates would tease me for it, telling him to stop. But now, when no one's parents come and watch anymore, I love it. He's stopped running up and down the pitch, but seeing him and Matt on the sidelines is encouragement enough for me to play well.

"How is school going otherwise? I don't think I've even asked!" He gives a short laugh but his cheeks pink.

"You've been working late a lot!" I look over and shrug at him and he gives me a grateful smile. "I've got quite a lot of work already... Weekend will give me time to catch up."

"They really do pile on the work. They're not overdoing it are they?" He frowns. "Are you going to get it all done. You've got your Mum this weekend, and aren't you at Charlotte's?

"Yeah, but it'll be fine. I'm getting up early to do it all on Saturday so then I can see Mum all day on Sunday. I'll make sure Matt does the same thing," I pat him on the shoulder. "It's no more than we can all handle, don't worry. And if you hear Matt complaining, ignore him. He just hates homework," I giggle.

"It helps when you have a friend in each class, right?" He smiles.

I nod, "Yup, I've done quite well on that front actually. Archie's in Art and History, then I have tennis buddies in English. Matt's with me in Classics." I think Matt only has PE with Archie this year, then for the rest he's on his own. Well, he has me in Classics, but he never sits next to me.

"And Archie and Millie coming to stay isn't bothering you, is it?" He looks over at me as we're sat at the traffic lights. I'm not sure where he's going with that question.

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