50 - Archie

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AFTER ANDREW HAS CHECKED the others aren't listening outside, he sits back down opposite me and sits forward on the bed, still clutching the letter tightly in his hands.

"What's happened?" I ask, my voice not sounding like my own.

He sighs. "The reason I was so worried this morning, aside from you being missing from the hospital was because we got some bad news a few days ago."

"Bad news?" I ask and he nods.

He pulls his phone out of his back pocket and starts tapping on it, finally finishing when he has an email open.

"I was worried because your dad's been released on bail."

My chest tightens and I feel like I'm about to be sick. "Bail?"

He nods, passing me his phone. "You can read it," he says, nodding as he places the phone in my shaking hands.

Once I'm able to focus, I see my name as the subject title as well as a crime number. I recognise the name of the officer that sent the email from the hospital, asking me questions, and I look at Andrew before I start to read.


Dear Mr Granger,

Thank you for your email regarding Archie Wall and his welfare.

We have taken all evidence into account from the scene, but unfortunately with unsubstantial evidence and no prior charges pressed, we have released Mr Wall on bail. He is appear in court in two weeks time, to face a sentence. However, with no priors and a clean record, he is likely to get away with very little punishment, with it being a fine, or community service at most.

I know it sounds cold, but had anyone come forward sooner, we would have had more cause to hold him and charge him more severely, but our hands are tied.

Now, the court has thankfully already recognised that it is unsafe for Archie or Millie to return to the Wall residence, so a guardian will be found for them. We understand that Wendy Wall has a sister, Sara, with whom Archie and Millie can stay? We can arrange for them to take custody as soon as possible, should another situation not be found. That said, we can see the two of them are happy to remain at your place of residence for the time being until a social worker can get in touch, if they haven't done already.

The next stage is the court case.

To help the case go in his favour, would Archie be willing to testify against his father in open court? It would play to Archie's advantage. Now, we know this will no doubt be difficult for him, after what happened, so we can arrange for him to do it via video link, should he wish to do it and does not want to be in the same room as his father. As he is still under eighteen, and a minor, he will be protected at all times.

In regard to your other request, about Wendy Wall, we have our private investigators looking for her, but as of yet have been unable to locate her. The officers have said that, from evidence taken from the house, or lack thereof, she had been planning this for a while, months even. We will, of course, update you when we have any information, with both cases for Richard and Wendy Wall, and we appreciate all your help and cooperation in our investigations.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Should you need to email me, please reference the crime number in the subject of the email. I am also available at the mobile number below, should you need to get a hold of me urgently.

Kind regards,

DCI Bradley Barnes


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