Senator Organa-8

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Weren't expecting that were you?" Senator Bail Organa said to her with a slight laugh. He kindly smiled at her.

"Not in the slightest".

"So I beg the question- who are you?" Ahsoka wanted to tell him. Oh, she wanted to tell him, really bad, but she knew that this was not the place to reveal something as significant like that. She sighed inwardly.

"An old friend". She said not meeting his eyes.

"I have many old friends, and too many of them are dead, " he said with a sigh. His voice said it as if it was a fact. She supposed it was after all. "I'd love to see a familiar face from the, old days however, perhaps another time and place would be, preferred". He said hesitating, knowing as well that this is not the place to discuss such matters. His eyes scanned the room once more before resting again on Hera and Kanan.

Ahsoka smiled under her dark cloaked figure.

The Senator still spoke and acted like a Senator, with his sophisticated mannerisms and wordings.

"Do you have the cargo?"

"It's out back, around the hub". Kanan replied.

"Its still safe I presume?"

Kanan nodded, "Sabine's with it".

"Good". He said with a sigh. The robot waitress with the curves came balancing a platter of empty dishes on one metal hand. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at the need to make a "sexy" robot that serves people, usualy males in a hub like this, food.

"Can I get you anything else?"

"No, were good here, thanks". Hera said with a slight smile before turning back around to the Senator. The droid merely nodded before walking off toward the kitchen door.

The group waited a couple more minutes as to not look too suspicious before walking out. Ahsoka drank all her brooze to the last drop. Setting the mug down a little too heavily for a female of her stature. She let out a small sigh of contentment.

Ezra looked at her funky and wrinkled his nose. He still couldn't get over the fact that she liked brooze.

Ahsoka closed her eyes, pretending to be oblivious to the world around her. She snuggled up against the wooden bench and leaned back against the wall. Slouched over her folded arms as she was, on-looker's eyes started to drift over her, mistaking her as just another dirt bag trying to sleep the day and their problems away.

However, she was listening. She was aware of every conversation, every person, every droid and fly inside the hub.

The bounty hunters were swarming around the machine that showed all the possible bounties on wanted people. There was a card game being played on the edge of the hub. The winner was going to receive a very large amount of money.

One of the six players took two more cards out of his left pocket. He stealthily slipped the pair of aces into his hand of cards.

She could hear the rustling of his pocket and the smooth sound of the cards slipping into place.

She could hear a conversation between two men betting on who was going to win the droid race on the screens surrounding the bar. They were both drunk and laughing their asses off.

Zeb was tussling Ezra's hair. Ezra was smiling and hitting his hand away before punching Zeb in the stomach- playfully, of course. The Senator, Hera and Kanan were laughing at Zeb and Ezra's playful bantering.

The Senator got up laughing. "I think its about time you showed me the cargo I was promised. Wouldn't you say?" He still kept up his facade smiling.

"Of course". Kanan replied.

The party made its way outside. Maneuvering through the crowd of drunkards ambling about in the hub. The Senator pulled his mask back up to cover his face from the blistering sun and the sharp wisps of wind that blew their way. They met with Sabine around the corner so she could lead them to the alleyway where she stashed their precious cargo.

Ahsoka pulled her hood even lower covering her face in it's shadows. It was even more crowded out here. If that was even possible. You could smell how humid the air was; among other things that were not nearly as pleasant.

Huge animals caring their masters cargo ambled on right in front of them, shuffling their feet. Pushing sand up into the air in front of them. Sadly sand wasn't the only thing getting pushed up into the scorching air.

"Kanan, You got some, uhh, stuff, on your face.." Ezra said pointing at his own face, specifically his cheek. Zeb, who was walking next to Ezra, looked over at Kanan and started laughing. Covering his mouth with his hand in an attempt to stifle it.

Kanan, in an attempt to wipe what looked like mud off his face, had ended up smearing the "mud" around on his cheek and had gotten it on his fingers. When he saw what had gotten onto his face, he started whipping at his cheek frantically with his already muddy fingers, smearing the mud around even more. Zeb and Ezra were now doubled over laughing, not even making an attept to smouther their laughter even a little. Even Hera had a slight smirk on her face. Sabine, however, looked on at his face with a look of disgust, not finding one thing funny about the situation.

"Ugg, that's revolting. Get it off your face". She said, her lip curling up in distaste.

Senator Organa walked over to Kanan, pulling out a dirty rag from his clothing attire and handing it to him, smiling slightly.

"Thanks". He said. Zeb and Ezra were still laughing. Zeb was wiping tears from his eyes and holding his aching stomach.

Kanan was wiping off the "mud" with a rag.

"You can keep that by the way." The Senator said to Kanan with a slight smile plastered on his lips.

"We're here". Sabine said turning into an alley on their left. It was a dead end. The cargo was stashed against the back wall in the corner, covered by shadows and trash Sabine put over it to make it look as if it had been there for a while.

Zeb brushed off the trash and pushed it away from the wall.

"Where do you want it?" Zeb asked in his scruffy voice.

"Follow me" the Senator said with a wave of his hand before walking out of the alley.

Zeb pushed the crate after him. The rest of them followed. He took many twists and turns from then on. A right, a left, two rights, five lefts, and so on. However, Ahsoka being Ahsoka, and knowing what she knew, knew exactly where they were headed.

Luke Skywalkers house.


The Senators speeder pulled up next to the cream colored house. Everyone jumped out of the speeder before it even pulled to a complete stop. Everyone was sitting on top of one another and you couldn't see who's limb was whos.

Zeb fell on Ezra on the way out, making a pile of sand blow up into everyones face. Coughing and sputtering Ahsoka jumped out of speeder and landed gracefully before straitining to her full hieght. She took in the cream colored walls that blended in with the rest of the sand colored desert. The two suns said it was late afternoon. You could faintly see a large dust cloud coming towards the house. She guessed they will be staying there for a few days. She walked up to the door and knocked on it.

In the few moments it took to open the door the rest of the team of rebels and the Senetor all corwded around waiting for it to open.

An old man opened the door for Ahsoka. He gasped slightly as he took in the sight. And what a sight it was...

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