After Death- 13

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Obi-Wan was up well before the suns even began to raise up over the dunes. He was used to it now, the blistering heat even when the suns weren't out. He had never understood how people survived it, the heat, that was, until he had started living here.

He didn't mind the sand though; even though it got everywhere.

It was good to see Ahsoka again. He had missed her. Though he would almost never admit it out loud, it was truly fabulous seeing her again- even if it was under these circumstances. And what dire circumstances they were indeed.


Ahsoka woke up to the suns cresting over the hills, dawn always was so erie on desert and water planets. There was nothing else like it in all the galaxy that could compare at times. This was one of those times. The light was starting to cast shadows again, and the wind was starting to move the unswept sand around on the floor.

Sitting up, Ahsoka put on her boots and headed for the cloaked figure standing out on the peak of one of the far off sand dunes.

Ahaoka let her hood down, hanging around her neck, while she made her way toward him, basking in the suns warmth. The morning truly was beautiful on this god forsaken planet.

Hiking up the sand dunes, one after another, until she reached the sand dune Obi-Wan was standing on. By that time, her to-big boots were so filled up with sand that they felt like they fit two sizes smaller. The last uphill trek to the top of the remaining sand dune was the hardest due to the extra weight she was carrying in her shoes.

She walked up to him quietly, not feeling the need to announce herself. His cloak was slightly billowing behind him in the light breeze that was being casted. The hues of his skin had tints of orange and gold in them, which was unusual because he still looked a little pale.

Still not looking at her, he sat himself down. He closed his eyes, he seemed almost oblivious to her standing right next to him. She sat down to his left, crossing her legs and closing her eyes. And they sat, eyes closed and mind blank. Contemplating everything and at the same time nothing at all. Letting the force guide them in their thoughts.

She could remember Anakin's counseling when he was teaching her the ways of the force.
"The Jedi may act like they know everything about the force Ahsoka, but I can't tell you how wrong they are," he said, walking with her to the hangar bed in the Resolute Star Destroyer. "In comparison, we know as much about the force as we do the entire universe, and even then, we know more about the universe then we do about the force.
"We have no idea the power it holds. Trust in it, but never underestimate it Ahsoka, and may the force be with you."

That was before the second battle of Geonosis. That was so long ago.

Different memories kept flying through her mind of her past. Things she had chosen to forget and things she didn't. War made a monster out of everyone. And we were all responsible for what happens when that monster comes out.

She had done things that she wasn't proud of, but somehow she found them justifiable when they were being committed, and that was the worst part of it all. That she had thought it was okay because someone else had said so.

This never happens.

What is happening?

She never had thoughts that lead down this path. It never happened.

She started to hear whispers of voices. But this felt different somehow. Not like the usual visions you are supposed to get while meditating. This was something new, something strong.

This isn't supposed to happen.

"Ahsoka." She knew that voice, "Ahsoka, I am sorry." That voice was supposed to be dead. "I am so sorry that I am going to have to ask this of you." The voice of all things light and pure and good. And a voice of someone that wasn't supposed to be alive. "I am so sorry."

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now