A secret shared is a trust formed-3

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There was a moment of silence as everyone in the room took in what they had just heard. Ahsoka Tano, one of the Galaxies most famous or infamous jedi- depending on a that person's opinion- in this room? Let alone sitting in front of them. It was... mind blowing.

Besides from a few other choice Jedi,  Master Ahsoka Tano was supposedly one of the best Jedi to have ever lived. Of course the fact that she was trained by Anakin the chosen one, in his prime before he betrayed the legendary Jedi order, only made her that much more dangerous than the average Jedi; though no one knew that, thankfully.

The rumors surrounding her past made her seem more extravegant than she deemed worthy. For instance, she once heard that people thought she was a mor epowerful Jedi then Master Yoda. It was absurd. However, her past wasn't why she was known among the commoners, or for that matter, the Empire; she was known for aiding in the fight against the Separatists, causing as much havack for them as possible.

Ahsoka had heard the rumors and stories surrounding her name. Most were just that, stories, but some weren't. She sometimes went to the homeless fires in the Dockside slums and listen to the stories the people told to pass the time in the chilling cold with only a small fire to provide warmth.

Some of the stories were even about her which was odd to Ahsoka considering that they made her adventures much more extravagant than they ever were. But she liked listening to them;  it reminded her of the good old days when she was just a padawan and Anakin was still just Anakin, not the sick, vile thing he had become. Some of the stories where told more than once but always from a different point of view and had different twists in them than the ones told before. The voices telling the stories were sometimes old and gruff and other times young and jubilant. The story she heard the most around the campfire was how the Empire had assumed control over the Galactic Republic, they had many renditions but they never got it right.

Only a few choice people had the "privilege" to know the whole truth behind how the Galactic Republic was betrayed and served on a platter to the Separatists. She was one of the few who knew just what Anakin had done to try and save Padamé.

After she found out about Anakin, she met with anyone who had survived the attack made on the Jedi as well as the Senate. They all had come to a decision on what to do with the Padamé's children, Luke and Leia Skywalker. She was still stunned that Anakin had turned to the Dark Side for help, and was now called Darth Vader. Everyone in the room was given an assignment to do and was to head out immediately to full fill it.

That was the last time she had seen Master Obi-Wan.

His assignment was to watch over Luke Skywalker. Hers was to inform all rebels bases of anything suspicions in Coruscant.

So Ahsoka made her way to Coruscant, however she hadn't landed in Coruscant until a year after she received her designated assignment. She had stayed in Coruscant ever since, up until she received a call for help made by Obi-Wan asking her for her help, which wasn't something she took lightly.

That was when she had tried to get on one of the ships leaving Coruscant only to turn around and leave do to the amount security. After that, she went back to helping people for a few days until she could figure out another way to get off Coruscant.

She hoped that the people before her weren't going to call in the clones.

That would not end well.

For any of them.

Ezra didn't understand why they couldn't just give her to the clones to take care of. She was a criminal after all.

And he certainly didn't understand why everyone in the room, besides him was staring at her like she just died and then came back to life. He had no idea who this 'Ahsoka Tano' was, and truthfully he didn't care. He just wanted something to eat. He was starving.  

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now