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Sabine remembered hearing stories on Mandalor that a young padawan by the name of Ahsoka had helped the Mandalorian Queen when her advice chancellor plotted to overthrow her, and take the throne for himself.

Ahsoka had rescued the Queen from her own prison along with a few other Mandalorians as well.
The Queen had tried to keep the rumors from spinning out of control.  But people liked to talk; and the news spread like wild fire. Each time the story was told it got more and more impossible. One story had said the the padawan had gotten her arm cut off and had to free the Queen one handed. Witch she oviously knew niw was false. That was just one of the many crazy stories surrounding Master Tano.

Sabine wanted to know the truth about Master Tano. She laughed quietly to herself while making her way to the cockpit of Ghost.  What in hell's tarnation made you think that one of  best Jedi in the Galaxy would tell you, out of all people, her life story. You just met the girl. She probably doesn't even remember your name. She thought.

Sabine climbed the stairs to the cockpit and sat down in the chair next to Hera. She felt exhausted as she took off her helmet. She seriously needed to get some sleep.

"So where are we going" she said.
Hera glanced at her then turned her attention back to were they were flying.

"Don't know yet, but I was thinking Tatooine would be safest for a now, plus our friends are there waiting for the delivery. We could maybe drop off Master Tano at one of the Rebel places near there if need be."

"Tatooine huh, haven't been there in a while. Not a place I would like to go to again anytime soon for that matter either. I need to sleep. Have fun. Tell me when there's something I can blow up or spray paint. " Sabine said.

Hera smirked at her friends eagerness to blow things up then spray paint on the mess. In any plan Sabine made it always included, in some way or another, her spraying and antiseparatist sign. Whether it was on one of the compounds she just blew up or on a wall near the sight.

Sabine got up to go curl up in a corner or the only bed on the ship, besides the slab of metal in the medical room, which she didn't consider as a bed. She would probably find it occupied since Ezra was probably done helping Master Tano he was more than likely sleeping. Growing boy and all. She yawned right in Hera's face. Hera scrunched her nose at Sabine. 

"Brush those fangs of yours while your up." Hera said to her. Sabine stuck her touge out at Hera and went to go check and see if she could sleep on the bed or if it was taken. 

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now