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My name is Ahsoka Tano and I am one of the very few Jedi who have survived Order 66. I have been on the run ever since. A few months after I had left the Order, every Jedi, padawan, and most of the future younglings were hunted down and assassinated. Years later only a few Jedi are alive and even fewer are still fighting against the Empire's tyranny. I am one of the few Jedi still fighting against the Empire and will keep fighting till I draw my last breath.


Ahsoka pulled her hood of her cloak down lower as she crept along the boxes that were being piled up to be taken up to what used to be the Jedi Temple. The boxes were filled to the rim with weapons, machine parts, and medicine. All probably for the clone troopers in the Siths army or for repairs on all the remaining droids. She suspected they wouldn't miss the few things she stole from them to give to the people, especially when most of them were starving or dying of disease. But like always she did what she could to help others that weren't as fortunate as herself, let alone could survive on their own.

She turned to leave. She wanted to get out of the hanger bed before she got spotted by the clones guarding the crates. She took a few cautious steps forward only to hide behind another box when she caught sight of the clones moving the material to and from the ship. She slowly turned her head towards them to figure out a new way to get around them without being seen or caught. All thoughts of escape left her mind when she caught sight of the scene before her. She was repulsed by how low the troopers had swooped from what they once were and symbolized, to what they were now. The clones were laughing at the young woman being thrown between them, and not too nicely. The girl was a Twi'lek, suggesting from her long green tail-heads .

"Let go of me." she yelled. The storm troopers kept laughing and were freely grabbing at her. Ahsoka knew she had to get the Twi'lek women out of here. But she didn't know how to do so without drawing too much attention to herself. The young Twi'lek women turned around and pulled a gun on one of the clones. But instead of spilling his brains on the ground, she moved her aim to shoot one of the crates holding explosives for the Galactic Empire.

She was thrown against a near crate due to the blast, hitting her head, and knocking herself unconscious. Ahsoka knew for a fact that all the clones were dead or severely injured. She stood up slowly, still feeling disoriented from her fall and all the noise- it almost sounded like a war zone, though, now a days every day was a war zone whether it was against herself, other people with their own agendas, or the Galactic Empire.

Ahsoka caught sight of the Twi'lek women, unconscious on the floor still grasping the gun as if it was some sort of lifeline. She hurriedly crept over to her, staying low to the floor as she moved.

"Hello? Come on wake up." She tried to shake the woman wake. She debated hitting her but thought better of it. She heard a scratching noise. Ahsoka ceased all movement until she figured out that the noise was coming from the Twi'lek woman.

"Sector two, come in, Sector Two come in. Meet at transport 15." The woman's com-link was on. She tried one more time to shake the woman awake. She sighed giving up trying to wake her and lifted the woman up over her shoulder. She started to make her way through the maze of crates to go look for the ship the woman is associate on the comlink talked about.

"Hey! stop right there on the order of the Galactic Empire." She turned around to see about twenty clones running straight for her.
She cursed at herself. How could you have been so stupid and not have sensed them coming? Stupid, stupid, stupid. She took off as fast as she could with the extra dead body weight. The clones had started to shoot at her. She ran behind a crate of medicine for cover. The clones were getting closer. She had to get out of here. She heard a whistle, looking in the direction of the noise she spotted a woman in Mandalorian armor.

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now