Until We Meet Again - 14

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The next morning, Ahsoka got up, meditated on the dunes with Kenobi and repeated the process of reaching a state of pure energy.

It was a tiresome process, one that took ample amount of energy. And when the suns started to set they would both retreat back into the clay house and repeat the same process again the next morning.

This went on for days, and Ahsoka started to loose track of time. Days started to blur together and she began to forget the job offer Senator Organa had offered her. Began to forget there were other people in the world. All she saw and remembered was the dead. Day after day.

It was only when Obi-Wan brought it up that she remembered there was a whole other world beyond these ever-changing sand dunes.

They were walking back from another day of meditating, another day of seeing the dead- another day of no progress. Obi-Wan kept telling her that this takes time and that even he was still on the journey of reaching a state of enlightenment. He wouldn't exactly say on what part specificaly he was on, but he insisted that he was not close at all from reaching a state of pure energy. She found that kind of hard to believe, all considered.

"Have you made a choice on Organa's offer?" He asked beseechingly.

"I believe so."

"Good." She knew that he knew what her answer would be. They both knew it. She just didn't want to admit it at the time, but she knew her answer to Organa's question even before he asked it. If any of the Skywalkers needed her, for anything, it didn't matter where she was or where they were, she would find them, and she would do anything to protect them. Anything.

Some things just didn't change.

The next day, Ahsoka got up before the suns could even cast a shadow in the room. What little to none of the possesions she owned was packed away and tightly secured to her satchel she had hanging from her body.

Ahsoka walked into the kitchen, hoping to catch Obi-Wan before she left. He was sitting in a chair at the table, lost in his thoughts. Over the days they both had gradualy become somewhat closed off from each other. Both reliving the kills and the deaths they've witnessed in a life time of war, it didn't bear well for conversation later in the day. And sometimes they were faces they didn't even recognize and so they puzzled over it, trying to piece together how their jagged edged face fit into the surreal image that was their life. The faces consumed their every spare thought awake, as well as on their dreams. It didn't bode well for conversation at all.

"It's time then." He said looking up at her.

"It does seem like it." He got up from the table and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Be safe Ahsoka, and I'd be very greatful if you come back in one piece."

Ahsoka chuckled at that, "I shall do my absolute best Obi-Wan, just for you." She said with a half smile.

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

He looked at her for a while, studying her. Eyes never leaving her face.

"Take care Ahsoka. You will be missed."

"And I you Master." She said back with a bow. She knew there was no Jedi order anymore, but it felt appropriate. She felt lile he deserved something more than just a name, he deserved a title at the very least for all that he had acomplished in his life, and "Master" seemed a fitting enough title.

He walked her out to her bike she had stashed away in on of the small crevices between the two mediocre houses. She brushed off the dust that had acumulated on the seat of the rusty old bike.

About to head off, only to be stopped by Obi-Wan's trenbling voice. "If you see An- Darth Vader. Tell him- tell him, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about Padamé." Ahsoka stayed silent for some time, contemplating what to say to a man who had lost so much more than what he deserved and had to live with the consequences every day.

The pause was long enough for Obi-Wan to look up, searchingly into Ahsoka's eyes. All she could give him was an empty promise that she hoped she would be able to uphold.

"I will Obi-Wan. I will for you." She said quietly. Breaking the eye contact he nodded his head as if he was hearing someone confirm what was being said. His eyes were glazing over as if in a haze.

"Thank you Ahsoka." He said. "And take care."

She gave her thanks and his well wishes back to him and sped off on her banged up bike, not knowing that that would be the last time she ever saw Obi-Wan Kenobi alive.

Master Ahsoka TanoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang