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SOOOO sorry for the long wait... School and homework has been atrocious. Hope you like the new chapter. May be a little deep. Ps. if you have any ideas for the story coments are always, always, always welcomed. PPs. so sorry to all you grammar and spelling geeks. ;) My spelling has seen its better days for sure. Anyway........ Enjoy! 

Ahsoka woke up to the sound of soft snoring. She tilted her head ever so slightly toward the noise. Ezra was curled up, past out in the chair across the small medical room. His head was tilted to the side, resting on his shoulder. Next to him was a table, on it were her clothes. Someone must have folded them for her. She sat up slowly, wraping the thin blanket around her chest to cover herself up. The wound hurt like hell but she had a very very high pain tolerance. She swung her legs to the edge of the metal slab of a bed, she winced as her toes lightly brushing the icy floor. So cold. She thought to herself, but then again she wasn't wearing a shirt. She stood slowly and walked over to her clothes, using the table for support. She reached her clothes and pulled on her black, brown and maroon clothing over head. She folded up the blanket she used and drapped it over Ezra. She froze when he moved every so slightly, luckily he didn't wake. 

She tried as quietly as she could to open the the door to the get out of the medical room without waking up Ezra. With the support of the wall she walked herself to the cockpit of the ship were Hera was manning the controls. The door to the cockpit was already opened so Ahsoka stumbled in. 

"Sorry to intrude, but were are we heading?" Ahsoka asked. Hera almost fell out of her seat with surprise. Ahsoka smirked. Guess my stealth skill are at a new high , she thought to herself. 

"I was thinking Tatooine." Hera replied. Ahsoka nodded her head.

"That's a good of place as any if you want to hide from the officials and troopers. I haven't been there in a long long time." She said with a scowl on her face. She moved to sit in the chair next to Hera. She made a small grunt at the pain when she sat down. 

"So you've been there before?" Hera asked.

She nodded. "Quite a while ago though. Its not a place I like to remember. There's a lot of slavery there, and I have seen first hand what that can do to a man." She said to Hera. Hera could hear the malice and grief behind the words. So much grief. She wondered who the man she described was. Hera hated slavery as much as the next girl, but she had never seen first hand what happened to the slaves or the kind of lasting impact slavery made on a person. 

"What happened to him?" Hera asked her. She turned her body in her chair so she would be facing Ahsoka.  Ahsoka turned toward Hera and locked eyes with her. Hera looked into her eyes and saw all the pain and suffering this young women had endured. The loss of loved ones. All the deaths she had witnessed, in consequence to the clone war, and all the people she had killed for a cause that she stood for that was bigger than both of their insignificant lives combined. But she saw something else in the Jedi's eyes. Something most people didn't have. Hope. Hope that things would eventually get better. That there would be a 'light at the end of the tunnel', if you will. 

"He chose a new path, a dark and dangerous path. He was so consumed by grief and terrible rage that he had now control over what so ever. He knew of no way to get rid of it and it soon lead him to his own doom and destruction, and everything he once loved and stood for was destroyed in the process. "

Ahsoka turned away from Hera to face towards the endless black of the galaxy. She almost looked as if she was searching; searching for something she knew she had absolutely no chance of finding. But would keep on looking, behind every star and every planet from one sector to another. And she wouldn't stop till she found what she was searching for. Hera only hopped she would find whatever she was looking for and eventualy find peace in her lifetime of war and hurt.

Hera twisted her body so she was facing the universe as well. A universe with an endless list of possiblities. And all she had to do was have the guts to reach out far enough to grab one.  

~A single chance, is a galaxy of hope~

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now