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Two days later, the team was landing on Tatooine. The wind whipped the sand up the sides of ship, making it hard to see through the windows.

Everyone was putting on old, stained, cloaks to cover themselves from the storm and to help blend in with the scum life residing here.

Ahsoka threw on her cloak and pulled her hood down low enough to cover her face from the flying sand and the other dangers.

Even here -in the outer rim- her face covered the walls of buildings. Her bright skin making her stand out more than the other people on the wanted posters.

"Come on, we don't have much time". Kanan said to the crew, who were still putting on sand resistant clothing and weapons. Hera walked over to the panel in the wall and pressed the button that lowered the plank. The wind whipped the sand around the room getting it everywhere. Zeb grumbled a complaint, knowing that he was going to be the one to clean up the mess. Ahsoka smirked at his foul language.

"Make sure you always have your clothing covering up your mouth and ears and your hood down. Kanan and I don't feel like paying for a doctor to get sand out of your ears and eyes. We need to move quickly if we are going to meet our partners on time. Let's go." Hera said before pulling up the cloth around her neck to cover her face and pulling down her hood. Turning around She headed out of the ship, putting her arm up in the air to cover her eyes from the beating sun.

Kanan went second after her, not wanting to have her out of his line of site. Following them was Sabine, Ezra and Zeb who pushed the crates full of some precious cargo that they neglected to share with her. Something about not wanting to put her in danger or some shit.
Ahsoka was the last out of the ship. She turned around in time to see chopper push the button, closing up the ship from any further sand getting in. Turning back around she made her way to the city a little ways in the distance.


By the time they got to the hub where they were going to meet their partners, it was almost dark. They found an open table in the back of the hud, covered by shadows. They left up their sand gear in hopes of covering up their faces, and concealing their identities from the few authorities that were patrolling the desert planet.

Ahsoka wanted to know who these special partners were and if she knew them or knew of them. Either way, she was very curious to know what she may be up against or allies with.

She also needed to start her search for Luke Skywalker for Obi-Wan Kenobi. She hadn't seen Obi-Wan in years. She needed a little bit more information concerning Luke if she was ever going to find him. Knowing what he looked like would be a great help, and only Obi-Wan knew that information. It was rumored that there was a mysterious man living near the sand domes. His name supposedly was Ben Kenobi. -It wasn't exactly a hard one to put together.

A voice of the servant droid broke her out of her thoughts. "What can I get you all?" She asked.

"Nothing at the moment." Kanan said.

"Actually, can I get your strongest brooze please. That would be great." She said to the waitress. Ahsoka ignored all the shocked faces of the team and looked up at the waiter.

"Of course." The servant droid replied in the girlish mono-toned voice it was programmed with. She walked away in her red one suit that was the only thing covering her "mechanic" parts.

"Seriously, brooze. Only, like, criminals drink that stuff." Ezra said with an aghast expression on his face. She snorted at his statement.

Even Ezra, who was a mere 17 years of age, wasn't aloud to drink the stuff. Ha, back in her day a boy of 15 or even perhaps 12 could waltz into any bar and order his fill. Nowadays people had to be "older" to buy the stuff.

"Then why am I drinking it?" She asked in return. Lifting her face slightly in order to meet his eyes with her's.

"Your drink." The server droid had come back with a silver round tray in one hand, dirty cups and plates stacked up highly. In her other hand was a large mug with her brooze in it. Ahoksa turned her head to the droid as it placed her mug on the table.

"Thank you," she said to the droid before it waked back to the kitchen to unload its bundle of dirty dishes onto another droid to clean and polish. She picked up her mug and swished the brooze around inside the cup. She took a long sip of her beverage before setting it back down on the table. The liquid burned as it went down her throat.

Still ignoring the teams looks, she focused her attention on the crowd in the hud. Picking out the good from bad. She and Anakin used to come to the slums in Corasant and sit in a hub, just like this one, and he used to make her look- really look at the people in the hub and decipher which ones were hiding something and which ones lived a somewhat honest living and just stopped by for a drink.

What stopped her mid thought was the man that had just walked into the hob. He was wearing all fake smuggler clothes. The hood over his head covered his eyes in shadows and the cloth he had over his face covered his nose and mouth. The material was nice and not worn like it should if he was an actual slumer and the yellow and brown stains looked a bit staged. He stopped in front of the entranced and scanned the hub. Left to right.

When his eyes reached our table he froze doing a head check. She could see the confusion in his eyes from the one too many heads at the table. He made his way over to them. Ahsoka stiffened when he sat down across from her.

"You made it," he said. His voice sounded so familiar to her, but she couldn't place where she heard it from. "Didn't think you would have been able to."

"We know how to get around." Zeb said laughing at some inside joke, nudging Ezra. Folding his arms across his chest, he leaned back in the half circular cushion chair we were all sitting on -with one leg propped up on his other. Ahsoka was surprised at how relaxed he looked. The teams mysterious partner smiled a slight smile before turning his body to face her.

"And who might you be?" He questioned. Ahsoka leaned back in the chair and folded her arms.

"That depends." She said.

"On what?" The shadows from his hood weren't covering his brown eyes anymore. And a little tuft of black hair stuck out from under the hood he was wearing.

"On who you are." She replied looking him straight in the eye for a few considerably long moments. She broke her eye contact with him first and took another swig of her brooze. He studied her shadowed face for a few moments.

"Well I guess if Kanan trusts you so should I." He said siging before pulling down his cloth that covered his mouth and nose.

"I'm Bail Organa. From the High Court of Alderaan. Former Senator of the Republic."

Ahsoka choked on her brooze and spit it out over the side of the table. Coughing and gagging she grabbed a napkin for her mouth. Still not yet able to comprehend that this was her old friend from the Republic.
Her coughing slowly dwindled to a stop. Ahsoka took another swig of her brooze trying to calm her nerves and conceal her shock.

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now