Memories from the past-4

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It took a few minutes until one of the team's members found her on the ground. Ezra found her first. He ran towards her and knelt on the ground next to her. He put his hand on her shoulder. His eyes latched on to her stomach, taking in the nasty looking wound.

"Kanan," he yelled in a shaky voice. His eyes left her wounded stomach and started looking around for something, anything, to help her. His eyes showed with fear for her well being. "Come quickly!" He shouted again.

"Don't be frightened Ezra. I've survived worse wounds than this. In fact I could tell you some stories about all the scars I've collected throughout the years. But perhaps another time". Ahsoka told him. He looked up into her face. She forced smiled at him through gritted teeth.

Ezra couldn't believe she could withstand this much pain and not have passed out, let alone talk to him about her scars, trying to calm his nerves when he should have been the one trying to help her, not the other way around.

But he was grateful none the less for her helping him with the clones and now this. He couldn't help but look up to her. He now understood why Zeb, Sabine, Kanan, and Hera looked up to her and talked about her like she was some kind of hero when she wasn't in the room.

Kanan was there in record time. Kneeling down in front of her. "Its worse than it looks." She said to them. Seeing Kanan's fear for her in his eyes as well. "The wound," she said, "it reopened."

Kanan nodded his head in understanding.

"Ezra, help me take her to the medical room." Kanan grabbed her by her arms and helped her stand up. They helped walk her to the medical room. Kanan had to let go of her in order to push the button to open the door. Most of her weight was on Ezra now. He gritted his teeth together and fixed the position of his feet to better support his and her wait. Strong boy, Ahsoka thought.

When the door opened Kanan went back to help Ezra and they set her on the slab of steel connected to the wall that was supposedly a bed. She laid down slowly as to not agitate her wound any further. Even the slightest movement hurt her to the core, but she didn't cry out. She absorbed the pain, she knew there was no fighting it, so she let the pain go. Don't get her wrong, it hurt like hell, but she could handle it. Besides, shes had many ocassions to practice.

She cursed her wound, maybe a little louder than she intended when she saw Kanan and Ezra's head whip back to her.

It was such a clumsy mistake, she could have dogged the blast. Stupid.

Ezra turned his head around and raised his eyebrows at Kanan.

Kanan rummaged through the emergency kit. When he found what he was looking for he walked toward her with a needle, string and a pair of tweezers. He plunged the siringe of liquid into her arm.

"This will make you sleep for a while, it will help with the pain, " he said. Ahsoka could handle the pain but, she did need to sleep, so she saw no use in arguing.

He had her undo her cloak. He hesitated in the slightest when he saw her scared arms.

Most people wouldn't have noticed the hesitation, but Ahsoka wasn't most people. She didn't want to know what he thought about them. She had enough to worry about without having to worry about someone elses thoughts of her. Besides, none of them carried good memories. And she didn't like to think about the past, let alone talk about it.

"You're going to have to take off your shirt this time since the wound is bigger now and I can't reach it by only lifting up your shirt like I did last time." Kanan stated, tilting his head down to examine his tools and to avoided any eye contact with her.  Ahsoka looked up at him for a few moments debating if she wanted him to see more of her scars. She didn't, but saw no other way around it. Her arms and legs where nothing compared to her stomach and back.

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now