The Legacy -15

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It didn't take Ahsoka long to track down Organa. She knew that him and his crew would be staying for a little over a month to get all the supplies they needed for their cause.
Using all their old connections to scavenge for resources, people and information. And they wouldn't leave until Organa felt that they had gotten a sufficient amount of all three to last the Rebel Alliance a while.
The entirety of the operation was under the radar. Everything that was being whispered and passed around had double meanings and cover stories for the prying eyes. Luckily for her, she had her own connections in the right circles and was able to pin point his location before dusk the next day.
He was sitting at a booth in a bar, like the one he approached her and the crew of the phantom in. And was sitting across from another person, arm thrown across the back of the chair nonchalantly, as if he didn't have a care in the world.
His eyes flicked up, meeting hers and holding them for a few seconds longer than he would a stranger, signaling to her that her noted her presence and would talk to her as soon as he was able to.
Accepting this arrangement, she made her way over to the bar. The bar tender came up to her from across the counter, his 6 arms waving around in the air cleaning the dishes and fetching drinks for customers.
"What can I get ya, pretty lady?" he asked with a slight lisp.

"Your strongest booze." She replied as she sat down on the stool.

Within a few seconds of asking her drink landed in front of her, the liquid tilted in the cup from the momentum of being pushed across the table. Nodding her thanks to the bartender she took a gulp of her drink. The booze burned going down and set a nice fire in her stomach, warming her hands and toes.

It was getting colder in the bar, the suns were setting and with it the warmth of the day's rays. Normally one would think that it would still be fairly warm at night on a desert planet, but really it was quite the opposite. There were always too extremes on desert planets, you either got extremely warm weather or near freaking temperatures, there was no in between, much to her dismay.

She took another long slug of her drink and set it down on the counter in front of her.

She was just about to take another sip when Organa slid into the stool next to her.

She didn't look at him, just kept her eyes down, her fingers fiddling with the rim of her drink. He raised a hand to signal to the bartender that he wanted a drink. The cup was slid to him across the counter, he caught it with ease.

"I was starting to think that you wouldn't show," he said, sliding a glance at her.

Ahsoka took a slug from her drink, before answering.

"I had things to sort out." She said in reply. Organa eyed her for a minute, taking in her worn clothing and the sand that was stuck to her face that refused to come off, leaving the remanence of a goggle imprint.

"Well, I hope two months was enough time for you." He paused, debating on what to say next. "I'm glad you came back. We are in short hand these days. Lelia's ship comes today to pick up the supplies, you can get on there."

"What about you?" She asked.

"I have to take care of some things here before I'll be ready to leave." He said, taking another slug of his drink and asking the bartender for another. "The ship will  leave at midnight." Ahsoka nodded her understanding, before taking the last sip of her booze and throwing some coins on the table. She slipped off her stole with as much grace as she could muster with her sore thighs.

She dipped her head to Organa. "It was nice seeing you again old friend."

Organa inclined his head to her. "And you my dear, always a pleasure." He said with a slight smile that reached his warm chacolate eyes. With that bitter-sweat goodbye in the forefront of their minds, he walked out the door, on to the next task what required his assistance.

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