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Ahsoka woke to the sound of muffled voices. She kept the pretense of sleep so she could listen in and figure out whether she should stay or bolt.

Ever since Order 66 it took a lot for someone to gain her trust an to keep it. It wasn't a gift she gave out lightly. Especially when at every corner she turned in this god forsaken city had her unsmiling face flashed back at her on a wanted poster for crimes against the Empire. It said in the description that she was a Jedi Master and was extremely dangours and if seen to be exterminated immediately.

So no, she had decided long ago not to put her trust in anyone unless she was absolutely sure her trust in them was well founded.

Much like her need to be untrusting of people, she couldn't sit back and watch the Empire starve and terrorize it's people. She couldn't. So she caused as much havoc as she could for the Empire without getting caught; she  helped anyone that she could, but she was only one person and not many were ready to rebel against the Imperial senate. Not yet. Hopefully the people would come to their senses, soon. 

"So let me get this strait, you went off sneaking around looking for a piece of equipment for Goast (their ship) and got caught by a couple of clone troopers and this girl saved you from the clones and got hurt in the process?" The voice was gruff and raspy, she didn't recognize it from the people that were in the room with her before. 

"Yes Zeb, that's how it happened." Female and had a slight accent to it. It sounded like the girl from earlier, Hera.

"I don't like it, it sounds fishy." The Mandalorian. What would a Mandalorian be doing on Coruscant anyways? Expecially now when they weren't exactly in a good relationship at the moment with the Sepertst waging a war on them and all.

"Can't we just hand her over to the clones?" Ahsoka shifted slightly at that suggestion.

"Ezra! She just saved my life, she might be like us and is fighting against the Empire and there are few enough of us as there is." The girl with the accent said. "I'm going to wake her up."

Ahsoka could her the soft foot steps coming towards her. The girl moved her arm slighty as if to wake her up and said "I have some food if your hungry here." The girl, or rather woman handed her a reddish fruit. 

"Thanks." Ahsoka replied from her sitting position on the couch. Luckily she slept with her hood up, so hopefully they haven't caught sight of her face yet, and her light sabers were still covered by her cloak. She held the plate in her hands and surveyed the rest of the people in the room.

There was a young kid, probably not much older than 13 or 14, with black hair and a strait nose. He had battered clothes which suggests he's from the streets.  The next person was obviously the muscles of the group. He had purplish grey skin with a goatee and not of any species she knew of which made her immediately suspicious of him. The Mandalorian, who she had met, had personalized armor that was very colorful, to say tbr least. She was holding a helmet that looked like it once belonged to Death watch. Her brown hair was streaked with a pinkish orangish color. She also had two blasters around her waist.

The guy who stitched her up she singled out as the leader of the team. He had his brown hair pulled back into a small ponytail. He was dressed simply enough, with armor on one arm, extra pads on his knees and a blaster in his holster around his waist. The Twi'lek had green skin with designs on her lekku (long head-tails) and was dressed in utilitarian flight gear with orange pants. 

She waved her hand to the kid and said, "This is Ezra," than she waved to the purple muscles man "Zeb," to the Mandalorian, "Sabine," than to man who she assumed was the leader, "Kanan and I'm Hera"  Ahsoka nodded her head in return. She was not yet ready to reveal her identity to them quiet yet. 

Kanan took a step forward to the girl and asked, "Why exactly did you save Hera?" Hera wanted to know the answer to that question as well and by the looks of it so did the rest of the team. Ahsoka didn't look at all intimidated by any of them, even Zeb who usualy could make any one a little wound up with his looks, and the hood she wore over her head didn't help matters. All they knew about her was that she was Togruta. The woman looked up at him. 

"Because it was the right thing to do" She replied steadily. 

"Would you mind taking off your hood." Hera replied. She wanted to see who exactly she was talking to. It was also making everyone in the room on edge.

The girl surveyed them for a minute. She nodded. 

"If you wish." the girl said with a sigh as she took off her hood Hera's eyes widened in disbelief. They were in the presence of a Jedi Master. And not just any Jedi Master.

But Ahsoka Tano.

Master Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now