Chapter One: The Boy and Girl Who Lived

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The night of Halloween was a peculiar night for the Potter family of four. They've been in hiding for almost two years now because of the danger that would be brought upon their twins by Voldemort and all of his followers. Lily and James loved their two children with all their hearts and would do anything to make sure they were safe.

That night, Lily was in the downstairs loo giving Hallie a bath while her husband held a slightly wet but clean Harry in his arms. "Lily, dear, I do believe Hallie has had quite enough of this bath." James said with a laugh as his youngest and only daughter squirmed to get away from her mum.

"Honestly James, you could help." Lily huffed but conjured Hallie's towel.

James laughed again before reminding his wife, "I still have Harry, love." Lily rolled her eyes before casting a drying spell on their youngest child. Once Hallie was dry, Lily put on her onesie that was very similar to Harry's. Both children had on onesies that said 'Future Gryffindor' but Harry's was scarlet with gold lettering whereas Hallie's was gold with scarlet lettering.

"James, love, you've taken that potion tonight?" Lily asked as they walk out of the loo.

James looked over at his wife before answering her," Of course I did, Lily. Just because we are not sure if this will work, doesn't mean I will not at least try it."

They were about to walk up the stairs when they heard their silent alarm go off. "No!" Lily screamed but James was already going into action.

"Lily, love, take the children. Try to apparate to Sirius' house or even Hogsmeade, so you can get to Hogwarts." James told her as he handed Harry over. "I'll stay here, so I can give you a fighting chance. I'm going to send Sirius our emergency letter, so he knows that you three are coming." He called over his familiar, Marella. Marella has been his familiar since he was eleven when his parents gave the owl to him as his birthday present.

Lily was crying and shaking her head. "I can't leave you, James!"

"You're going to have to, love; for the children and for you. They need one of us still alive and you're the best bet for them. I love you." He kisses her softly before kissing the twins' foreheads.

Lily nods and says, "I love you too. James, please try to come back to us." With that said, she runs up the stairs to the twin's bedroom. Once the door is shut, she holds her children tightly before thinking about Sirius' home. When that doesn't work, she thinks of Hogsmeade but nothing happens. She places both of the twins in Harry's crib before she starts to pace until she remembers about the emergency portkeys. They had two for the same place encase this ever happened. Lily had just picked up the old Hogwarts textbook when she heard a scream. She dropped the book and turned towards the door. "James," she cried out in a whisper. She heard a strange yell and a growl before nothing else was there. "No! Isa!" At that moment, Lily knew that her cat, her familiar, was dead.

She knew she couldn't let their sacrifice be in vain, so she picked up the emergency portkey and was about to turn back towards the babies when the door blew open. Lily turns back to the door and saw Lord Voldemort walk in. "Please don't, not my babies."

"I'll let you live if you give up your children. I've offered you and your husband a chance to join me and my followers but you've always said no. This will be your last chance, Lily Potter." Lily shook her head no and Voldemort raised his wand before saying, "Avada Kedavra." The last thing Harry and Hallie will ever hear from their mum was a terrible scream. The evil Lord Voldemort turns towards the two one year olds and raised his wand at young Harry before saying the same spell but instead of killing the boy something else happened. Voldemort screamed before bursting into black smoke. Hallie looked over at her unconscious brother but heard a horrible scream and a flash of green light before falling unconscious herself. The two babies come to a few moments later to a shattered room.

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