RG 42

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"Slow down sweet girl." Charlotte called as Gracie rushed down the hall.
"Hurry Tia Charlotte." Gracie said.
"Si, hurry." Andrade said smiling.
"You two are trouble." Charlotte said.
Gracie hit the lobby and bounced right off of someone and flew back landing hard on her butt.
"Mommy." Gracie screamed starling everyone before she burst into tears.
"It's okay sweet girl." Charlotte said rushing over.
"Mommy." Gracie cried.
"I'm here." Becky said rushing over.
"Mommy." Gracie cried reaching for her.
Becky picked her up and she wrapped herself around Becky's chest.
"I am sorry." The man said. "She came out of nowhere."
"She did and she's okay." Becky said. "I am sorry she hit you."
The man nodded and walked back into the kitchens and Becky moved over and sat down.
"Are you okay baby?" Becky asked.
"No." Gracie hiccuped.
"Do you hurt?" Becky asked.
"Yes, my bottom and my hand." Gracie said. "Where is daddy?"
"Daddy is in the gym." Becky said.
"Does she need to see the doctor?" The hotel manager asked.
"Maybe just to make sure her wrist is okay." Becky said.
"I want daddy." Gracie said.
"I'll go get him." Brandon said.
"Thanks." Becky said.

"What's up?" Seth asked when Brandon came into the gym.
"Gracie fell and she's asking for you." Brandon said.
"She okay?" Seth asked grabbing his shirt and leaving the gym with the others.
"I believe so." Brandon said. "She was rushing down the hall and bumped into one of the cooks and fell."
Seth nodded and they made it to the lobby.
"I do not think it's broken." The doctor said. "Just sore, some ice for both will be okay."
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Daddy." Gracie said reaching for him.
Becky handed her over and Seth carefully took her.
"I hear you fell." Seth said.
"I was rushing and fell on my bottom and hurt my palm." Gracie said.
"I see." Seth said. "Gotta remember to slow down."
"I know." Gracie said burying her head in his neck.
Two ice packs were brought over and Seth gently placed one on her butt and held it for her and the other was seton his shoulder so she could put her palm on it.
"Better?" Seth asked.
"Yes daddy." Gracie said.
Seth sat down on the couch and everyone slowly cleared off.
"So where were you rushing too?" Becky asked.
"Shopping." Gracie said.
"I see." Becky said smiling.
"Can we go later?" Gracie asked.
"We can." Charlotte said. "You rest and get better."
"Okay." Gracie said before yawning.
"I think someone wore herself out with all this excitement." Becky said.
"Yeah." Gracie said as her eyes drifted shut.

"What are you doing?" Seth asked.
"Looking over the music." Becky said.
"She hasn't told the DJ what song to play for our first dance." Seth said.
"Little stinker." Becky said. "Why again did we agree to let our three year old pick our song."
"Because she asked us with the huge puppy dog eyes and we couldn't say no." Seth said.
"She get off with Charlotte okay?" Becky asked.
"Yes, Frank is with them." Seth said.
"Good." Becky said.
Seth smiled and pushed play on the IPod and Becky smiled as Mother Tongue started. Seth took her into his arms and slowly the swayed to the music starring into each other's eyes.
"You make me the happiest person in the world." Seth said.
"Sorry but that is me." Becky said.
"You know this time last year I never would've dreamed I'd be here, but I am so happy I am." Seth said.
"I know what you mean." Becky said. "I would not change an ounce of anything we've been through because it has brought us here and here is amazing."
"I agree." Seth said as the song switched and Rescue Me started and he smiled. "When I found you, I found me."
Becky smiled and kissed him as several flashes went off and they turned to see their families watching them, some taking pictures.
"This will be great in the video." Cesaro said.
Both blushed as little but smiled at each other.

"Roar." Gracie said.
"Oh no it's a bear." Becky said.
"No mommy it's me." Gracie said.
"Oh no, a wild bear has eaten Gracie." Becky said.
"Silly mommy." Gracie giggled pulling her hood up.
"Gracie, you're a bear?" Becky asked.
"Tia Charlotte got me this, it's so warm and soft." Gracie said. "And yes it turns me into a bear."
"It's beautiful." Becky said.
"Where is daddy?" Gracie asked.
"He is playing video games over in Uncle Tony's room." Becky said. "Wanna trick him?"
"Yes." Gracie said.
Becky helped her put the hood back up and they walked down to Cesaro's room. Becky opened the door and saw all the guys focused on the TV so she pulled her phone out and recorded as Gracie snuck in.
"ROAR." Gracie called and they all jumped and Becky lost it laughing.
"Daddy?" Gracie said.
"Hi sweet girl." Seth said chuckling. "You scared us."
"I sorry." Gracie said pulling the hood off.
"It's okay baby, it was funny." Seth said scooping her up.
"That was a good one." Josh said. "You look like a bear."
"Thank you." Gracie said. "Uncle Tony is your heart beating again?"
"It is." Tony said chuckling. "You are a lot like your mommy."
"Yep." Gracie said.
"Let's let these boys play some more and get ready for some dinner." Becky said.
"Okay, bye daddy." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and kissed her cheek setting her down where she rushed back to Becky who smirked at Seth before leaving.
"I got them good." Gracie said.
"You sure did." Becky said.
"Mommy." Gracie said when they were back in their suite.
"Yes." Becky asked.
"Can I make a card for the man I bumped into earlier?" Gracie said. "To say sorry."
"I think that would be a very nice thing to do." Becky said helping her dig out her things. While Gracie colored she sat down with Charlotte.
"That girl is the sweetest." Charlotte said. "She had originally picked out a dog coat but went we were walking past an alley she saw a girl who looked like she was shivering and we heard the mom say she was sorry to the girl for not having a coat for her. Gracie asked me if she could give the girl her new coat as a Christmas present and I said yes."
"Wow." Becky said.
"Gracie took the bag from me and walked up to the little girl who had to be the same age and told her Merry Christmas and sat the bag down. She walked back to where I was and we watched at the girl opened the bag and pulled out the coat." Charlotte said. "The mom burst into tears and the little girl put the coat on and smiled. Gracie said her smile was thanks enough."
"An amazing girl we have." Becky said.
"She is a light this dark world needs." Charlotte said.
"I agree." Becky said.

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