RG 18

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"Uncle Josh." Gracie said seeing him walk into Black and Brave where she and her parents were working out.
"Hey munchkin." Josh said picking her up as she ran over to him. "Working out?"
"Yep, mommy taught me how to do a burpee." Gracie said. "Wanna see?"
"Let's." Josh said setting Gracie down.
She did the burpee as Becky taught her and Josh smiled.
"Very good, soon you'll be out doing your mommy." Josh said.
"I wouldn't count on that." Seth said coming over. "You know Bex and her tank."
"I do." Josh said.
"So what brings you to my neck of the woods?" Seth asked.
"Needed to get away from Venice for a bit." Josh said. "Kinda burned out."
"Understood, you are always welcome here." Seth said.
"Hey man." Becky said coming out of the washroom.
"Josh needed a vacation from Cali so he's visiting us." Seth said.
"We're always happy to have you." Becky said.
"Thanks." Josh said. "Figured we could get some things for Deadboys in and I could see how you're training is going."
"That's good." Seth said. "Becky was just saying we needed to go to Cali when we got back from Saudi Arabia."
"Well I am here now so let's see what's going on." Josh said and Becky nodded taking him over where she was working and going over what she was doing and where she felt she needed a change. Josh was able to see how she had mastered a move and was needing to alter to get more out of the movement so they worked out a new routine that Becky felt better doing.
"Food." Gracie said jumping in Becky's back. "Please mommy."
"Let's go shower and change while Daddy and Josh do and then we will do get food." Becky said.
"Nachos?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Becky said.

After showering and changing they headed to Seth's favorite Mexican eatery to get food and head home.

"That girl can eat." Josh said as Gracie went to play with her dolls.
"She can." Seth said. "She loves her food.
"More then that she loves her healthy food." Becky said. "She'll eat a sweet now and then but other wise she doesn't ask for them."
"That's good." Josh said.
"It is." Seth said. "She does enjoy her chocolate though."
"All girls do." Becky said smiling. "She even love chocolate mints."
Seth made a face and both Becky and Josh laughed.
"She gets thst from you." Seth said.
"She does." Becky said. "We only have them when we're out doing mommy daughter things."
"And I am thankful for that." Seth said.
"So where is Raw this week?" Josh asked.
"Cleveland." Seth said. "House shows in Dayton, Dublin and then Raw."
"I wish it was Dublin." Becky said.
"Soon." Seth said.
"Then we have lives around St. Louis before we head off to Saudi Arabia." Becky said.
"That is going to be cool." Seth said.
"It's even cooler because Becky get's to go and perform." Josh said. "I am very proud."
"Me too." Seth said.
"Thanks." Becky said. "I was surprised I was asked to go but I am so excited too."
"It's a big step and it's cool you get to make it." Seth said. "I know Lexi and Sasha had a match our first time there but they had to ask to perform, you were requested."
"I know, I am proud that they got to do it, they we're the first and I am okay with that." Becky said. "I am just glad to take the next step with Naomi."
"It's going to be a match to see." Seth said.
"We are, Naomi and I have been working out things and we're going to use the live events to work on things." Becky said.
"That is why you are upping your cardio." Josh said.
"Yes, gotta keep up with her." Becky said. "That and the three year old currently spying on us."
"No fair mommy." Gracie said. "How you see?"
"Because mommy is magic." Seth said getting up and scooping her up. "What's going on?"
"Play?" Gracie said.
"What do you want to play?" Seth asked.
"Park." Gracie said.
"You're not tired from working out?" Seth asked.
"Nope." Gracie said. "Please daddy."
"Oh the puppy eyes." Seth said. "Go get your shoes on and your jacket."
Gracie smiled as Seth set her down and she ran to her room.
"I got this." Seth said. "You wanna come?"
"Sure." Josh said.
"Free time, Hmm what shall I do?" Becky said.
"Pack we leave Friday." Seth said smiling.
Becky rolled her eyes and giggled.
"Ready." Gracie said.
"Okay, park time with Gracie and Joshy." Seth said.
"Yay." Gracie said. "Come on Uncle Josh, time to play."
She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the door.

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