RG 14

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(Ask and you shall receive, lol. Thanks for all the comments and for such a great response here is chapter 14 as promised. Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment as always.)
"Hey Bob." Seth said as he answered the door.
"Come on in." Bob said. "Gracie is still asleep."
Both smiled and walked into the kitchen.
"Morning." Holly said.
"Hey mom." Seth said hugging her.
"So I watched Hell in A Cell after Gracie went to bed and I have to say son your match with Bray looked horrible." Holly said.
"It was a battle." Seth said. "I am still sore."
"And Becky as for your match I was expecting a fight but that was slaughter." Holly said. "I am glad you asked me not to let Gracie watch it."
"Me too." Becky said. "I was hoping I wasn't going to have to go there but it went there."
"Well I have to say I don't like all the violence but cutting their hair off was funny." Holly said.
"Grandma?" Gracie called.
"In the kitchen sweet pea." Holly called and Gracie came in.
"Mommy, mommy." Gracie called running over to Becky who scooped her up and hugged her. "Daddy."
Seth took her from Becky after a minute and hugged her.
"Miss us did you?" Seth asked.
"Yes oh yes." Gracie said.
She wanted Becky again so Becky just held her to her.
"So what is your guys schedule like this month." Holly asked.
"Well later today Gracie and I are heading to Chicago to flower girl dress shop with Ashley tomorrow and Thursday."
"I have some students to work with so I will join them for live events Friday." Seth said,
"We have live events and Raw the rest of the month and then we need to you have Gracie again from the 25th through the 2nd if you can." Becky said.
"Why so long?" Holly asked.
"Bex and I will both being going to Saudi Arabia for Crown Jewel." Seth said.
"We are happy to have her." Holly said.
"Is that ok luv?" Becky asked.
"Okay." Gracie said. "But together until then."
"Yes we will be together until then and we will even celebrate Halloween early since you'll be here with Grandma for it." Seth said.
"Trick or Treat." Gracie said.
"Yes, we'll go Trick or Treating." Holly said.
"Costume?" Gracie asked.
"We'll look while we shop for a costume for trick or treating." Becky said.
"Home?" Gracie asked.
"What about breakfast?" Holly asked.
"No home." Gracie said. "Please."
"Okay." Becky said. "Let's get you changed and packed up."
"She packed last night." Holly said chuckling. "Her go home outfit is laid out."
"Come in Kevin lets go home." Gracie said as the small dog barked and fallowed her to her room.
Becky just smiled and went to help her and after goodbyes they headed home.
"We don't have groceries at home." Becky said. "Luv can we stop for supplies?"
"Okay." Gracie said. "Toast?"
"She is so your daughter." Seth said pulling into the grocery store Becky liked.
"I know." Becky said. "We'll get bread for toast."
Frank waited in his little car seat while they walked into the store. Gracie rode in the little basket while Becky pushed.
"Look mommy." Gracie said seeing the cereal box.
"That is me." Becky said.
"Get?" Gracie asked.
"You don't like this cereal." Seth said.
"Grandpa." Gracie said.
"He does like it." Seth said. "You want the box huh?"
Gracie nodded and Seth put the box in the cart.

"My favorite section." Becky said when they reached the produce,
"Mine too." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and got different veggies and fruits.
"These will last into next week." Becky said. "Plus you need to eat more then pizza while we're in Chicago."
He smiled and nodded.
"Bread." Gracie said.
"Yes, bread is next." Becky said.
Walking down the bread isle they saw all the different choices.
"Should we get some cinnamon raisin bread?" Becky asked. "We can freeze it."
"Okay." Gracie said. "French toast."
"Yummy." Becky said.
She picked out a few different small loaves and then they got some other staples before checking out and heading home.
When they got home they got everything inside and then Gracie went to play in her room while they got breakfast cooked.
"Come eat." Seth said from Gracie's door.
Gracie smiled and put her dolls back in the doll house and walked over and took his hand. Seth smiled and they washed up before sitting down at the table to eat.
"I think she likes it." Seth said seeing Gracie devour the French toast and berries.
"Yummy." Gracie said.
"Shows she's happy." Becky said.
Seth nodded and after finishing up Seth cleaned up the kitchen while Becky cleaned up Gracie before packing their bags for the road. They wouldn't be back until next week so she had to make sure they had clothes for live events and then Raw.
"Look what I found in the garage." Seth said wheeling in Gracie's purple suit cases.
"For me?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Becky said. "They say Gracie."
"Cool." Gracie said.
"And they are here in time to pack for our trip and the next live events." Becky said. "We will need to pick her up some new everyday clothing, she has grown and her pants are too short."
"Are you growing?" Seth asked.
"Yep." Gracie said. "Be tall like daddy."
"Maybe," Becky said. "It is a good thing Aunty Charlotte likes shopping."
"Yes It is." Seth said.

After loading their bags in the car Becky found Seth sitting in the couch with Gracie.
"Daddy will be there in two days, you get mommy all to your self." Seth said,
"Okay." Gracie said softly.
Seth smiled as Becky sat down next to them.
"Hey sweet girl." Becky said. "Are you feeling sad?"
Gracie nodded as tears leaked from her eyes.
Seth pulled Gracie to his chest and hugged her.
"Daddy is sad too, but he's excited to see all you buy with mommy." Seth said. "Maybe you can find me a new present, you know I love presents."
Gracie nodded and just hugged Seth who rubbed her back until she fell asleep.
"Girl is killing my heart." Seth said as he buckled her into her car seat.
"Separation is going to be harder for her." Becky said as he closed the door. "I'll help her find a present and if you can wrap things up fast and join us maybe Thursday you can surprise her."
"I will do that." Seth said. "I love you."
"I love you." Becky said as he leaned down and kissed her. "Have fun."
"We will." Becky said climbing in. "We'll call before bed tonight."
He nodded and they drove off.

When they arrived in Chicago they checked into the hotel and Gracie was in a better mood.
"Shop?" Gracie asked.
"Okay, let's go explore." Becky said.
"Look." Gracie said pointing to the Bears shop.
"Yeah that is Daddy's favorite football team,
"Go in." Gracie said.
Becky nodded and they walked in. Gracie picked out a new shirt, hat, a lanyard, a key chain and a stuffed bear Becky had a feeling Gracie would end up with over Seth. After that they explored some small kid shops and found some clothing Gracie liked and Becky was happier with with since the cold weather was coming. She also found her a large coat so when winter did hit she was covered. Gracie picked out the unicorn gloves, hat and scarf.
"Warm." Gracie said.
"You will be." Becky said.
After that they headed back to the hotel and ordered some dinner from room service.
"Call daddy?" Gracie asked holding up her ipad.
"Okay." Becky said setting it up.
"Hello sweet girl." Seth said.
"Daddy." Gracie said.
"Are you and mommy have fun in Chicago?" Seth asked,
"Yep." Gracie said. "Shop."
"Awesome." Seth said. "Daddy is working hard too, see them boys and girls are working hard."
"Good." Gracie said.
Dinner arrived so Becky set it up and Gracie wondered away from the iPad at the smell.
"Gracie?" Seth called.
"Sorry dinner arrived." Becky said.
"Lost her to food." Seth said.
"Always." Becky said. "She wanted to call and see how you were."
"I am glad, we're on a break before another set and then more work." Seth said.
"That's good." Becky said. "We'll call before she goes to bed in about an hour and a half."
"Okay, talk to you then." Seth said. "Love you."
"Love you." Becky said.
She ended the call and walked over to the table.
"Is that good?" Becky asked seeing her eat the eggplant parmigiana she ordered.
Gracie nodded and Becky dished up and ate herself.
After dinner she gave Gracie a bath and enjoyed watching her play with the bubbles and jets.

"Look at my sleepy girl." Seth said. "You know what I brought to the school?"
He held up her favorite book and Gracie smiled.
"A goodnight story from daddy." Becky said. "How awesome."
"Yay." Gracie said climbing into bed under her blanket.
Becky moved the iPad over so she could lay down and Seth began reading to her.
"The End." Seth said and looked up to see Gracie sleeping.
"Amazing right." Becky said picking up ipad.
"It is." Seth said. "So I will be there Thursday, I'll text you what time so you can let me know where you are."
"Okay." Becky said. "Wake them kids up and get back to work."
"Will do." Seth said. "Love you."
"Love you." Becky said before ending the call and plugging the phone in.

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