RG 27

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"Daddy." Gracie whined dropping her fork.
Seth know that whine and quickly moved her from the room to the skin in the kitchen where she threw up.
"What's wrong?" Becky asked.
"Dizzy." Gracie panted.
"I'll grab her meds." Becky sakd running up to her room and grabbing her go bag.
"What's going on?" Annette asked.
"She's dizzy." Becky said.
She got the tablet to Gracie and she sat on Seth who rubbed her back. After a bit she fell asleep and he just held her.
"Dr. Green is coming to look at her." Josh said. "He was in town visiting his family after the tour."
Becky nodded and looked at her daughter.
"She was fine before we ate." Becky said.
"The last ear infection was just as sudden." Seth said.
"I hate that she's sick." Becky said.
"Me too." Seth said. "But we had the meds so she didn't have to be sick and we can do the antibiotics again."
Becky nodded and kissed the hand she held.

"I hear I am needed." Dr. Green said coming in with Rich.
"Yes." Seth said.
"Same as last time?" Dr. Green asked putting his bag down.
"Yes." Becky said. "I gave her an anti-nauseous pill right away."
"Good." He said pulling out what he would need and examining her. "Looks like another ear infection."
"Why does it make her do dizzy?" Becky asked.
"The pressure throws off her equilibrium and for some the dizziness makes them nauseous." Dr. Green said. "I have a dose with me she can take when she wakes and then you can fill this script tomorrow."
"We're due to fly back to the states in four days will she be good to go then?" Seth asked.
"I will still be here so I will come by and check her Thursday and I will know if she is clear to fly." Dr. Green said.
"Okay." Becky said. "Thanks for coming."
"She's my favorite patient." Dr. Green said.
Rich showed him out and Gracie began to stir.
"Daddy?" She asked.
"Hi baby." Seth said. "Mommy has some medicine for you."
"Is my ear sick again?" Gracie asked.
"It is." Seth said. "Dr. Green checked you over and gave us some meds."
"Dr. Green?" Gracie asked looking around.
"He had to go, but he left you this." Rich said holding up a lollipop.
Gracie smiled and took the sucker. Becky gave Gracie her meds and then she wanted Becky to hold her.
"You feel like eating some more?" Becky asked.
"No." Gracie said. "Can I have some juice?"
"Of course you can." Annette said getting her a bottle of cranberry juice.
"Tanks." Gracie said taking some sips. "I just wanna sit with you mommy."
"And I want that too." Becky said and everyone moved back to the table. Gracie feel asleep on Becky while they finished dinner.
"Sorry about this." Seth said.
"We understand." Ken said. "Kids get sick, you two seem to have a handle on what to do?"
"After last time we've had too." Becky said.
"That was a nightmare." Seth said. "We had just flown into Denver and she just started throwing up and saying she was dizzy. We had to wait for her meds to be filled and she was not happy."
"No one is when they are sick." Annette said running her hand over Gracie's head.
"I carry her anti-nauseous meds with me so if she needs them."
"That's smart." Ken said.

"What's this?" Seth said seeing Gracie curled up in the middle of the bed.
"She came in while you were in the shower." Becky said. "She wants to sleep curled up with her mommy and daddy."
"I don't blame her." Seth said as he climbed into the bed. "I like sleeping curled up with her mommy too."
Becky smiled and leaned over and kissed him.
"I quite like sleeping curled up with her daddy." Becky said.
"My daddy." Gracie said.
"That I am." Seth said. "You feeling better?"
"A little." Gracie said. "I seep here?"
"Yes you can sleep here." Seth said.
They laid down shutting the lights off and both curled up with Gracie all falling asleep.

"Good morning darling." Annette said when Becky came into the kitchen.
"Morning ma." Becky said.
"How is Gracie?" Annette asked.
"Sleeping still." Becky said. "She crashed with us last night, still curled up with Seth."
"She's a daddy's girl." Annette said.
"She is." Becky said. "He's the only daddy she's ever had."
"How?" Annette asked.
"McKenna was only thirteen when she was diagnosed with cancer. She knew the battle to save her life if they could would take her chances of ha king kids away and she felt very strongly in her heart that she was meant to have a baby. So she used a clinic and Gracie was created." Becky said.
"Wow." Annette said. "And her family didn't approve of this?"
"They didn't and tossed her out." Becky said. "Addison was McKenna's legal guardian and went through everything with her."
"Why didn't she adopt Gracie?" Annette asked.
"McKenna felt Gracie had a family out there that was waiting for her." Becky said. "Addison had three kids of her own and would've loved to adopt Gracie but she saw how in love we fell with her and Gracie with us. She knew we were meant to be her mommy and daddy."
"Wow." Annette said.
"The moment I met her she captured me, threw me completely off my game." Becky said smiling as she sipped her coffee. "When we arrived back at the hospital and she saw us she just broke down and I held her. She knew McKenna was close to dying and she didn't know what was going to happen when McKenna was wrong, but the minute McKenna told her she found her mommy and daddy, Gracie knew she was going to be okay."
"You said it was Seth's idea to adopt her." Annette said.
"I hadn't started thinking of it, but he had." Becky said.
"I saw she had fallen in love and so knew she needed Gracie like Gracie needed her." Seth said coming in with Gracie.
"I always need mommy." Gracie said reaching for Becky.
Becky smiled and took her into her arms holding her close and kissing her head.
"I always need you too." Becky said. "How are you feeling?"
"Okay." Gracie said.
"Are you hungry?" Annette asked.
"Can I have grapes?" Gracie asked.
"I am all out of grapes." Annette said.
"It's a good thing I stopped by the store." Josh said coming in from his jog.
"Grapes." Gracie said.
"Let me wash those." Annette said taking the bag.
"How you know Uncle Josh?" Gracie asked.
"A little birdy told me." Josh said.
"Welly? The red one from last time?" Gracie asked.
"Yep." Josh said.
"Uncle Josh is the bestest." Gracie said.
"He sure it." Seth said.
"I got two others to compete with." Josh said. "Gotta keep on my toes and earn my title."
Everyone laughed as Gracie munched on her grapes.
"Tank Grammy." Gracie said.
"You are welcome." Annette said getting out some juice for her too.

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