RG 21

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"She out?" Roman asked as Seth sat down across the isle.
"Yeah." Seth said. "She didn't sleep well the first flight."
"What's going on?" Roman asked.
"Things with Sasha and Bayley have been a bit much and she's missing Gracie." Seth said.
"What is their issue?" Ali asked asked from the seat in front of Roman.
"Part of it is jealousy and envy and a big part is anger." Seth said.
"Anger?" Romam asked.
"Sasha got a lot of hate after Paige's retirement and it depressed her and she's letting that anger fuel her come back in an unhealthy way, then they look at where Becky is at career wise and they want what she has." Seth said.
"I think everyone wants what she has." Reene said from the seat in front of Seth.
"True." Ali said. "We all want to have the success she has but we understand it's been years of hard work."
"It has." Roman said. "I haven't seen anyone as driven as she has been in a while, don't get me wrong we are all driven, we all want to be in top and be the best but I've seen her rise and I know how much work it took. She fought odds that many would not be able to, she took the company on her shoulder and raised it higher then I even thought possible."
"Where The Man is a bit arrogant and cocky it's not done without right." Renee said. "She's earned the right to say things and she backs it up."
"She does." Ali said. "I remember watching her confront John at the beginning of the year and watching their match and thinking damn Becky Lynch has arrived."
"She's has had an amazing year." Renee said. "I think the best year for any female ever and I think she's even topped most of the men."
"She has and she's still the most humble person about it." Seth said. "She knows it was her hard work and the fans who believed in her. Without them we wouldn't be where we are."
"I still can't believe Sasha's fans did to you what Paige's did to her. Did no one learn anything?" Renee said.
"Sadly no." Seth said.
"Ladies and gentlemen at this time we will be turning the light down low for those who wish to sleep." The stewardess said over the com.
"Get some sleep." Seth said as everyone began laying their seats back as they passed out pillows and blankets. He walked back to the small pod he got for Becky so she could sleep.
"Hey." He smiled seeing her eyes open.
"Hi." She smiled as he closed the door and slipped off his shoes and climbed on the bed.
"Everyone is going to sleep." He said as she settled on his chest.
"Good." She said yawning as he wrapped his arms around her.
He smiled and kissed her head and both fell asleep.

"How are you feeling?" Seth asked as Becky stretched back stage.
"I'm good." Becky said. "It's been a whirlwind experience being here, but I am glad we go home tomorrow."
"Me too." He said. "It's been exciting to be a part of so much and see so much, but I miss our kid."
"Me too." Becky said.
After she finished stretching and warming up they walked to the gorilla.
"You ready?" Becky asked Naomi who stood with Jimmy.
"I am." Naomi said.
When they arrived earlier this week they were asked to keep a male with the girls at all times just to ease some tension. Becky and Naomi has no issue with that and all the guys watched out for them. Seth and Jimmy were escorting each to the ring as well as some had, had issues with them performing. They would be opening the show and they were excited.
Naomi went out first and then Becky fallowed. The crowd seemed to love The Man and the kids were all screaming and chanting. Both ladies did their best and Naomi put up a fight making Becky dig deep and she just managed to beat her after she rolled out of the way when Naomi went for her split legged moonsault and she was able to lock her in the dis-arm-her earning the victory. As she celebrated in the ring with Naomi the crowd chanted for them and then they headed to the back.
"Ladies that was amazing," Vince said.
"Thanks." Both Becky and Naomi said.

When they got back to the locker room Becky's ipad was ringing.
"Morning my luv." Becky sakd when Gracie appeared on the screen.
"Happy Halloween Mommy." Gracie said.
"Happy Halloween." Becky said. "What are you doing?"
"I just had pancakes with Uncle Josh." Gracie said.
"Really?" Becky said.
"Hey guys." Josh said appearing.
"Grandpa Bob got hurt." Gracie said.
"What?" Seth asked.
"They were at the Halloween carnival on Tuesday and Bob went to move a pumpkin and pulled his back." Josh said. "Holly called and asked if I could come early and help with Gracie while she took care of him."
"Is he okay?" Becky asked.
"He will be, but he was in the hospital because the pain was so bad." Josh said. "They think he'll be home later today or tomorrow."
"Mom should've called us." Seth said.
"She knew how important today was so she called me and I had nothing going on so I came out and we've been hanging out." Josh said.
"Uncle Josh is taking me trick or treating." Gracie said. "Said I could eat as much candy as I wanted but I told him I was donating it to the army center since I don't like candy."
"You're kid is strange." Josh said.
"We like her like that." Becky said. "Did you show him your costume?"
"Nope." Gracie said smiling. "It's our secret until later."
"I still don't get to know?" Seth asked.
"Nope Daddy." Gracie said.
"How are things going?" Josh asked.
"I just wrestled, was a tough match but still Champion." Becky said.
"I go out last so, so far so good." Seth said.
"Are you coming home soon?" Gracie asked.
"We leave tonight and we'll see you in New York on Sunday." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie said. "I miss you."
"We miss you." Seth said. "Keep being a good girl."
"I will." Gracie said. "I made Grandpa Bob a card and we're going to go see him."
"Tell him we said get better and we love him." Becky said.
"I will." Gracie said.
"I'll send pictures later." Josh said.
"Thanks, have fun." Seth said.
"Love you mommy, love you daddy."
"I love you." Becky said.
"Me too." Seth said. "See you soon."
Gracie smiled and Josh nodded and they all hung up.

"I wish my mom would've called me." Seth said.
"She knew there was nothing you could do from here." Becky said. "She called Josh for help and Brandon is there too."
"I know but I hate feeling helpless." Seth said.
"We all do." Becky said. "You ready for this five on five?"
"Yes, I think I got a good team." Seth said. "Rusev, Alister Black, Roman and Cesaro."
"Who is on Randy's team?" Becky asked.
"Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, Dolph Ziggler, Shinsuke Nakamura." Seth said.
"Interesting." Becky said.
"He put together a good team, they are all not afraid to fight dirty." Seth said.
"But your team is better. Rusev is pure anger at this point and he's destroyed Randy and Corbin several times, Cesaro is the mad swiss titan and you know he's not afraid, Alister Black has been under used but now he has the chance to show all what he can do. As for you and Roman we know you two work well together." Becky said.
"We do." Seth said. "I think if done right we are going to put on one hell of a show and my team is going to win."
"Definitely." Becky said wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I love you." Seth said leaning his head against hers.
"I love you." She said. "So very much."
Seth smiled and leaned down and kissed her and she gladly kissed him back.

Team Hogan vs Team Flair was definitely the high light of the show. Seth team managed to beat Randy's team but just by a hair. They put up a great fight and weren't above playing dirty so Seth reached deep into his bag of tricks with Roman and together they managed to out wit the other team and got the victory.

After that it was showers, some more press and then a long flight back to New York.

"Mommy, daddy." Gracie called bouncing on Josh's shoulder as they waited outside the terminal at the airport.
Becky smiled and Josh quickly moved the little girl into her arms and Gracie wrapped herself around Becky.
"Hello my little luv." Becky said.
"No more apart." Gracie said.
"Baby you know with our jobs it might happen but you have an awesome family around you to take care of you." Seth said. "You'll never be alone."
"Daddy." Gracie said and Becky moved her to his arms and he held her tight.
"I have missed this." Seth said.
"Me too." Gracie said.
"So how was the trip?" Josh asked as they walked to baggage claim.
"Long." Becky said. "I am glad we are back."
"I bet." Josh said. "Your mom told me to tell you Bob will be fine, just needs lots of rest."
"That's good." Seth said. "I'll call her later."
"Daddy did you see my Halloween costume?" Gracie asked.
"Not yet." Seth said. "My phone died."
"We brought it so you can show him once we're back to the hotel." Josh said.
They gathered their bags and headed out.

"Oh my goodness." Seth said as Gracie came into the living room in her Halloween costum.
"Burn it Down." Gracie said and Seth chuckled.
"Are you twinning daddy?" Seth asked.
"Yep." Gracie said.
"I think she makes a cuter you then you." Becky said.
"I agree." Seth said.
Becky took a picture and posted it captioning it 'Daddy/Daughter Goals, twinning Daddy for Halloween.' @wwerollins.

As they settled in Gracie filled them in on all she had done and how Josh even collected candy for the troops and then how they then donated the cash they got to the toys for tots program.
"That was very sweet of you baby." Becky said.
"I got the best present I could get." Gracie said. "When mama died I thought I was going to be alone but I got a mommy and daddy. Santa came early for me."
"He sure did." Becky said hugging her. "But he'll still bring you toys on Christmas."
"Really?" Gracie asked.
"Yes, his magic helped us find each other but he'll also hook you up with a toy or two." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and Becky kissed her head.
"Are you happy we're back?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"You get to go on the plane for the next trip we take and explore France, England, Scotland and Ireland." Seth said sitting down.
"Wow." Gracie said.
"I found some cool things to do, even some gyms we can visit." Josh said.
"Yay." Gracie said. "I miss working out with mommy."
"We'll workout tomorrow after breakfast." Becky said.
"Good." Gracie said.
They spent the day relaxing as jet lag was hitting them both from the traveling. Josh could see both were exhausted so he took Gracie out to dinner so they could crash early.

(Quick Note: So this is last prewritten Chapter I have for this story. As I noted in Worth the Wait I injured my hand so the next update will hopefully be later this week. Thanks again for reading, voting and commenting.)

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