RG 38

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"So sleepy." Jojo said as Roman carried her on his back.
"Gracie is already out." Becky said as Seth carried her back to the hotel.
Once they were in the suite Jojo changed into her pajamas while Becky changed Gracie into hers.
"Mommy?" Gracie said suddenly.
"It's time to sleep sweet girl." Becky said.
"Oh." Gracie said. "Jojo."
"I'm here." Jojo said climbing onto the bed beside her.
Gracie smiled and hugged Becky before cuddling with Jojo both girls out.

"They asleep?" Roman asked.
"Out like a light." Becky said. "They had a blast."
"They did." Seth said. "You okay if I go to the gym and stretch out and get in some training?"
"Go for it." Becky said.
"I'll join you." Roman said.
"They are both out and I am just about, so go work out." Becky said.
Roman went to change as did Seth.
"You made our daughter very happy." Becky said.
"I live for it." Seth said. "I will be back soon, enjoy some sleep."
"I will." Becky said and he leaned down and kissed her.

"Mommy." Gracie said shaking her shoulder.
"Hi baby." Becky said seeing it was seven.
"I am starving." Gracie said.
"Starving?" Becky said.
"So is Jojo." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and saw Seth was skittle asleep so she slipped her shoes on left the room with Gracie.
"Go slip your shoes on and we'll go get food." Becky said.
Both girls put their shoes on and then Becky took them down to get breakfast.
"Can we make our own waffles?" Jojo asked.
"Let's." Becky said and showed them how to get the batter they needed and then the girls picked their characters and they made waffles.
While they cooked they picked out more things they wanted to eat and then when they were done they got drinks and headed back up to their suite.
"Let me help." Roman said taking the trays.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"I woke up and saw both girls were gone." Roman said.
"We were starving Uncle Roman." Gracie said as she climbed on a chair at the table.
"Well looks like you two got enough food, so eat up." Roman said.
The girls started dishing up and Roman went do to get some coffee and food for himself.
"You two eat while I wake Seth up." Becky said.
"Okay mommy." Gracie said.
"I got her." Jojo said.
Becky smiled and walked into her room.
"Hey sleepy." Becky said.
"Beautiful." Seth said.
"The girls were up and hungry so they're eating." Becky said.
"Wow, I didn't realize it was so late." Seth said.
"You exhausted yourself in the gym last night." Becky said. "It's still early and you need your energy those girls are going to go crazy in the park today."
"I bet." Seth said chuckling.
Becky got dressed and went to check on the girls.
"That is silly Uncle Roman." Gracie said.
"But it's true." Roman said.
"What is silly and true?" Becky asked.
"That daddy had blonde hair on one side of his head." Gracie said.
"I did." Seth said coming out.
"Wrelly daddy?" Gracie asked.
"Yep." Seth said.
"That is so silly." Gracie said.
"We're going to go grab food, you got this minion for a minute?" Seth asked.
"I do." Roman said.
"Can I go with and get some more potatoes?" Jojo asked.
"How about I bring you a bowl full." Becky said.
"Yes please." Jojo said. "They are so good."
"Grapes too peas." Gracie said.
"Say P." Jojo said.
"P." Gracie said.
"Lease." Jojo said.
"Lease." Gracie said. "Please."
"Good job baby and yes I'll bring potatoes and grapes."  Becky said and they headed down stairs.
"Jojo is great with her." Seth said.
"She is a great big sister." Becky said as they dished up.
"Hey guys." Alexa said.
"Here early?" Seth teased.
"I like their breakfast buffet." Alexa said.
"Wanna come up and join us?" Becky asked.
"Sure." Alexa said.
After getting coffee they headed back up to their room.
"Potatoes, grapes and one Alexa." Becky said.
"We no ordered Alexa mommy." Gracie said.
"She's an added bonus." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie said. "But no eat her."
"That's good." Alexa said taking a seat. "I love their potatoes."
"Me too." Jojo said as Becky set the bowl down in front of her. "Thank you Aunt Becky."
"You're welcome." Becky said sitting down.
"No grapes?" Gracie asked.
"I got those." Seth said setting her tray down and handing her a bowl.
"Th...thank you daddy." Gracie said.
"You're welcome sweet girl and great job working out how to say it." Seth said.
Gracie beamed and ate her grapes.

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