RG 13

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After sleeping in the next day they made it to the arena. Neither were wrestling tonight just a promos to talk about the up coming Survivor Series.
"How are you feeling?" Hunter asked after stopping them in the hall.
"I'm good." Becky said.
"What's going on?" Seth asked seeing people in the conference room looking at them.
"We need to talk." Hunter said.
"I knew it." Becky said.
"Just relax." Hunter said.
They walked into the room and sat down in the three empty chairs. Sasha and Bayley were sitting down by Vince and Stephanie.
"As you know last night things got a bit out of control." Stephanie said. "We've looked into everything and both Sasha and Bayley have admitted to not working a plan with you. They know and understand what happened was their doing and they are the only ones to blame for how things went."
"Okay." Becky said.
"The next leg for us is Survivor Series, usually we've have a champion vs champion and a five on five traditional match however we want to do things a bit differently. We have seen you battle Charlotte but we know what it's like when you two team up so you two will be teaming up and picking five other ladies to join your team to go head to head with the team Sasha and Bayley put together." Vince said.
"Okay." Becky said. "Anyone we want?"
"Yes." Hunter said.
"What about me?" Seth said. "Am I still facing Kofi?"
"You are." Vince said.
"I want all of you to understand this is a business we need to be professional and keep that things shouldn't be personal." Stephanie said.
"I have always acted that way." Becky said. "Charlotte and I have gone rounds but we are still friends and we work together. In that ring we have to have each other's back and if we don't things won't work."
Sasha and Bayley left as Becky and Seth waited around as asked.
"On a different note we are heading back to Saudi Arabia for Crown Jewel which is on Halloween this year and we have been asked to bring you Becky preform and we'd like you and the lady of your choice to join us." Vince said.
"I know it's your first Halloween with Gracie, but this is big that they are requesting you." Hunter said.
"Wow." Becky said. "I am honored."
"You and whoever you choose will have to fallow the dress code they sent but it should be a good trip." Stephanie said.
"Okay." Becky said. "I think at this point the person I would like to face in Naomi. We work well together and I think her positivity will bring a brightness to the fact that we get to go."
"She's a good choice." Hunter said.
"I agree." Vince said. "Let her know and then get planning your attire."
Becky nodded and they headed out.
"This is huge." Seth said.
"It is." Becky said. "I am bummed we'll miss Halloween with Gracie but this trip means so much."
"I agree and we can celebrate early and my mom will love having her for the day." Seth said. "And she will understand why this trip is important when she is older and she will be proud of you. The way I am proud of you."
Becky smiled and kissed him before going into the locker room.
"You look happy." Charlotte said.
"I am." Becky said. "Wedding dress shopping with my two favorite girls, a new adventure for Survivor Series and I get to perform at Crown Jewel with Naomi."
"Me?" Naomi said.
"They got the list of people they wanted to see and they requested me and the opponent of my choice." Becky said.
"No way." Naomi said. "Me and you?"
"Me and you." Becky said. "I feel your positivity for life is what these young people need to see and I know we can make it match of the night. We do great things together and after the hell of the last few months with Sasha I need an opponent I can trust."
"That is amazing." Naomi said. "Thank you."
"You girls are going to be amazing." Lexi said. "I remember when I went and it was life changing."
"What's the Survivor Series news?" Charlotte asked.
"So instead of a Champion vs Champion and the traditional five on five you and I are teaming up with five other ladies to go against Sasha, Bayley and their team." Becky said.
"Wow." Everyone said.
"We are the better team so we can do that." Charlotte said.
"I agree and I think you'll like who I have in mind for our team." Becky said.
"Tell me." Charlotte said.
"Well since we know if drives them crazy that Lexi and Nik are the Tag champions I was thinking them." Becky said.
"I'd love to mop the floor with what is left of the blue troll." Lexi said.
"I owe them an arse kicking." Nikki said.
"Okay, the other three?" Charlotte asked.
"I have to make some calls with those ones and but want to keep them a surprise from listening ears."
"Okay." Charlotte said. "We'll talk while dress shopping this week."
"Yes, Gracie is excited." Becky said.
"How are you doing without her?" Lexi asked.
"My heart hurts but I will see her tomorrow." Becky said as her IPad went off. "Speaking of the devil."
She pulled her IPad out and accepted the call.
"Mommy." Gracie said.
"Hello my little luv." Becky said.
"Look mommy I am you." Gracie said showing off her hair and The Man shirt and yellow shoes.
"I see that." Becky said.
"She looks better then you Bex." Charlotte said.
"She does." Becky agreed.
"I went as mommy for the Halloween fessvil." Gracie said.
"She did and won the contest." Holly said.
"That is great baby." Becky said. "Are you having fun?"
"Yep, but I want you and daddy."
"One more sleep and we'll be home." Becky said.
"Where daddy?" Gracie asked.
"He is in his locker room, do you want me to get him?"
"Yes." Gracie said and Becky left the locker room and walked down to the men's locker and knocked.
"Hey." Roman said opening the door. "It's safe to come in."
Becky smiled and walked inside and over to Seth.
"Hey." He said.
"Someone wants to talk to their daddy." Becky said showing him the iPad.
"Becky how did you get into the screen?" Seth asked.
"It's me Daddy." Gracie said giggling.
"No way, you look just like mommy." Seth said smiling.
"I dress up like mommy for the fessvil." Gracie said. "I won."
She held up her trophy.
"That is awesome." Seth said. "We'll have to put up a shelf for it to sit on."
"Okay." Gracie said. "Come home?"
"Tomorrow we will be there when you wake up." Seth said. "I miss you."
"I miss you." Gracie said.
After a few minutes Holly told her she had Mac and Cheese ready so Gracie hung up and Becky smiled.
"We got a great kid you know." Seth said.
"We do." Becky said. "I have to get ready for my promo."
"Have fun." Seth said.
Becky nodded and kissed him before leaving back to her locker room.

"Becky we just learned that at WWE Survivor Series you will be teaming with Smackdown Women's Champion Charlotte and putting together a team to battle against Sasha Banks and Bayley and a team they put together." Charly said.
"It looks like it." Becky said. "I mean after last night both Bayley and Sasha got a beating they deserved. First Bayley got what she deserved from Charlotte and well then I got the pleasure of beating the hell out of them in the Cell. So I get Charlotte and I have a past, one neither of us will forget but what Sasha and Bayley managed to do was show us our feud is over, we are each running our divisions on our shows and that together she and I are capable of destruction. So yes for Survivor Series I will be teaming with Charlotte Flair and we have already picked the first two members of our teams."
"She's right." Charlotte said coming up.
"Care to share?" Charly asked.
"We could." Becky said. "But I think the WWE Universe would rather we show them."
Becky and Charlotte both smiled and walked away and out into the arena.
"Bakersfield." Becky said and the crowd went nuts.
"Do you want to know who the first two women on our team our?" Charlotte asked and the crowd began the Yes chant.
First Nikki's music hit and then Alexa's sending the crowd into cheers.
"Hey Charlotte what is better then one champion?" Becky asked.
"Two?" Charlotte asked.
"True, But what's better then two?" Becky asked.
"Four." Charlotte said.
"That is right, our team will have four wwe women's champions." Becky said.
A video from the back came on showing Sasha and Bayley and the crowd booed.
"Big deal." Sasha said. "Those two losers have nothing on our first two members."
"That's right." Bayley said. "Our first two members will be the next WWE Women's Tag Team Champions."
The screen widen to show Sonya and Mandy.
"Are you kidding me?" Alexa said. "We beat Mandy and Sonya at Clash of Champions and at Hell in a Cell."
"They are the current WWE Tagteam Losers." Nikki said making everyone laugh.
"Hey Bex, what's better then one loser?" Charlotte asked.
"Four." Becky said.
"Straight Fire." Charlotte said. "I guess we'll be team Champion vs Team Loser."
"It's how Survivor Series will end." Alexa said. "They will walk in losers and crawl out losers."
The crowd cheered and the segment was over and they walked back stage.

"Ladies that was great and I like this combo." Vince said.
"Thanks." They all said before giggling.
"So Naomi and I need to go talk to costume about Crown Jewel." Becky said.
The rest nodded and they walked down to where costume were set up.
"Hello ladies." Carmen said when they came over.
"Hey, Naomi and I are going to perform in Saudi Arabia for Crown Jewel and we need costumes that will fallow their dress code." Becky said.
"Okay, we can do that." Carmen said and she showed them the dress code and they got to work planning their outfits.

(So if you have reached this you have finished the chapter, but if I can get people commenting they want another update like yesterday I will post another update today. The challenge has been laid out, who's going to pick it up?)

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