RG 40

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"How was your meeting?" Seth asked.
"Good, we have a good set up for TLC." Becky said.
"Are you wressling tonight?" Gracie asked.
"I am." Becky said. "I am going to be wrestling Asuka and Kairi."
"Two?" Gracie said holding up to of her little fingers.
"Yes, see Aunty Charlotte faced them and lost so now I need to face them." Becky said.
"Can I watch your match?" Gracie asked.
"If you stay with daddy you can." Becky said.
"What's going on?" Seth asked.
"Since we're setting up for TLC their might be some towards the end." Becky said. "So I'd rather her be with you backstage watching it."
"Okay." Seth said. "Josh can keep her busy while you warm up and I get the guys ready for my segment."
"Sounds good." Becky said.
"What are you doing daddy?" Gracie asked.
"While daddy's character is going to be the bad guy for a while." Seth said.
"Why?" Gracie asked.
"Because it's time for a change for him." Seth said. "Remember it's play acting, so I might act mean but it's my job."
"You won't be mean to me or mommy right?" Gracie asked.
"I could never." Seth said. "Remember I love you and mommy so much."
"We love you too." Gracie said jumping into his lap on the couch.
Seth smiled and hugged her and she feel asleep for her nap curled in his arms.

After nap they hit the gym and got some reps in before getting ready for the nights events. Josh kept Gracie distracted and Seth got through his segments with the AOP and Owens before going to get Gracie who insisted she needed to watch Becky's match and make sure she was okay.

"No fair." Gracie yelled at the TV. "They cheated daddy, mommy was going to win."
"She wins by disqualification." Seth said smiling at his out raged daughter.
"No." Gracie screamed when Kari did her Insane Elbow putting Becky through the table. "Mommy."
"Hey she's okay." Seth said. "Remember we're trained to go through tables."
"I want mommy." Gracie said reaching for Seth.
He scooped her up and they walked towards the gorilla.

"Mommy." Gracie called when Becky came back stage.
"I'm okay baby." Becky said walking over to where Seth held her.
"You went through a table." Gracie said.
"I did." Becky said. "Remember it's not the first time."
"And knowing your mom is wont be the last." Charlotte said coming up.
"Are you wrelly okay?" Gracie asked.
"I am." Becky said smiling.
"They need to film the next two segments." Charlotte said.
"Okay." Becky said.
"You know what I saw in catering?" Charlotte asked Gracie.
"What?" Gracie asked.
"They had a table full of different fruits." Charlotte said. "And I believe there are like six types of grapes."
"Gotta go mommy." Gracie said. "Daddy down please."
Seth smiled and set her down.
"Come on Uncle Josh." Gracie said grabbing his hand. "I need grapes to calm my nerves."
Everyone chuckled as Gracie pulled Josh away and they walked back to the trainers where they would be filming. After wrapping up Becky went and showered and changed before finding Gracie in catering.

"She's adorable." Mickey said. "Maybe one of these days I will bring my son and they can play together."
"She'd like that." Seth said. "Hey babe."
"Hi." Becky said. "Mickey how are you?"
"I'm good." Mickey said. "I was just telling Seth your daughter is adorable."
"She is." Becky said. "Thank you."
"Well I gotta run, commentary awaits." Mickey said. "Nice meeting you Gracie."
"You too." Gracie said.
Mickey left and Becky sat down.
"Good work tonight." Seth said.
"Thanks." Becky said. "I knew taking them on two on one was going to be hard but it helped the storyline progress."
"You would've won but they cheated." Gracie said.
"They did and I still got the win." Becky said. "But now we're set for TLC."
"That's good." Seth said.
"So you and Aunty Charlotte are going for the tag titles." Gracie asked.
"We are." Becky said.
"Cool." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and they finished eating before loading in the car and making the drive to the hospital in Tennessee.

"Jojo." Gracie said running up to her in the lobby.
"Gracie." Jojo said scooping her up and hugging her.
"Hey man." Roman said.
"Hey." Seth said. "Did you just get her?"
"We did." Roman said.
Both checked in and they headed up to the suite they reserved.
"I hope you two are okay sharing again." Becky said.
"We are." Jojo said.
"Yep." Gracie said.
"How about you two settle in and then we'll go find a park to run around in." Becky said.
"Yay." Both said and Becky left them and walked to the living room.
"How are they?" Roman asked.
"Settling in." Becky said. "Since both have been stuck traveling, I thought it might be fun to find park, let them burn off energy."
"Sounds like a good plan." Roman said.

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