RG 5

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Seth woke around two and saw Gracie in the hall looking around. He slipped from bed and walked out to where she was.
"Hey sweet girl, what's going on?" Seth asked.
"I gotta go potty, but I got lost." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and turned on the bathroom light and Gracie rushed in and went potty.
"That was close." She said after she finished.
Seth helped her wash up and smiled.
"We'll have to get a light so you know where to go." Seth said. "Ready to go back to bed?"
"Can I cuddle with you and mommy?" Gracie asked reaching up for Seth.
"Of course you can." Seth said picking her up shutting the light off and taking her into their room.
"What's this?" Becky asked.
"Cuddles." Seth said and Becky smiled as Gracie snuggled into her and fell back asleep. Becky smiled and was asleep again. Seth took a picture of the two and watched them for a moment before going back to sleep.

"What's this?" Seth asked smelling the pancakes.
"Gracie asked for pancakes so I made you two some." Becky said.
"What about you mommy?" Gracie asked.
"Mommy doesn't like to eat before working out." Seth said making himself a coffee.
"Where do you work out?" Gracie asked.
"At daddy's school." Becky said.
"Are we going inside today?" She asked.
"We are, after you and daddy eat." Becky said. "Mommy needs a work out to start her day, then we'll go shopping for decorating supplies before we're invaded."
"Invaded?" Gracie asked.
"Yes, your grandma Holly wants to meet you and is bringing dinner over tonight along with your  Grandpa Bob and Uncle Brandon."
"So many names." Gracie said.
"Don't worry, you'll learn them all." Seth said. "My dad is due back next week but we can take her to see my granddad while we're out."
"We can." Becky said. "Eat up."
Seth smiled and dug into the banana oatmeal pancakes.
"Mommy makes good pancakes." Seth said.
"Yep." Gracie said with a mouth full.
Becky smiled and cleaned up while they finished.
"Okay, let's go clean up and change." Becky said when Gracie finished.
After washing her up and putting her in some clothes they headed out.
"Wow." Gracie said seeing the gym.
"You have to be really careful in here." Seth said. "We don't want you hurt."
"Okay." Gracie said.
He went into the office and Becky began her warm up yoga and Gracie tried mimicking her.
"Do you wanna learn?" Becky asked.
"Yes please." Gracie said and so Becky set about teaching her and had fun doing a light work out so Gracie could do some things.
"Yep jump." Becky said as Gracie jumped onto the small box and stood up before jumping down.
"Someone has mastered the box jump already." Seth said.
"Mommy taught me." Gracie said doing in again.
"Mommy did a great job." Seth said. "Uncle Josh will be proud."
"Who's that?" Gracie asked.
"Josh is a very good friend of ours and he's our trainer." Becky said. "Helps us work out and stay fit."
"Oh." Gracie said.
"He and daddy also have a fitness group called deadboys." Seth said holding up a shirt. "Now you can be out newest mascot."
"Yay." Gracie said.
"We have to think about how to tell the world what we did." Becky said as Gracie did some more jumps.
"I've been thinking about that." Seth said. "I have an idea."
"Oh." Becky said.
Seth took out his phone and showed her the picture he took.
"You want to post it?" Becky said.
"I was thinking about it." He said.
"This is my favorite." Becky said showing him a picture of him squatting down in front of Gracie in her adoption day dress as she kissed his cheek.
"We could each post with a caption." Seth said.
"Daddy and Gracie." Becky said. "Second happiest day for the rest of my life."
"Mommy and Gracie." Seth said. "What a sight...for the rest of my life."
Both smiled before uploading and then took Gracie next door for Becky's after workout breakfast.
"My phone hasn't stopped." Seth said watching the vibrations from the alerts send it across the table.
"Mine either." Becky said. "I think we broke the internet."
"Again." Seth said smiling. "How's your toast?"
"Yummy." Gracie said. "Working out made my belly hungry."
"Does mommy's too." Seth said.

As they drove to Seth's granddad's house Stephanie called.
"Hi." Becky said.
"So congrats, you two broke the internet again." Stephanie said.
"We figured." Becky said. "So what's up?"
"So WWE has been asked about this and I wanted to run it by you before we made a statement." Stephanie said.
"Okay,we figured people would find out sooner or later, so we were hoping to get the jump." Becky said.
"I figured, so how does 'Seth Rollins and fiancée Becky Lynch adopted a daughter last week in Tennessee. Gracie is three and settling into life with her new family and we ask that everyone respect that give them their privacy." Stephanie said.
"Sounds okay." Becky said relying to Seth what she said. "He is okay with it too."
"Okay, then I will make the comment and we'll see you on Monday for Raw." Stephanie said.
"We'll be there." Becky said hanging up and sending Stephanie a picture they could use of the three of them on Gracie's adoption day. "I guess every media outlet in the world is asking about our posts and WWE wants to make a statement."
"I am sure the world will want all the details." Seth said.
"I just want to keep her happy and safe." Becky said.
"We will." Seth said pulling up outside.
"Okay sweet girl, ready to meet some family?" Seth asked.
"Okay." Gracie said.
They walked to the house Seth carrying Gracie and went inside.
"Grandpa." Seth called.
"My boy." Ron said coming into the living room. "And who is this little lady?"
"This is your great granddaughter Gracie." Seth said. "Can you say hi?"
"Hi great granddad." Gracie said.
"Hello." Ron said. "I know you two adopted her, but she looks so much like you two, the brown eyes and ginger hair."
"She does." Becky said and they sat down and talked for a bit before heading out to do some shopping.
"So this purple?" Seth asked.
"Yep." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and showed the paint guy what they wanted so he made up the cans they would need. They found some other things they would need before heading to the furniture store.
"Wow." Gracie said seeing the princess bed castle.
"Do you like it?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"Do you want this bed?" Seth asked.
"Yes please daddy." Gracie said.
The sales man came over and Seth said they'd take the princess castle set.
"We can customize the name in it." He said.
"Okay." Seth said. "Why don't I handle the paper work, while you two look at little things we'll need."
"Okay." Becky said.
They walked around the floor and found some things Gracie liked so Becky collected the numbers on the tags and then joined Seth at the register.
"Find some things?" He asked.
"Yes." Becky said. "I took the numbers down."
"Okay." The sales man said. "We can gather all this and have it delivered tomorrow."
"Sounds like a plan." Seth said as he rung everything up.
"Two of this one." Becky said.
He nodded adding another and then Seth paid.
"Well little lady what's next?" Seth asked picking Gracie up.
"Nap." She yawned.
"She's tired." Becky said. "It's going to take a while to get everything we need and I can find things online so let's get her home to nap and we can get things ready for the weekend."
"Sounds good." Seth said and they headed home.

"It's going to be a bit odd traveling with a three year old." Seth said.
"It is, but she's ours now." Becky said.
"She is." Seth said smiling.
"I'd like to get her, her own set of travel bags like we have but maybe purple with her name on them that we can add to it as she grows." Becky said.
"Okay." He said. "Add it to the list and for now she can use my old one."
Becky nodded and looked over what she was packing. Laundry was being done as they worked through what they needed.
"What time should my family be here?" Seth asked.
"Holly said around six." Becky said.
"Okay." He said. "Then I have time to run back to the gym."
"You do." Becky said. "Put them boys through them paces."
Seth nodded and kissed her before heading out.

While Gracie was still sleeping Becky began finding things online they they would need.

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