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Two Weeks Later

"Hi grandma." Gracie said softy as they came into the house with her bag.
"Hey there sweet pea." Holly said. "Why the sad face?"
"Mommy and Daddy are going away." Gracie said. "I no want them to go."
"I know you don't but they have lot of work to do and they're going to be traveling very far." Holly said.
"To the other side of the world." Seth said. "Remember on the map."
"No go." Gracie said tears bursting from her eyes.
"Come here." Becky said picking her up and moving to sit in the couch. "I know it's hard being away from daddy and I, I have a hard time being away from you."
"You do?" Gracie asked.
"Of course I do." Becky said. "And I know it's hard to be apart but sometimes we have to be but we'll always come back to you."
"Always?" Gracie asked.
"Yes, you are our baby." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and hugged Becky.
"So now I need you to be a brave girl and be good for your grandparents and help take care of Kevin, you know he can be such a handful." Becky said.
"Never a dole moment." Seth said handing her, her juice bottle.
"Daddy." Gracie giggled.
"So we have eight sleeps to be apart and then Joshy is going to come pick you up from here and bring you to New York and then we're going to fly to France, Germany, Scotland and England before we fly to Ireland and you meet my family." Becky said.
"Grandma Nette." Gracie said.
"Yes and Grandpa Ken and Uncle Rich." Becky said. "They are looking forward to meeting you and we get to pick out the food and cake for the wedding."
"Chocolate." Gracie said.
"Maybe." Both said smiling.
After many more hugs and kissed they finally headed towards the airport.
"You'll be okay." Seth said. "Eight sleeps."
Becky smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Having fun?" Becky asked Rhea as she came into the back stage area of the venue they were at tonight.
"A little." Rhea smiled as Sarah and Ruby came limping into the back.
Becky just smirked and walked her back to the locker room.
"Where is the rugrat?" Rhea asked.
"She's back in Iowa with Seth's family since he and I are going to Saudi Arabia." Becky said.
"Awe." Rhea said. "That's cool that they invited you."
"I agree." Becky said.
"So what is the plan for Raw?" Bianca asked.
"I am not sure, we won't know until tomorrow, but we have a meeting with everyone at eleven so make sure you are at the arena." Becky said.
"They still trying to change their team?" Rhea askes.
"I think so." Becky said.
"Cowards." Bianca said.
"Let's not worry about it, you ladies did amazing tonight and we'll handle whatever they throw at us." Becky said. "I'll see you in St. Louis."
After some goodbyes Becky headed out to where Seth was waiting.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yes, to St. Louis." Becky said.
Seth nodded and they hit the road for the three hour drive.

"Okay ladies let's sit." Stephanie said walking in with Sasha, Bayley and their team. Becky was already sitting with her team showing them pictures of Gracie making brownies with Holly.
"So as you know Sasha and Bayley have requested to alter their team." Stephanie said.
"Wasn't that vetoed?" Charlotte said.
"It was, however they have requested to bring in a sixth member." Stephanie said.
"They have have they." Becky said irratated. "I thought we were already enough with seven members each, now they want to go nine and then what ten, eleven until they get all three of the horsewomen in their team,"
Both Bayley and Sasha looked shocked.
"I am not stupid." Becky said. "I know your first plan was to boot Sarah, Mandy and Ruby to bring them in and when that failed you went with plan b to try and convince everyone more people were needed on your team, but the teams are big enough as is. You picked your team and we picked our. It is not our fault you went with the two main rosters and didn't look at NXT or NXT UK. You're so sure you're better then us then use who you have and prove it." Becky said.
"Management would agree." Stephanie said. "Your teams are set and there will be no more changes and if you try to go the injury route then we will be forced to cancel the match and we're all looking forward to seeing what you can do with the people you have and note this, if the match is cancelled because things go this route then we will look else wear for future title shots."
"You're still considering our requests for rematches right?" Sasha said.
"No decision will be reached until after Survivor Series." Stephanie said.
"You wanna know what I find so damn irritating, last year after Ronda cost me, me Smackdown championship at TLC the next night you and your family come out and tell us things are changing, there will be no more automatic rematches, so I had to earn the right to go after the titles that was stolen from me. A title I made the most talk about in the whole industry, but I didn't whine or complain, I didn't put in request after request to demand a rematch, no I went out there and I earned it. Even when Lacey cost me, me Smackdown title at Money in the Bank, I was pissed but I didn't demand a rematch or any of that crap, I moved on. But your family seems to love making me defend against the same people over and over. First it was Charlotte, then it was Lacey three times, now it will be Sasha three times. I beat her, unteather me from her and let me take on the next opponent." Becky said.
"We'll take it all into consideration." Stephanie said. "For now the teams for Survivor Series are set, you and Naomi are going to Saudi Arabia to wrestle and then when we come back we will set the scene for Survivor Series as we head into our Euro tour. So tonight we will see Rhea, Xia and Bianca set to go against Mandy, Sonya and Ruby."
"We're ready mate." Rhea said cracking her knuckles smirking.
"Very good." Stephanie said.
Becky and her team headed back to the main locker room with the other women wrestlers while Sasha, Bayley and their team used an alternative one.

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