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"Look it's Aunty Charlotte." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and ran over to Charlotte who scooped her up and hugged her tight.
"This can't be Gracie, she's to tall." Charlotte said.
"I grow." Gracie said. "Like a weed."
"That you did." Charlotte said. "I see we've been shopping."
"Some." Becky said.
"Well are we ready for flower girl dress shopping?" Charlotte asked,
"Yay." Gracie said and they headed to the shop they had an appointment in.
"Hello and welcome, I am LeAnn." The lady behind the counter said. "Do you have an appointment?"
"Yes, Lynch." Becky said.
"Yes, our three o'clock, we're looking for a flower girl dress." LeAnn said.
"Yes." Becky said.
"And this must be our lucky flowery girl." LeAnn said.
"Yep." Gracie said.
"Do we know the theme and colors?" LeAnn asked as she walked them back.
"We're doing a Christmas Wedding in Ireland." Becky said. "My dress is Christmas red with gold on it."
"Very nice." LeAnn said when Becky showed her the picture.
"Well are we thinking ball gown style, whimsical or simple?" LeAnn asked.
"Mommy." Gracie said walking over to a red dress with gold on it.
"Wow." Becky said. "Those are our colors."
"Try." Gracie asked.
Becky nodded and they choose a few to try including one that was green and red and looked like she was covered in mistletoe.

"I think this is it." Becky said seeing her in the red and gold dress.
"Me too." Charlotte said.
Becky took a picture and sent it to Seth who replied she looked amazing.
"I think we'll go with this one." Becky said. "And what if we did the mistletoe one for the rehearsal dinner."
"I bet she'll be the belle of the ball." Charlotte said.
After changing they paid and headed back to the hotel.

"Swim?" Gracie asked seeing the pool.
"That sounds fun." Charlotte said.
"Okay, let's go change and we'll meet down in in twenty for some swimming." Becky said.

"She is like a fish." Charlotte said as Gracie swam around the pool in her life vest.
"She is." Becky said. "So how are things with you and Andrade?"
"We're good." She said. "He makes me happy and I haven't been happy for a while."
"That is good." Becky said. "Happiness is important."
"I really feel like my dreams will come true with him." Charlotte said.
"That's good." Becky said. "I never in my wildest dreams would've thought I'd be this happy and so in love."
"It suits you." Charlotte said. "You have been working so hard at the WWE dream that the universe rewarded you with Seth and Gracie."
"I never thought at the beginning of the year after swearing off dating that things with Seth would change how they did." Becky said. "It was like all the forces lined up and were like here you go, happiness forever."
"I think true love works that way." Charlotte said. "Not that the past relationships you and he had were a mistake or wrong, but they led you to each other. Didn't he say in the interview with
Ed Mylett that he considered giving up on love to, but connecting with you on a deeper level changed all that."
"He did." Becky said seeing Gracie slow down. "I think some wore herself out."
"Nap?" Gracie asked.
"Yes, but some lunch first." Becky said as they climbed out.
"I'll go change and  come over to your room." Charlotte said.
Becky nodded and took Gracie up. She ordered some Mac and cheese and then changed herself and Gracie in comfy clothes.
"Eat a little and then nap." Becky said. "It's your favorite."
Gracie began eating as Charlotte arrived. Once she had half down she was almost alseep so Becky put her to bed.
"I am starving." Charlotte said looking at the menu.
"Order lunch." Becky said. "I need to as well."
After they ordered they sat in the living room.
"So what is left to do for the wedding?" Charlotte asked.
"Well I have my dress and Seth was fitted for his tux, Brandon and Rich as well."
"We have the flower girl dress and my dress." Charlotte said.
"Lanie just got hers, it has to be taken in but other wise it's covered." Becky said. "As for the ceremony we are doing it at Longueville Maonr fallowed by the reception there."
"I looked it up, it is beautiful." Charlotte said.
"Yes, we'll I called in a few favors to get it but it will be worth it." Becky said. "I did reserve you and Andrade a room."
"Thank you." Charlotte said. "Do you know who all is coming?"
"We sent invites out and my mom says she is just starting to get returns." Becky said. "So we'll know soon."
When their food arrived they ate and enjoyed just catching up.
"Mommy." Gracie said coming in.
"Hello my luv." Becky said as she came over. "Did you have a good nap?
"Yeah." Gracie said.
"Well Aunty Charlotte and I thought maybe you'd like to do some more exploring." Becky said.
"Shop?" Gracie asked.
"Maybe." Becky said. "What do we still need?"
"Daddy present." Gracie said.
"But you got him all the Bears stuff." Becky said.
"No special present." Gracie said.
"You know what kid, I have an idea." Charlotte said. "Get your shoes and let's scoot."
Gracie smiled and ran to get their shoes on and then they headed out.

"What is this place?" Becky asked as they walked inside.
"Ahh Miss Flair welcome back." An old man said coming from the back.
"Oscar hello." Charlotte said getting him. "This is my best friend Becky and her daughter Gracie."
"Hello." He said.
"Oscar is is able to print things like faces or names on anything you can imagine." Charlotte said. "So I was thinking maybe we could put Gracie's face on a coin like a good luck charm."
"Wow." Gracie said.
"Is that special?" Becky asked.
Gracie nodded and Oscar sat her in a chair and took her picture. He then used his computer and machine to make a silver coin with Gracie's image on one side and her name and birthdate on the other.
"Wow." Gracie said seeing it.
"Your Daddy is going to love it." Becky said paying.
Oscar placed the coin in a box and Becky stuck it in her purse.
"One special Daddy present done." Becky said.
"What next?" Gracie asked.
"How about we do mani and pedies." Charlotte said.
"What that?" Gracie asked.
"She means get our finger and toe nails painted." Becky said. "You wanna?"
"Okay." Gracie said.
They found the nail place they used when WWE was in town and they had openings for them
"Look." Gracie said pointing at the designs.
"Very pretty." Becky said. "Do you see one you like?"
"Hmm." Gracie said looking at the pictures. "This one."
She was pointing to one that was purple with paw prints.
"Very nice." The nail artist said.
"Go for it." Becky said and Gracie held still while they did her hands and then her toes which tickled a bit.

"Daddy." Gracie said.
"Hey there." Seth said. "How was your day?"
"Good." She said. "Look paw prints like Frank."
"Wow cool." Seth said. "Did you have fun with mommy and Charlotte dress shopping?"
"Yeah." She said.
"You looked very pretty in your dresses." Seth said.
"Thank you." Gracie said yawning.
"Is it story time?" Seth asked.
Gracie nodded and climbed into bed while Becky moved the iPad over. Seth read her her story and she feel asleep like normal.
"She's out." Becky said moving the iPad into the living room area.
"How was your day babe?" Seth asked.
"Long but fun." Becky said. "I miss you."
"Me too." Seth said.
There was a knocking at the door.
"I think Char might be back, give me a minute." Becky said opening the door and smiling seeing him standing there.
"How?" She asked.
"I was hiding in Charlotte's room while I read." Seth said. "I couldn't stand being away any longer."
Becky let him in and quickly kissed him. After plugging everything in she took him to bed and they made love until falling asleep.

(Below are wedding dress and flower girl dress.)


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