Bumps in the road

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Today Lucy puts me in a short light blue day dress. As I look in the mirror I smile, the dress has one sleeve and is nice and breezy for the hot summers day. I sit on the chair, to allow Lucy to finish up my ponytail. 

"Emily do you know where your tiara is I can't seem to find it anywhere?" Anne calls from the wardrobe. Ugh I must have left it in Cayden's room last night. 

"Umm yes I'll go get it on the way to breakfast" I call back. 

"Are you sure? I could go get it now" she offers already heading to my door.

"No Anne it's my fault I left it anyways don't worry" I smile and thank Lucy before making my way to Cayden's room. As I make it to the top of the staircase I see Derik.

"Good morning Emily" he smiles.

"Good morning Derik" I smile back. 

"If your looking for the prince he's occupied at the moment" he quickly adds as I'm about to walk past him. 

"That's alright I just left something" I assure him. By now the guard had noticed my reassuring appearance on the third floor. 

"Right now really isn't a good time" he insists. 

"I really will be quick I promise" I give him my puppy dog eyes. "I'm starving and can't go to breakfast without a stupid tiara" I huff. He gives me a worried look but I just keep on my path. Ugh all for a tiara, it's not like I'm going to interrupt one of his meetings. Once I open up his door I understand Deriks worry. It wasn't for the prince but for me. I'm stuck to my spot as I see Cayden and Elise in a tight embrace. I can't seem to move no matter how much my mind is screaming at me to run. Just an hour ago I was sin Hayden's embrace, in the bed they stand meer feet away from. I start to feel sick. As I finally get control of my body back I quickly step back. Too quickly. I end up stepping on Derik's foot and the incident brings the two lovers attention towards us. Shoot. I just want to get out of here. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" I manage to mumble out before turning and practically sprinting away. 

"Emily its-" I hear Elise call.

"Emily stop let me-" Cayden shouts, but I'm down the stairs and in the dinning hall before they can finish. 

"Emily where's your tiara" Alice questions from across the table as I take my seat. 

"Oh, um my maids are polishing it" I make up an excuse and take a portion of fruit. Moments later Elise and Cayden enter the hall. I don't dare look up knowing my heart will shatter seeing them together. A small part of my brain is telling me I should be happy for Elise, she's my best friend after all. But a much larger part is broken. 

"Emily" Elise whispers as she sits down. 

"I'm sorry I disturbed you, I'm really happy for you" I attempt a smile as I swear a grape with my fork. 

"For once listen" she huffs, a little too loud making every one look at her. She gives everyone a polite smile, waiting for conversations to start up again. "Nothing was happening" I scoff and she hits my leg under the table. "Just listen, my maids told me Cayden wanted to talk to me so I went to meet him. All he did was talk about how much he loves you. He told me your engaged, engaged. How could you not tell me. My best friend is going to be queen!" she squeals. "He wanted to let me know so that I didn't have any false hope. He's a really good guy and he clearly loves you. I simply told him I suspected for a long time that it would be you and that I truly didn't aha those sort of feelings towards him. I hugged him because I was so happy for you, for him, for the both of you" she smiles nudging me with her elbow. My face heats up at the realisation. "Now as your best friend I command you to stop second guessing everything. I mean look at him he's been staring at you the whole time" she laughs. I turn to see Cayden staring at me. He looks so worried. I give him a smile and it seems like he can finally breath. 

God I love you Cayden.

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