Mending Each Other

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"Emily" I hear the, oh so familiar, husky voice call me. "Emily please you can't leave me".

With all the strength I have I force my eyes to open and take in the sight around me. A dimly lit room, as small as a cupboard. Adorned with a simple bench, a rusty sink, and shelves of towels, pillows and blankets.

"Emily, thank god!", and I'm suddenly being crushed by two comforting arms. Enjoying the feel of the only person I need right now, my breathing eventually stills due to the overwhelming strength enveloping me.

"I-I can't..breath" I choke out causing the warmth to leave as Cayden backs away. From the distance now provided between us I can finally take in the stunning man in front of me; his chilled jaw, soft hair and piercing eyes. Then that's when I notice it, a small gash along his right cheekbone. Upon instinct I run my thumb over the red welt of skin, making Cayden slightly flinch and the action. I can tell he's trying to act as though it doesn't hurt.

"Are you ok?", I scoot closer to Cayden on the bench we are sat on intending to examen his cut. Why isn't he in the royal safe room? How on earth did I get here? Where is here? I am soon cut off from the constant fire of internal questions by cadets voice.

"Am I ok? How can you even be worried about me when u were the one passed out in the gardens and nearly shot again. Not to mention how much of an absolute idiot I've been these past days. Emily, I'm so-". To be honest, I'm fed up of our constant arguing and conflict, I want our relationship to go back to the days where I didn't have to always think of a good comeback or be jealous of the other girls. I want it to be just Cayden and I, even if only for a moment.

That's why I interrupt his overflow of apologies and smash my lips onto his. I've missed this. Moving my hands up his hard chest, I lace my fingers within his soft hair on his neck. Cayden pulls me impossibly closer by looping his arms around my waist so that our chests are now touching. I can feel every uneven breath we take, as he deepens the kiss. The softness of his teeth as they nibble on my lower lip causing a moan to unconsciously leave my mouth. In response, he pulls me onto his lap so that I'm straddling him and squeezes my thighs making me sigh in content. Taking advantage of this opportunity his tongue meets mine and unable to control myself anymore I pull on his hair having him grunt in reply. Suddenly I feel his excitement against my thigh, against better judgment I start to move my hips in a slow circular motion.

As I begin to run out of breath, I pull away. Cayden's hands grip my waist and continue my previous movements as he leaves open mouth kisses on the side of my neck.

"Mmm," I moan out as I rub myself into him and tilt my head, allowing him more access.

"Emily" kiss. "Mmm" kiss. "I just" kiss. "Can't" kiss. "lose you". After a moment of indulging in the pure bliss, the next words just rush out of my flustered mouth.

"I love you". Simple and sweet, the truest thing I've ever said.

Cayden slowly lifts his head from the crook of my neck. "What?", he all but whispers.

"I love you Cayden. I love you so much I don't care about your title or all the attachments you come with, all I know is I can't lose you either and I am deeply and hopelessly in love with you". I can see the slight shine in his eyes as they fill with tears.

"I love you, Emily. I always have, since I first set eyes on you, well I didn't really 'set eyes on you'  you walked into me. But I knew from that second you were different and I had to make you mine somehow". And without even thinking we both lean in and share another kiss, but this time it's softer and less rushed. Showing him how true our declarations of love are. "Marry me" Cayden's voice shocks me as we finally pull away.

"What?" I sit awkwardly on his lap as my mind try's to contemplate what he just said. Did he really just ask me to marry him? But he couldn't have, there are still other girls left and we are only at the Elite. He's supposed to choose when there's two left. Not now!

"All I've wanted to ever hear is that you love me, and now that you do and you said you're no longer worried about my title, I don't have to wait in fear of putting too much pressure on you. Emily the only reason I was talking to the other girls and taking them on dates is that I needed a second choice, a backup incase you didn't choose me. So Emily Faye, Will you marry me and become my wife and queen?".

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