The Lessons I've Learnt

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For the rest of the week my schedule stayed much the same; going to breakfast (noticing Cayden was nowhere to be seen), going to Julie's lessons (mostly aimed at the upcoming interview), having a cold shower (as the weather persisted), wonder about the castle for a couple hours then go to dinner, where Cayden is yet again absent. 

Today was a different story though.

In the time I have spent at the palace I have learned a fair few things. Yes, I've learned good posture and manners, but I've also learned a plethora of other things along the way. 

1. The importance of friendship.

After breakfast and our daily dose of Julia Elise, Amber, and I decided to go for a swim.

"I love this weather it reminds me of home," Elise said and we walked towards the pool area.

"I was wondering how you weren't suffering when I have to take 10 showers a day just to keep myself from fainting", I laughed.

"Yeah, it's like this most of the year in Carolina, when it's especially hot my cousins and I would go to the beach and swim all day. They make the best smoothies at the beach café".

"I'll have to test these smoothies myself, as I'm known as the best smoothie maker in Joules" Amber puffs out her chest with pride. It seems like this is the funniest thing ever when Elise starts to laugh the most horrendous cackle I've ever heard.

"that's your laugh", I manage to fit between gasps as I can't stop laughing.

It seems Amber is in the same state as I'm in as she struggles to say "that is the worst laugh I've ever heard!"

"You, miss I snore like a pig, are going to tell me that my laugh is bad", Elise retaliates.

"It's not just bad it's criminal, and I do not snore!".

"there's no use lying, I can hear you through the wall" Elise laughs. "Ask Emily, I bet she can hear u all the way from her room", oh great now I'm being dragged into this. they both turn and wait for my answer. 

"well, there is a noise-"

"told you!".

"I can't believe this!"

"Come let's just get into the pool, I'm boiling". Within a second I'm submerged in glorious cool water. As I come up for air I see the girls looking at me and laughing. "Hey!". They both look at each other and jump in. 

2. The meaning of family.

Today was the one day where Maddie had no lessons, so after my usual lesson in the women's room, Maddie decided she wanted to have a picnic in the gardens and feed the ducks. And that's how we are now making cupcakes with the queen. I know an absolutely crazy sentence, but she saw us in here and offered to help. 

"Did you know these are actually Cayden's favorite treat?" The queen comments as she Adds the cream cheese frosting on top of the cupcake she's holding.

"Oh, really?", I comment as I help clean frosting from Maddie's face, somehow she's managed to get more on her face than on the cupcake.

"I used to make them every Sunday for him" she laughs as she moves onto her sixth cupcake. "He always tried to help, but he'd always end up making more of a mess than anything", she laughs. "A bit like Maddie". I smile at that.

We start to pack the cupcakes and a few sandwiches into the hamper. "You're managing really well Emily, with Maddie I mean" she smiles. 

"Thank you". 

"And I'm here if you ever need anything".

3. The importance of helping others.

I've been walking through the corridors aimlessly for hours now, and honestly, I'm starting to get a bit bored. There are so many things to do here, but I don't seem to have any sort of motivation today. All of a sudden I'm sprawled out on the floor. I should really watch where I'm going.

"Oh! I'm so sorry miss ", I look up and see a maid picking up dropped linen. 

"Don't worry, it was entirely my fault anyway". I start to help fold up the bed sheet and pick up a  few pillowcases.

"You really don't have to help Lady Emily".

"Nonsense, I was the one that walked in to you so it's only right that I help".

"Thank you", she mutters as I follow her down a few corridors. After a few minutes, we come to a small door in one of the darkly lit corners and start descending stairs. 

"So, what's your name?", I ask trying to start up some conversation. 

"I'm Morgan". 

"How long have you worked at the palace?".

"All my life really, I mean I was born here as was taught how to cook and clean from a young age. They really take care of me". We reach the end and open up another door, walking through a corridor lined with numbered doors. We make a right and enter the laundry room. 

"I'm glad you enjoy it here", I comment as we work on filling the machines with the dirty linen. Once we're done I turn to her, "anything else I can help with?".

"You really don't have to my lady", she drops into a deep curtsy, as if finally remembering who I am. 

"No please I'm so bored, it'll give me something to do. Oh, and please call me Emily. I hate all that 'my lady' stuff", I laugh and see a small smile on Morgan's face. 

"Okay, 'Emily' follow me". 

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