Morning Walks

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The sunlight blinds me as I trace Cayden's features. Along his jaw, down his nose, across his cheek. As I trace down his neck, his eyes flutter open and he takes my hand kissing the palm. 

"Good morning" he murmurs into my hand. His morning voice rumbles low and causes a heat to rise with in me. 

"Good morning" I smile up at him. "What are your plans for today?",  I wonder if I will see Cayden at all today.

"I have a few meetings in the afternoon, but I'm all yours this morning" he smiles, placing my hair behind my ear. 

"Is that so?" I giggle as he traces down my arm, causing tickles to erupt. 

"What would you like to do my lady" Cayden asks in a low voice. 

"Hmm.. lay in bed for a little longer,  then go for a walk" I smile at the plan forming. 

"Sounds perfect" Cayden smiles and grants me a soft kiss. We lay in each others embrace until a servant comes with our breakfast. Enjoying our breakfast in bed, Cayden takes the empty plates and puts them on his desk. The handsome prince took the bathroom first as I look for something to wear. Finding the perfect dress, I get dressed and walk into Cayden's room. Quickly finishing my mourning routine in the bathroom,  we make our way towards the gardens. 

"How's Maddie doing with her studies" Cayden asks as we weave through the rose bushes. 

"The tutor says she's doing surprisingly well considering her lack of previous education" I smile, leaning in to smell a rose. 

"I'm glad, she seems to like it here", we continue along our path enjoying the morning  sunshine. 

"She's still trying to process everything, but Avery's been a big help" I walk over to the fish pond. 

"Yes, I've seen them running down the halls multiple times. Avery's happy to have a friend here age around here" Cayden sits down on a marble bench nearby.  "I got her some more paints" he adds. I turn towards him raising my eyebrow. "For Maddie" he clarifies, "She's quite the talented artist" he gestures to the fish. 

"I'm sure she'll love them" I laugh remembering our painting session. The maids had to get rid of Maddie's dress after three days trying to get the paint out. I turn back to the pond. I hear Cayden's footsteps approaching from behind. His strong arms wrap around my waist and I lean into his hard chest. 

"I want to end the selection" he whispers in my ear. My breath hitches. "I don't want to pretend to be interested in those other girls, or go on pointless dates when I could be spending that time with you. My love, my wife, my queen. I'm ready to have a family with you. I long to see you sleeping in my bed with your stomach large with our child inside. I'm ready, I've always been ready" he turns me around to look into his deep blue eyes. "Are you ready?". 

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