Hidden Secrets

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Cayden POV

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Cayden POV

Watching Emily relaxed for the first time since the beginning of the selection is an odd feeling. How free she looks joking and laughing with Elise reminds me of how much this competition will end up changing whoever ends up being forced into the royal title that I was so conveniently born into. I don't want to force her into an impossible decision or a life she doesn't want.

I have to keep this from Emily because I don't know how she'll react. I can't loose her if she finds out too soon, I just have to wait. I've been thinking about this ever since the halloween ball, but how am I going to tell Emily? Every time I even think about breeching the subject my palms start to sweat and my heart rate raises to one hundred miles a minute. It seems I can't even look her in the eye anymore. Ugh, I really am pathetic. I owe it to her, she needs to know the truth.

But just not yet.

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