Chapter 24

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Few Months Later

Ash Point of View

It has been a couple of months since I have been on tour with the boys and let me say it has been a whirlwind of a ride. But now the time is up as they are heading off to their US shows and Lauren and I are heading back home to do our exams.

We packed our bags and rode all the way to the airport, we check in and went and waited for a plane to be boarded. Luke and I talked about what is going to happen and what my plans are, I am just going to stay in the apartment and bus to school.

Flight 8524 to Sydney Australia 

We heard being called over the loud speaker, we said our final good bye to the boys and see you soon when they come and do the Australian part of the tour. Lauren and I walked to where the plane was boarding and turned to wave at our brothers.

We found our seats and they happen to be in business class on our brother request so we settled down and waited for the plane to take off. The food seemed like it was a lot better than we would have in economy.

24 hours later

The flight home was nice and peaceful, I could get used to this but I don’t think I will be flying anywhere soon. When the plane landed we waited for the seat belt sign to go off. Once it went off we got up from our seats and went to baggage claim.

We got our suitcases and made our way to the place where they check our bags, once that was done Lauren mum came and picked her up and offered to drop me home but I declined. Once I hailed a taxi I told him where the apartment is.

Once I made it back to the apartment I opened it up and a little puppy came running up to me with a little note around its collar.

Dear Ash,

Luke here well actually I am not here I am flying to the US but I am guessing that you are safe cause you are reading this letter. And don’t worry this puppy has been with Ben for a while so she has not been left alone. I thought you might like some company while I am away. Good luck for you exam and see you in a few weeks.

Love Lukey

I looked down at the dog and it was a little chocolate miniature poodle with big brown eyes just staring up at me. I picked it up and went and sat down on the floor just giving it some love, but it still did not have a name.

I ran through my head lots of names for a girl. Tilly, Abby, and Chloe and so on I finally came to a conclusion Jasey. Naming her after my favourite song Jasey Rae by All Time Low. I went into my room and started unpacking.

Once I finished unpacking I knew that we would not have any food in the place so I took Jasey for a walk to the local supermarket to get a few ingredients to make a meal. All I know that the next few days I will be studying my brain off.

It was starting to hit 6pm when I got back and I knew that I needed to get some food in my system, I gave Jasey her dinner and cooked so pasta. I went and sat down at the dining room table just eating my pasta.

Once I finished my meal I went and washed it up and changed into some PJ so I was ready for bed. Once I got into bed I just check my messages and turned the lights off.

The next morning I woke up feeling jet lagged I hate the feeling, but I knew that I had to get back into the system this time is important. I made some nice breakfast and gave Jasey a little snack.  I got out my laptop and notes and started studying.

Hours later after going through all my notes and doing what I need to do to be able to pass this exam I finally put my pen down and took Jasey for a walk to let me cool my brain off. I walked around for a while a few fans came up and took a few photos with Jasey and I.

Luke asked how I was going and we texted for a while until he had to go off and do a few things with the boys. I just walked around Sydney went to Hyde Park and let Jasey run around and stretch her little legs.

I then met up with Lauren and we just talked about what has been happening in the past 24 hours and what it’s like in the new place. It actually feels cold without Luke being here. I always feel like I can hear him talking.

A little while later I went back the apartment and did some studying, had dinner, shower and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up feeling a little better did what I normally would do in the morning, then I decided that I would pay my brothers a visit, so I went down to the bus stop and hopped on a bus heading to Riverstone.

The trip took about an hour so get to Riverstone, I guess Luke and I never took into account that we were going to be living a while away from everybody. But Luke he can learn to drive but he is always too busy, I can learn but I never have gotten the chance to yet.

So once I got the front door of Ben’s house I knocked on the wooden door and waited for him to answer it. There was no answer so I kept knocking until I heard someone walking towards the door. When it opened it was an a couple bit not Ben.

I asked if Ben was there and they said that there was no one called Ben, do I have the right address so I moved onto Jack’s place which was only a few blocks away so it didn’t take be that long to get there.

 I knocked again and someone answered but it was not who I was looking for, where have they gone and my grandparents they live in Sydney. So I decided that I would go to Norwest to see if I can get my exam time table.

So I caught the familiar bus route to Norwest and everyone was still in school it was just about to hit the end of the day so I better be quick so I could not be seen. I said hi to the lady and she asked for my name and everything and I asked how tour was.

I got my timetable and made my way back to Sydney.


Hey guys,

Here is the next chapter sorry it’s such a huge jump but I am hoping to finish this book of soon, but anyway I don’t know when I will be updating because I am going away on Boxing Day (26th December) the next time I will be updating is in the new year, so till then have a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate it and a happy new year and all the best for 2015.

Happy Reading








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